Monday, November 24, 2008

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Geschädigte des Alesy-Shop

To all victims of Alesy-shop

result of numerous allegations, which to me is as manager of the Countess of polishing Real Estate GmbH fraudulent trading assumed, I would like to quote on this site this a short statement:

First, I share with you since mid-October 2008 that I no longer am company executive, but a certain Jens K. The Shareholder has dismissed me any reason as managing director.

the rest, the thing has happened as follows, in my previous note:

The buyer of the company and the owner of Buy 24 Limited have I asked if I want to be paid director of the Countess of polishing Real Estate GmbH to manage the affairs of society. I agree.

on 19/09/2008 I was appointed manager by shareholders. The Company entered into with the Buy24 Limited signed a cooperation agreement. The plan was that the sales of the Countess of polishing Real Estate GmbH is processed and the goods are delivered by the Buy24 Limited. In early October 2008, the website Alesy online.

undertaken after the receipt of client money, I can confirm that a lawyer from the Buy24 Limited that the goods immediately, so no later than three days after payment are delivered. Upon receipt of payment I have asked the Buy24 Limited with the delivery. This provided me with their performance into account, the money I had then instructed accordingly. Because of my business operations has been previously confirmed by a lawyer, I had no concerns here first (A corresponding letter of confirmation attached).

After the first customer for some time later, about 10 days after the first payment receipts complained that they have not received any product I have requested from the appropriate Buy24 Limited evidence of delivery. Further payments I have asked no more then.

Shortly thereafter, on 15.10.2008, I was as Managing Director dismissed without notice by the shareholder of reasons. The new managing director Jens K was then - as I later came to the attention of - a new account with the bank opened, where the money has been paid then.

I myself have in the meantime a complaint against the Buy24 Limited and its directors will press charges.

I would like to clarify herewith that I have planned at any time to deliver the goods and to cheat you out of their money. I've become a victim of the machinations of Buy24 Limited. I came to the attention that the managing director of Buy24 Limited sits already in custody. I regret deeply that you present here geschädigt worden sind und kann Ihren Ärger verstehen.

Denn möchte ich Sie bitten, vorerst von weiteren Anfragen abzusehen. Strafanzeige gegen mich wurde bereits gestellt. Ich selbst lasse mich in dieser Angelegenheit anwaltlich beraten.

Sobald ich etwas Neues erfahren sollte, insbesondere auch über den Verbleib des Geldes, werde ich dies auf dieser Internetseite unverzüglich mitteilen.

Björn Haupt

Fax an Gräfin Polier Estate GmbH / Alesy-Shop

Saturday, April 5, 2008

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General Assembly 1st

Am 5. April 2008 findet die 2. ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung statt.

Monday, February 4, 2008

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Synopsis 4th Current

Danton and his supporters are sentenced to death. Danton's wife, Julie, then commits suicide in her house because she has promised Danton bond over death. Following the death sentence and his friend Camille Danton philosophize about life and death. The execution
lives with a great looking funny crowd. to be executed as Camille calls his wife "Long live the King!" with which she speaks her own death warrant. At the end of Danton and his men were executed.

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is crucial for the understanding of drama and the acting political conflicts occurring groups know it is important to dass der historische Hintergrund des Dramas die Französische Revolution ist.
Der Handlungzeitraum beträgt jedoch nur eine kurze Zeitspanne vom 24März bis zum 5. april 1794.

Im Verlauf der Französischen Revolution verfeindeten sich die politischen Fraktionen immer mehr. Die Girondisten, auch „Tal“ genannt, waren mit einer Kooperation des Königs einverstanden und hielten die Mehrheit in der Nationalversammlung. Die Jakobiner, auch „Berg“ genannt, forderten die Einführung der Republik. Führer der Jakobiner waren unter anderem Robespierre, Marat und Danton.

Obwohl die girondistischen Abgeordneten in der Überzahl waren, konnten sie sich nicht gegen die Jakobiner und die öffentliche Meinung durchsetzen. Sie konnten weder die Verhaftung des Königs noch den Einsatz eines „provisorischen Vollzugsrats“ (zur Entmachtung der Versammlung) verhindern. Außerdem konnten sie die Septembermorde (wobei tausend politische Gefangene ums Leben kamen) die von Marat angetrieben wurden und von Danton als Justizminister gedultet wurden nicht aufhalten.

