Saturday, December 26, 2009

Notery Of Public Signaniture Block

Turkey Almanya Borce batağında

Resmi açıklamalara göre Almanya 2010 yılı için 86 milyar Euro borçlanacak. Maliye Bakanı Wolfgang Schäuble (Hıristiyan Demokrat Parti) tarafından açıklanan borç miktarının On Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949) despite a record level, government spokesmen "temporary phenomenon" which have reported. The Bank as the most important factor that triggered

showing declines in tax revenues. Only in the government budget for 2010 showed a new 86 billion euro bank rescue fund debt and be taken to combat the crisis is not included in the projected 14 billion euros. This is a "special debt" to take into account the addition of new borrowing for the year 2010 a total of 100 billion euros seems.

the Government's "temporary phenomenon" described as borrowing increases each year, and predicted the numbers are always "up to" 100 billion in 2010 corrected taken into account the increase in new borrowing would not be unrealistic to expect more.

repellent and stored in the accounts

the previous government's Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück (Social Democratic Party) in the last days of 2008 for the year 2009 the amount of new borrowing Açıklamışken 18.5 billion euros in 2009 as 37.5 billion of fresh debt had been forced to take.

federal government, states and municipalities, while the total arrears in 2008 and 1,613 billion euro in 2010 is expected to be 1,644 trillion euro. So that the public debt constitutes 63% of gross domestic product. The average per capita debt in the amount of 20 thousand Euros.

"demographic crisis the bank crisis, state-of-crisis" * Speaking at a conference titled Prof. Dr. Bernd Raffelhüschen what these accounts and retirement funds officer, nor the health-care systems, including payments made for the existing debt has been no attention to "optimistic" estimates "ce that even 5 trillion euros, and the" pessimistic predictions "out of control over when to express the total public debt 9 trillion euros. Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten

Giant Economies quagmire of debt the world's most indebted countries able

Friday, December 25, 2009

Scramble Town Florida

Faruk Şen: Europeans dominated by anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and xenophobia

gegenüber dem türkischen Privatsender tv8 (Thursday, 24.12.2009) said Prof. Dr. Faruk Şen on recent Islamophobic attacks in Europe. I

When asked what reasons the general Islamophobia in Europe, Faruk Şen pointed to the widespread economic, political and social crisis in a decade now demoralize the Europeans. With a total population of 500 million should the 17 million Muslims in the EU used as scapegoats.

be particularly Şen paradox described the response of Switzerland. Switzerland is harboring a seat of the UN in Geneva with over 8,000 employees among whom were many Muslims. Also, Switzerland is largely dependent banking relationships with foreign countries. Particularly Muslim countries would support considerably with their investments, the economy of Switzerland. Nevertheless, the Swiss felt by Muslims threatened or exploited.

Next Şen said a deep-rooted anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and xenophobic mentality of the Europeans. Even today, anti-Semitism was widespread, but could not comment due to Israeli pressure and the social taboo because of the persecution of Jews during World War II directly. As an object of contention would therefore serve present Islam and Muslims.

Under such a stigma der westeuropäischen Muslime schließt Şen eine Rückwanderung nicht aus und forderte eine entsprechende Politik der Türkei um gegebenfalls eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Rückwanderern wiedereinzugliedern.

Auf eine Frage bezüglich seiner Absetzung als Direktor des Zentrums für Türkeistudien bezeichnete Şen die Empörung um seine Person als Werk des "deutschen Tiefenstaates" (türk.: derin devlet). Der Begriff faßt in der Türkei eine Art "Schattenstaat" bzw. "Staat im Staate" zusammen. Şen mußte im Sommer 2008 seinen Posten als Direktor des Zentrums für Türkeistudien "auf öffentlichen Druck hin" aufgeben nachdem er die Türken als "neue Juden Europas" had known.

