Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Yemen escalation between Houthis and government

Immer wieder hört man, dass sich die unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen im Islam gegenseitig jagen, verprügeln, vergewaltigen und ermorden. Nein, wir wollen dies nicht bewerten - wie kämen because we do - we want to publish a report on the subject.

is in the northern Yemeni province has come to renewed tensions between supporters of the Shiite Houthi movement and the government. This report, the Yemeni newspaper "Yemen Observer". The government cast the Houthis, against which the army was always used before, they already touched the drums of war for the next armed conflict.

The end of the bloody clashes between Houthi supporters and government troops in a Qatari-mediated agreement negotiated by both sides in 2007 is unterschrieben.Zudem Since July 2008, announced by President Ali Abdullah Saleh ceasefire which ended the four-year armed conflict. Now throw the each other of breach of contract, also accuses the government of the Houthis, hurt by banditry and sabotage the ceasefire. In addition, the government declared that it had Houthis trenches, fences to build. The representative of Houthis Saleh Al Habra stated its intention to defend in the event of an attack, according to the paper.

reason for the renewed clashes, two violent incidents in the Houthi area. In the past week there a government loyal clan chief and his son had been killed, zudem seien Staßenarbeiter angegriffen worden. Die Regierung macht Anhänger der Houthi-Bewegung dafür verantwortlich.

Quelle: nah-ost. info


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