Nachdem Ludwig XVI am 21. Januar 1793 auf veranlassung des Nationalkonvents hingerichtet wurde, richtete man den Wohlfahrtsausschuss am 6. April auf Antrag Datons ein. Der Wohlfahrtsausschuss übte nun die Exekutivgewalt im Staat aus. Am 10. März 1793 wurde ein Revolutionstribunal eingerichtet. Dieses übernahm die Gerichtsbarkeit insbesondere im Hinblick auf die „politischen Vergehen“ der Beschuldigten. Die einzigen Urteilsmöglichkeiten waren Freispruch oder Tod.

Im Juli 1793 wurde der Jakobiner Marat ermordet und im selben Monat wurde Danton aus dem Wohlfahrtsausschuss abberufen. Robespierre hingegen wurde in den Ausschuss gewählt. Unter dem Nationalkonvent und dem Wohlfahrtsausschuss kam es zu einer „Schreckensherrschaft“. (Weitere Hinrichtungen unter anderem von Girondisten aber auch der ehemaligen Königen Marie Antoinette dauerten an)

Robespierre ließ Hébert und seine Anhänger im März 1794 verhaften und hinrichten.

An dieser Stelle setzt nun die Handlung von Büchners Drama ein.
Die Girondisten und Hebertisten sind beseitigt und die Dantonisten stehen nun Robespierre im weg, denn sie wollen ein Ende der Schreckensherrschaft.
Trotz einer Unterredung Dantons und Robespierres am 19. März 1794 konnten die Konfrontationen der beiden Gruppierungen (der Jakobiner) nich beseitigt werden und Robespierre ließ Danton und seine Vertrauten (Desmoulins, Lacroix, Philippeau und andere) mit Einverständnis des Konvents in der Nacht vom 30. auf den 31. März verhaften und vor das Revolutionstribunal bringen. Am 5. April they were all executed.

*** "The most striking deviations from the actual historical circumstances concerning the figures of the Julie (in the play Danton's wife) and Lucille (Camille Desmoulins' wife), whose fate Büchner for the sake of drama, especially in the case of Julie, radical rewrites. The real wife Danton (Sebastienne-Louise Gely) did not commit suicide but survived her husband for decades (and Georg Büchner himself ) and in 1797 married again. "

Source: presented

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Synopsis third Synopsis second act

Danton As the revolutionary tribunal in the tribunal, there is a shared sentiment, but Danton succeeded by strong rhetorical speeches, the Tribunal and to drag the people attend to his side. Then shoot the chairman of the tribunal, the jury to occupied only by men loyal line. Since there but the listener Danton people succeed on its side, the meeting was canceled. Then advise the committee of how the process should continue. With the denunciation of a prisoner succeeds Danton in connection with a plot bring to allowing for faster implementation of the process. The fate of Danton and his followers is sealed.

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Although he ask his allies to leave refuses to Danton, France. The resignation acting Danton is sure that the National Convention will not trust it on the basis of his popularity to take action against him.
Danton plague remorse due to the upcoming September murders with which he entrusted to his wife Julie. Julie manages to Danton, at least superficially to be convinced of the necessity.
same plans already Robespierre Danton's arrest, which the National Convention after inflaming Speech by Saint-Just, Robespierre's right-hand side, then approve it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

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first act of Contents Current

The first act of the play Danton's Death, the two rivals Danton and Robespierre, and their differing views before the Revolution. While Danton, who is represented as a nouveau riche man about town, calling for the end of the Terror and a liberal state. However, it is clear that these demands are unrealistic. In one scene, a man complains that his daughter be a prostitute because he is so poor. Here a contrast is clearly significantly between the extravagant life of pleasure and Dantonists poverty and hunger of the people. Robespierre, by the people, the leg Mimic "the virtuous" Has he even virtuous lives and in contrast to Danton him the condition of the people is clear. For him, the only way the poverty of the people is to fight the establishment of a virtuous government and elected more. From the beginning, a conflict between the Dantonists and Robespierreisten seems inevitable. Already in the first act, it linked Robespierre at the National Convention to achieve even a worsening of the Terror. Thus Robespierre is already in the first act as winner of the power struggle. The Dantonists now fear for their safety, after which Danton can be persuaded to meet with Robespierre. After this conversation, which ends with no result, decides Robespierre Danton's Death, he believes make further sacrifices for the revolution to have.