Şen currently working in the establishment of a German university in Turkey. Sen pointed to the importance of such a project in the face of much falls compounds Turkey with German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

report: German-Turkish news

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Smelling My Moms Friends Feet

minarets banned - West saved

"The suicidal dog pisses on the mosque wall." . (Turkish proverb)

"In" Tough but fair "is Wolfgang Bosbach what Guido Westerwelle formerly of" Christiansen was "a permanent resident subject matter which is precisely tuned, is secondary; Bosbach why is invited again and again, has other reasons. can sharpen the politician, pull out as needed cheat sheets with various figures, it can stir up fears and is an expert in matters Empörungskultur. "
this" fact sheet "published the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from 04.12 . .2008 Wolfgang Bosbach such a review should be but cold;. the apparently thinks he is a herald of the so-called dominant culture and savior of the West
Speaking of culture ... This guidance, a few years ago by a German-Arab ("Europe without Idendität ") in the" political science debate, introduced in concept, shone above all by the absence of content. No wonder if in the meantime, even the "wanted to leave herald the dominant culture" that "old Europe" towards the New World. Despite his Jacobin zeal for the so-called dominant culture felt the German-Arab by this same dominant culture somehow not taken fully satisfying. "The busy Damascus" (Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung, June 2, 2008) but then remained in his adopted homeland. And while the academically trained German-Arab after all some keywords, such as democracy, secularism, education, human rights and civil society under the slogan "Dominant culture" set, could had German political managers have probably noticed that German culture has long since been eliminated. The term was then quickly out of the "public debate" and away from the "elastic" term "integration" is replaced.
In what is in migrants, especially those of Muslim origin to integrate, gave such a "shining examples" such as Günther Beckstein repeatedly suggestions. Meanwhile, although there was a political career of Beckstein, not just honest and inspiring show for imitation, but in the end of the Christian Democratic Union, there is never a lack of integration crusaders.
One of them is Wolfgang Bosbach. This representative of the people has now risen even with language philosophers in terms of integration. How did a Bosbach "ticking" for example, explained here in brief:

cartoon: Wolfgang Bosbach of full integration and assimilation

Conductor Culture = fear culture

can with minarets, the liberal-democratic civil society can not save more secure. As there may be the politischen und propagandistischen Vertreter dieser Zivilisation noch so sehr an ihren pebiszitären Erfolgen aufgeilen; mit solchen karnevalesken lassen sich die grundlegenden Probleme der westlichen Welt bzw. die von westlichen "Werten" dominierten Welt nicht lösen. Ausfälle solcher Art deuten vielmehr einen entgültigen Ausfall an.
Wenn Roger Köppel von rechtspopulistischen und wirtschaftsliberalen "Weltwoche" (Schweiz) meint die Schweiz habe "ein demokratisches Urteil gefällt und es steht niemandem zu, das zu kritisieren", hat er - im Rahmen seines verkorksten Intellektualismus - sicher recht. Die zur Demagogie ausgeartete Demokratie ist eines der Hauptprobleme der modernen Welt. Das dies von ideologischen Fanatikern wie Köppel nicht erkannt wird, muß als "innere Logik" dieser Entwicklung betrachtet werden.
Mit welchen niederen Psychologismen diese Zeitgeister dabei vorgehen bzw. solche im "Volkskörper" zu aktivieren wissen, zeigt insbesondere der jüngste Schweizer Ausfall: "150 Moscheen gibt es in der Schweiz, nur vier Minarette haben sie zusammen. Zwei weitere waren geplant, die nun nicht mehr gebaut werden..." * Das sich "aufgeklärte Eliten" und "mündige Bürger" an solchen "Auswüchsen" ereifern können, sagt eher etwas über die geistige Umnachtung der liberal-demokratischen Civil society. The Swiss Köppel can look forward first; street survey was Köppel law. How to call in the gutter, it drowned out.
beat In this sense, then Bosbach & Co would simply go too. The Swiss vote is an expression "in this country a widespread fear of Islamization of society," said Bosbach. Weber and his party colleague also asked the same - oh wonder! - A "European identity debate." This will was searching unsuccessfully for a "European identity" has now more a decade seems these folks for no embarrassing questions to raise.
not think straight This is a strength of the populace, it becomes clear just these sham debates. One reason for this intellectual gridlock are repressed fears are mentioned.
"We are dealing with fears and anxieties, especially as there is ignorance, where, where uncertainty is where there are Untransparenz ..." said the architect Paul Böhm against Germany radio and said that as one of the few Europeans from something that most do not want to or can think again if Muslims as scapegoats a whole botched civilization must heralten.
The ethical, spiritual, cultural, political, economic and environmental disasters now characterize the identity of a civilization that simply no longer able to classify things correctly.
More Resources:
A minaret is one of a mosque (Germany radio interview with the North Rhine-Westphalia Integration Minister Armin Laschet)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sound Blaster X-fi Mb Aktivation

Verheugen: AB Türkiye'ye muhtaç

Investment and Industry Commissioner Guenter Verheugen, the EU indispensable believes that Turkey's EU accession. Verheugen in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, "We need the people being in need of Turkey, Turkey's us. Turkey's strategic perspective is the highest sense." he said. Verheugen, if you choose a way out of Turkey's commitment to society of the Western states "For us is very, very big risk, this risk should certainly not take the eye," he warned. However, for the first time

a majority Muslim country like Turkey, democracy, freedom and the rule of law can be established if the "would be a great advantage to us as" Verheugen, speaking, despite all this, there can be bet on the matter, adding the conditions of membership for Turkey facilitated . German Chancellor Merkel's preference required by

partnerlikte ise Türkiye için bir kazanç görmeyen Verheugen, şöyle konuştu: "Türkler zaten imtiyazlı bir partnerlik konumundalar. AB'ye herkesten daha bağlılar. Gümrük Birliği zaten mevcut. Bunun dışında Türkiye'ye verilecek ama neticede ülkeyi tam üyelik dışında bırakacak herhangi başka bir şey olduğunu sanmıyorum."


Verheugen: "Brauchen die Türkei mehr als sie uns braucht"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Denise Milani niplle

Türk armutları zehirli çıktı

Baden-Würtemberg Eyaleti Tarım Bakanlığı'nın According to a report released to the press armutlarda a high degree of chemical poison was found in imported from Turkey. Imported from the Ministry said in a statement eight separate delivery of pear pest poison, especially the reportedly called Amitraz. With the EU ban the poison from the eight tests is extremely Amitraz hepisinde rate was observed. Analysis of the poison in one of the maximum rate (0.01 milligrams per kilo) 1500-fold was passed. Authorities in this highly contaminated

consumption of fruits, especially for children out that the public giving information about health risks, the consumption of pears branded Turkey have reminded to be careful. Subject according to the German media reports

bet on sale of fruits, but removal of a portion of the fruits on sale in time after engellenebilinirken destruction was also confiscated. German authorities in the event the European Food Safety Authority (RASFF) reported.

News: Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten

Friday, September 18, 2009

Equipments Needed For A Mobile Spa

"Freedom of the City" I. Schulz for third

By majority vote of Resolution 20 of 18/09/2009 the apostolate I. Schulz put in his absence in the "freedom of the city". This status removes the individual's right to vote in the apostolate. The decision will be notified by telephone. Since this decision is against the will of I. Schulz, there is no signed document. By letter of Hager Partnerschaft vom 05.10.2010 wird ein verändertes Dokument als Anlage 4 dem Amtsgericht Frankfurt (Oder) übersandt.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Us Driver's Licence Template

Oruç - bir yol Metafizik

the Fast The most obvious symbol of the road and through the metaphysical to show itself as a secret is because, literally beyond the outward manifestations of "esoteric" [inward] kalmasındandır. Creature in the statute and the lack of direct divine love-transantal because of what is coming, as the actual identity of metafizikdir. A hadith kudside Allaah says: "Every son of Adam is for himself amelia, but not so fast. Because he just made a prayer for my consent. I'll give him the reward itself." (Muslim, Siam, 161, 163) Hence care should be distinguished from fasting and starvation. According to Ibn Arabi "oruçta by ear, which consists of hunger: hunger, take a slave, fasting is the spiritual dimension entirely to Allah." (P. 12) caused by the Fast