Source: Here

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characterization: Danton - a,, dead saint "

In the speech before the Revolutionary Tribunal (III, 4) provides, Danton confident his services out to the Republic.
He calls the 10th August 1792 and 21 Januar 1793rd Erts
The date refers to the formation of the council, with which he stormed the Tuileries.
Subsequently he was Minister of Justice. The second date refers to the execution of Louis XVI. In a special way is his name with the events of 02 - 06 September 1792 attached. In this
Time was - killed well over a thousand nobles, clergy and royalists in their prisons - with his acquiescence.

as "Man of the September" (I, 5) it is not only his friend Lacroix.
The regard which the revolutionary Danton, is clearly in a remark Robespierre:
"They will say, his gigantic figure would have thrown too much shadow on me [...]." (I, 6)
This is the background before the course is that Danton, exclaiming, "My Name! The people! "(I, 5) responds to the first signs of a threat. This was repeated several times "you will not venture it" (II, 1, II, 4) also refers to the way it assesses public opinion on his person: As hero of the Revolution imagines he is safe.

Just the memory of the September murders but also illustrate the conscience of man Danton, who can not avoid the question of guilt and responsibility (II, 5).
his own meaning of qualification, it is therefore against the tribunal set of his action. "I'm not proud of it" (III, 4)
And already in discussion with Lacoix he understands less than
active for as Reactive:
" We do not have the revolution but the revolution has made us. "(II, 1) While it is
here act mainly on the question of responsibility for society, but one can also understand this statement so that the experience of the revolution have left their mark in the revolutionaries.
From such experiences, is to also understand the following dialogue with Camille:

Danton: Who then is to put all the beautiful things in the works?

Camille: We and the honest people.

Danton: The "and" in between is a long word, it keeps us one little apart [...].
the honest people can borrow money, you can gossip with them are
and his daughters marry her, but that's all!
(I, 1)

is even more pronounced its verdict against Lacroi x: "The people are like a child who break it should do everything to see what's in it." (I, 5 )
The position enstpricht a of man that denies the possibility of real communication between individuals.
The senses of people appear
him rough and limited. The reliable knowledge of the opposite erstreckt sich nur auf dessen sichtbaren Äußerlichkeiten.
Danton misstraut sowohl den Sinnen als auch der Sprache als Kommunikationsmittel, denn alle diese vermittelnden Instanzen - die „groben Sinne“ - müsste man überspringen, wollte man ein gegenseitiges Verstehen gewährleisten: „Einander kennen? Wir müsssten uns die Schädeldecken aufbrechen und die Gedanken einander aus den Hirnfasern zerren.“ (I, 1)
In der Unfähigkeit, zum anderen vorzudringen, sieht Danton ein Wesensmerkmal des Menschen:

Wir sind Dickhäuter, wir strecken die Hände nacheinander aus, aber es ist vergebliche Mühe, wir reiben nur das grobe Leder aneinander ab - wir sind sehr einsam. (I, 1)

Unter diesen Umständen wir revolutionäres handeln sinnlos, da es ein gemeinsames Verständnis von zu erreichenden menschlichen Zuständen - mithin
vom Menschen - voraussetzt.

Ich habe es satt; wozu sollen wir Menschen miteinander kämpfen? Wir sollten uns nebeneinander setzen und ruhe haben. (II, 1)

Hier klingt Dantons Epikureertum an, nach dem die Ruhe, als Ruhe der Seele, das ziel eines glücklichen Lebens ist.
Aus dem Mann des September wird so ein Gemäßigter, who says of himself: "I'm not lazy, but tired [...]." (II 3), the victim rather than to act himself:" I would rather be guillotined, as a guillotine can be [.. .] "(II, 1).

The figure of Danton fits but now apparently in a single image.
If the rich diversity of this figure in the last two acts clearly, so show up in the first two acts, which are based on the previous analysis, already inconsistencies . This explains his wife Julie Danton seriously his love for her (I, 1) and in the fifth scene of Act II shows how much he their counsel need.
same time, he maintains a close to Grisette Marion (I, 5).
His Epikureertum can be used as "vicious" mean (I, 5), his life - that is already showing the first scene - rather similar to that of the nobles and unchallenged remains Lacroix 'Note:

They call us thieves and (bowing to the ears of Danton) it is between you and me, halfway some truth in it. (I, 5)

The privileges for its abolition, he fought once enjoyed, the tired revolutionary
themselves to accept that the different roles assumed Danton seems likely. The role of the tired revolutionary allowed at least one thing:
the fearless approach to the impending danger:

[...] life is not worth the work, you suffer to get it. (I, 2)

I will know how to die with courage, this is easier than to live. (II, 3)
be accepted Lacroix's statement:

[...] you called me a dead saint. You were more right than you yourself believed.
(II, 1)

(Source: Interpretation Guide German: Georg Büchner - Danton's Death;
Performed by Jörg Barke, STARK, ISBN 3-89449-497-2)

Friday, January 25, 2008

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The author

Name: Karl Georg Büchner
Born: 17 October 1813 in Goddelau
Died: 19 February 1837 in Zurich