"eksaltasyon" [ecstasy] in the first place leads to overcome the limitations of individual-individual field. Divine prohibits the sheer size of the human asset relates to the physical and subtle-delicate. Fast direct man "vertical" [vertical] and individual-an individual to rise above provides the size of the occurrence, and thus insanı suret ötesi tezahür boyutuna yöneltir. Bu alan İslam tasavvufunda emir alemi, yani melekuti-ruhi alem olarak bilinir. Melek iştah duymaz ve gida ihtiyacı çekmez: oruç onun için mana ihtiva etmez. Bunun tersine insan oruç ile nefsinin istek ve arzulardan azad olur; bu şekilde kalbi mutmain olur, ki ıstırapsız bir halde ilahi nizama boyun eğer ve Allah'ın emirlerine itaat eder. (s. 13)

Oruç ayı Kuran'ın "indirilişi"dir: " Ramazan ayı, öyle bir aydır ki, o ayda (fi-hi) insanlara doğru yolu gösteren ve açık âyetleri cami distinguishes between the false belief and the Koran with truth has been revealed Azim. "(Quran 2:185) Thus blessed days and nights of Ramadan, the fasting period of Ramadan and the time refers to the principle of unity arzetmesini because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] fi-hi month, according to him, and not accompany him The fasting is intended. (p. 29)

Fasting "rising path" and the back translation of the symbol if the limiting conditions, Quran, a revelation that takes place directly "indiriliş" to express the size is important. "Adem oğlunun her ameli kendisi içindir, ancak oruç böyle değildir. Çünkü o, sırf benim rızam için yapılan bir ibadettir. Onun mükâfatını bizzat ben vereceğim ( wa Anâ ajzî bi-hi )." mealindeki hadis-i kuddsi böylece daha net teknik bir mana kazanıryor. (s. 30)

Not: Yazı Abd Ar-Razzâq Yahyâ'nın (Charles-André Gilis) " Textes sur le jeune" başlıklı kitabında Muhyiddin İbnü'l Arabi Hazretleri'nin Fütuhat-ı Mekkiyye adlı eserin den yaptığı Seçmeler ve nakildir yorumlarından.


Almanca'dan Tercüme: Algabal

Fasting - a metaphysical way

If fasting appears as the symbol and the means par excellence of the metaphysical path so therefore also because it is a mystery, it contains no external manifestation, and is "esoteric" in the literal and full sense of the word. It is metaphysical in character, because it does not occur in the natural order and direct manifestation of the divine transcendence. According to a Hadith Qudsi the Most High has said: "Every action of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will reward him for it.." In this regard it is important to distinguish the fast from starvation carefully. For Ibn Arabi "is the one in which fasting the servants [of God], exclusive of hunger: the transcendence of fasting to Allah and the hunger to the servant." (P.12) The

caused by fasting, "Exaltation" first of all allowed to exceed the limiting conditions that belong to the individual level. The divine prohibitions only affect the physical and subtle states of human existence. Fasting the direct effect, elevate the people in the "vertical" and-individual dimension of his being, and to show him access to a plane of formless manifestation. The area is determined according to the Islamic esotericism as "the world of domination" ( Alam al-Amr ), which is that of the angels and the pure spirits. The angel has no natural appetite and no desire for food: fasting has no meaning for him. Conversely, the man freed by his fast on the wishes and desires of his soul, his heart settles in the way that he submits to pain without the divine order and the command of Allah follows. (P. 13f.)