German revolutionary, philosopher, naturalist, playwright and storyteller

Parents: Ernst Büchner (doctor)
Louise-Caroline Buechner

Family: George Karl was the first of 6 children, of which it all but
his sister, Mathilde, managed to a certain level of awareness
have, for example, politicians, philosophers.

school career:
- Gymn. Education
- Studies in Strasbourg (medicine)
- Studies in Giessen
- 1836 Lecturer at the University of Zurich

- "The Hessian Courier" (1834)
- "Danton's Death" (1835)
- " Lenz (1835)
- "Leonce and Lena" (1836)
- "Woyzeck" (1837)

Büchner fled to Strasbourg in 1835, when he was in Germany for "participation in acts of state treason 'arrest warrant.

Georg Büchner, the namesake of the most important German literary prize (since 1973).


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structure of the drama

Klaus Dautel has drawn on its website a complete overview of the drama.

We want to point out, because this is a good help.

Danton's Death - An almost complete overview

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Quote No. 1 No. 2

"The death is mocking the birth, at death, we are so helpless and naked as newborn children." - Danton's Death, 4 Act, 3 Scene / Danton

Life is a cycle, because the end is like the beginning and the full contents of life for the death is not relevant. On the death of one is at the same point as at birth.

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"Revolution is like Saturn. They eat their own children" - Danton's Death, 1 Act, 5 Scene / Danton

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Quote Quote No. 3 No. 4

"No listen, People say in the grave was calm and grave and rest are one. If that's easy on I lie in your lap under the earth. You sweet grave, your lips are dead bells, your voice is my grave bells, thy breast my grave mound and your heart my coffin " - Danton's Death, Act 1, Scene 1 / Danton

the grave. (figuratively: death) is described positively, even most loved / longs.
It does not generate awe, but acts as a pleasant refuge.
The really sad things (death bells, grave mound) with positive implicated in (lips, voice, heart).
created a dichotomy and a kind of symbol in the "deck" situation.
Danton speaks to Julie and compares them with those same things.
The grave is not here to be negative, but the compliments to Julie with the description underlined the grave.

Thus, the reader is in a modified form already beginning to face death and continues throughout the book apart and goes back to the whole drama at the start of the first act.

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"You want bread, and they throw you out heads! Your thirst and make you lick the blood from the steps of the guillotine! "
Danton's Death, 3 Act, 9 Scene / Danton

the time of the "Terror" brought the revolution nothing positive for the people when it got to see instead of food only executions. Of these, the people could not eat.

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Quote Quote No Quote No 5

"The Divine Epicurus and Venus with the beautiful ass need to be instead of the saints and Marat Chalier the doormen of the Republic. " - Danton's Death, Act 1, Scene 1 / Camille

Greek philosophers to the" leading figures are collected and the Republic would be based on other values. Old ideas are considered and the time to be adjusted. philosophers and gods are regarded as highly regarded and the faith should serve as a guide. The ideals which have been handed down, will be implemented and the tyranny is through this be replaced.

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"The revolution must stop and start the republic must. In our state standards must the right to replace the obligation to take the well-being of virtue and self-defense to the penalty. Everyone must submit himself and assert his nature. He may now be formed, rational or irrational, or uneducated, good or evil, which goes to the state anything, " -. Danton's Death, Act 1, Scene 1 / Hérault

The rights and wishes are to be placed in the foreground and no longer values \u200b\u200bsuch as duty, virtue, and punishments.

the good of the individual is more important than the welfare state. Everyone should realize what he needs to be able to develop, even if the state is on.
It is not to the good of the state to, but auf die Menschen, die ihn bilden.

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6 Quote 7

"Ihr tötet u n s an dem Tage, an dem ihr den Verstand verloren habt; ihr werdet s i e an dem töten, wo ihr ihn wieder bekommt." - Dantons Tod, 4. Akt, 7. Szene / Lacroix

Der Verstand ist u.a. der Gerechtigkeits- und Realitätssinn des Menschen.
Der Verstand lässt einen alles klar erkennen und auch Lügen und Fassaden durchschauen.
Auch, wenn etwas "gut" und sinnvoll erscheint, muss es das noch lange nicht sein. Wenn man also seinen Verstand einsetzt, erkennt man auch die Dinge, die sich eher im Hintergrund halten.

Die Revolutionäre werden vom Volk für die Unterdrückung und Armut verantwortlich made, although the king is actually the source of all evil. The crowd is dazzled, overwhelmed and unhappy. Created the suffering will be deported to the revolutionaries and all the hate directed against them.

The ultimate goal is lost sight of and sought the path of least resistance, even if it should be of little meaningful.