The month of fasting is that of the "descent" of the Koran: "The month of Ramadan in which (hi-fi ) of the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for people as a clear evidence of guidance." (Corr. 2, 185) In this regard, expresses the divine name of Ramadan, the basic unit in the chronological order of the day and night, fasting and waking, because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] indicate that the word fi-hi is not the month itself, but to the fast that accompanies him, relates. (P.29)

If the fast the "rising path" and symbolizes the rejection of all limiting conditions, it is evident that the unmitttelbar Quranic revelation of the "descending" aspect of the realization expressed. The hadith in which the Most High says: ". Every act of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will pay for it ( wa Ana ajzî bi-hi )" thus takes on a more precise technical meaning at. (P.30)


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Does Mi Paste Do

Müntefering donates Putschisten-Sympathiesanten

50th Birthday of the President of the Turkish Community in Germany , Kenan Kolat, donated well be more well-known German politician funds for the Society for the Promotion of modern life ( Çağdaş Yasami Destekleme Derneği, CYDD) .

How Turkish newspapers reported , Kolat said during the birthday celebration to raise money for the club based in Turkey. The call Kolats enthusiastic following, gave Franz Muentefering (SPD) for the club.

addition Müntefering other influential German federal and state politicians to celebrate the birthday on the premises of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were invited. Among the guests there were Kolats Thierse (SPD), Heidi Knake-Werner (Left), Andrea Nahles (CDU), Wolfgang Wieland (Alliance 90/The Greens) and the German Ambassador to Turkey Eckart Cuntz. Even German politicians with immigrant background as Dilek Kolat (SPD), Bilkay Öney (Left) and Özcan Mutlu (Alliance 90/The Greens) were present.

Kolat praised the commitment of the association for the education of destitute girls and condemned "the repression of the club." Who attacked more for the club in the purse is, in the Turkish press registered do not.

The Society for the Promotion of modern life: ataturkistisch Stramm and anti-democratic

For many years made the association zur Förderung des modernen Lebens besonders über Reizthemen wie Laizismus und Modernisierung der türkischen Gesellschaft Schlagzeilen. Dafür sorgte besonders Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan, Gründerin und langjährige Vorsitzende des Vereins, mit ihren zahlreichen polemischen Ausfällen. Der 1989 gegründete Verein gilt als Hort des Ataturkismus. Saylan und ihr Verein unterstüzten im Frühjahr 2007 die sogenannten Republikanischen-Meetings, Massenkundgebungen ataturkistischer Organisationen auf denen wiederholt zum Militärputsch gegen die Regierung unter Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aufgerufen wurde. Zuletzt bezeichnete Saylan die ehemaligen Generäle Hurşit Tolon and Şener Eruygur as "more values \u200b\u200band patriotic people." two ex-generals were in the course of the investigation to the putschist secret organization Ergenekon arrested in July 2008 and are regarded as principal architect of the ultra-ataturkistischen Putschistenkreises. Şener Eruygur was then chairman of the association Ataturkistischen ideas ( Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, ADD). As were in the course of the Ergenekon investigation will also search the house Saylan and the offices of their association (mid-April 2009), it came from or hostile to wild ataturkistischer circles against the investigating authorities and the Government Erdoğan. Especially polemic Festa arrest and interrogation were the hard-cancerous Saylan. Saylan died in May 2009.

report: German-Turkish news

Monday, August 3, 2009

Heat And Broken Capillaries

für Schottland: "Endgültige Lösung" der "Kurdischen-Frage"? Rasmussen, the Taliban

The Turkish Interior Minister Beşir Atalay has taken a new approach to solve the "Kurdish question" . Although presented Atalay no details, but his call "to all parties" and the highlight of a "democratic-liberal path" point towards a 'greater speed' to a 'final solution' to the conflict. Atalay in the Turkish press is, rhetorically very exercise caution carried forward, push as "brainstorming" rated. The government is hoping for the widest possible range of public and productive discussion, the unanimous comment of the Turkish newspapers last Sunday (29.07.2009).

'Indirect talks' between Turkey and the PKK in northern Iraq preceded the most recent attempt. Only two months ago, the famous columnist Hasan Cemal the PKK headquarters in the Kandil Mountains (northern Iraq) had visited and engaged is a media scolding on the part of populist colleagues. Hasan Cemal argues that even if in his "Notes from northern Iraq," he asserts only journalist on the road, so that it shows the current development 'in Safe Boot' is sitting. Even before few years would have such a 'journalistic detour' for each PKK Turkish press representative charges of "propaganda for a terrorist organization" is introduced.

reactions: Support for the Liberals and the DTP - anger at nationalist and Kemalist

In his press conference invited Minister Atalay, Cemal addition, a further 11 equal pro-government journalists. Liberal Democrat names like Oral Çalışlar, Cengiz Candar, Fehmi Koru, Ali Bayramoğlu and Mümtaz'er Türköne are among the most influential opinion-makers in Turkey. At the same time, representatives of the newspapers Hürriyet and "Cumhuriyet" unloaded. The

referred journalists and pro-government press does not just play a show 'accidental' role and the reaction of the chairman of the MHP (Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, Nationalist Movement Party), Devlet Bahceli. In a speech described Bahceli referred to journalists as "12 angry men" . Bahceli caused a stir but especially with the proposition that the MHP "could go for 50 years in the mountains" . This played on the nationalist armed struggle of his party, if the government dealt with the PKK to the negotiating table should be.

The government push for the "Kurdish question" is supported by the MHP and the CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, People's Republican Party) rejected vehemently. Both parties brace themselves against any revision of the nation-state structure, as it was set in modern Turkey by Kemal Ataturk.

Especially noteworthy of the cross-party call Atalay. Thus for the first time and the political wing of the PKK, the DTP is (Demokratik Toplum Partisi, the Democratic Society Party), loaded to the negotiating table. The DTP said the offer of the Government first 'cautiously optimistic'. During an official meeting with the Association of Industrialists of Turkey (TÜSİAD) said the DTP Chairman Ahmet Türk.. "The declaration of Mr. Atalay is extremely important principle we are ready to take the coming our responsibility in this matter to us and to provide any assistance, we believe that the recent pronouncements of the Kurdish people will give much hope. " Ahmet Turk also pointed to the "careful and sensitive use of language towards the interior minister and said" see reason "on.

The DTP characterizes the government push as "good intent" but the "no concrete projects" having. A particular point of debate is the claim of DTP for a participation of the imprisoned former PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in the solution process. Surprisingly, it came just on the part of Ocalan's criticism of the DTP.

Abdullah Ocalan References and Notes

Ocalan, the 15th announced August a suitable full role in the solution process, let announce to his lawyers following .. "I can take from here, no decisions about the guerrilla Nevertheless pushes everyone to solve the problem off on me I have no power over these factors . Also, I am not informed about many things, not getting any messages. Such social processes to develop not a single person. Rather, the development depends on many factors. This must be grasped well. "

The 'cryptic words' Ocalan's point again, to the swelling of conflict within the PKK / DTP. The former PKK leader complained in recent years repeatedly on the strategy of the PKK. Criticized Ocalan especially the 'opaque' integration of northern Iraq in position lying PKK with the U.S. occupation regime in Iraq. While the PKK / DTP officials for "democratization of Washington's grace 'set, rejects Ocalan from any imperialist intervention in the Middle East and enjoins an independent solution by the regional powers (Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria with the participation of the Kurds).

In this sense, would be the "factors" of which Ocalan says the U.S. and the EU. The hegemony of the West aims at long-term control of the security and energy policy in the Middle East area. In parallel, the security of Israel is a major concern of the Western community of nations. The

by the recent advance of the Turkish government 'factors' are involved, which is currently neither Turkey nor can withdraw the Kurds is evident. Just two weeks after signing the contract to build the Nabucco gas pipeline between Turkey and the EU, efforts are made to the safety of the costly project. For the EU, with the gas pipeline as a major strategic role.

The East Anatolia is therefore a war zone (Turkey vs PKK) is no longer in question. Also, as part of the planned Nabucco project, gas supplies from the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq would be 'saved' it.

report: German-Turkish news

More Resources:

The Turkish-Israeli relations and the Kurds
Nabucco, Turkey, the EU and Obama goes geopolitics
The PKK, Turkey, the olive branch

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Difference In Cramps Between Af And Pregnancy


these days occurs Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Service as NATO Secretary-General. And businesslike, the Dane also radiates the same amount of 'optimism' from. Rasmussen is now in search of "moderate Taliban."

"groups can talk to you, to work towards a kind of reconciliation with the Afghan community. We are talking about other groups, which are located at the outer edge of the Taliban." Rasmussen announced over the Danish newspaper Politiken . He also wanted to "take concrete initiatives to strengthen the partnership and cooperation with Muslim countries." This sounds like a "new strategy", it is not.

Similar to the recently "in his sleep late," former Defense McNamara during the last phase of Second Vietnam War (1960-75) to a 'draw' set to at least a stalemate in Korea to get hold of, try the Western war coalition Today in Iraq and Afghanistan "to win at the table 'what they previously could not reach with military terror. Of course, then played the Vietnamese and Afghans and Arabs are playing long for the win.

Buoyed by the initial success of such a negotiating tactic in the Iraq where the Americans were able to harness a lot of money with some Sunni tribes for their policy seeks to NATO in Afghanistan is now the same game.

The Rasmussen "embodies no new beginning," reported the news magazine "Focus" , citing a senior NATO staff. Rasmussen had been "pushed through" the NATO Secretary General. NATO is thus still a 'political' tough guy '. But in any case is the 'Reiss' Rasmussen (see photo above left), 'exactly the right man'.

Rasmussen should but at least a 'good nose for moderate terrorists' are awarded. Lastly, the Kurdish PKK operating from Denmark propaganda for their struggle against the NATO partner Turkey. The PKK has been some Jahren von den USA und der EU als terroristische Organisation eingestuft. Auch in Deutschland ist sie verboten. Erst vor einem Jahr sprach das deutsche Innenministerium ein Verbot gegen den Sender " RojTV" aus. Wo aber der deutsche Innenminister Schäuble einen "Fortbestand der verbotenen PKK" attestiert, sieht Rasmussen nur "Pressefreiheit".

Rasmussen: Ein lupenreiner Machiavellist

Gleich nach seiner Wahl zum NATO-Generalsekretär reiste Rassmussen zum "Dialog der Zivilisationen" nach Istanbul. Zuvor hatte die türkische Regierung triumphierend gemeldet, Rasmussen würde eine offizielle Entschuldigung wegen der Bleidigung des Propheten Muhammed (saw) durch die dänische Presse . Write Then one would have suited to the NATO meeting. These expectations disappointed Rasmussen. Quite possible Rasmussen was to an ominous crash - it remained unclear what caused the accident, first reports spoke of a bath or stair fall - his short term memory down, perhaps, the Turkish NATO delegation at the summit in France and Germany some mistranslated?

any case, came during the Turkish Prime Minister Rasmussen's' dialogue speech "obviously in anger, the Turkish diplomatic corps fell down the same row as Kinladen and press representatives from Turkey and other Muslim countries could only shake their heads amazed.

Rasmussen continues to beat the "free speech" as "basic democracy". Envisioned by Muslims around the world to "free speech" not just serious offenses, could not or would not understand Rasmussen.

particularly for the Turks is the dialogue inability Rasmussen's a slap in the face. Turkey is trying desperately to find a balance between the Occident and Orient. But from their 'strategic partners' in the West again and again 'ripped off'. Therefore, strictly speaking also pro-Western and secular Turks of a serious misjudgment of NATO. The calculated der Neocon-Kreuzritter Rasmussen als NATO-Heerführer eingesetzt wurde, wird nicht nur am Bosporus als Selbstmord der NATO gedeutet.

Nomen est omen

Für viele Muslime ist Rasmussens 'Sturz in Istanbul' (Foto links, Rasmussen nach seinem Sturz) ein schlechtes Omen; sowohl für die Muslime in den Kriegsgebieten als auch für die NATO.

Hinter der Dialog-Fassade erwarten die Muslime einen Generalangriff der NATO. Lange kann der krisengeschüttelte Westen nähmlich seine neo-kolonialen Kriegszüge nicht mehr 'bezahlen'.

Ist schon Rasmussens Rhetorik alles andere als Vertrauenswürdig, so sieht der Orientale erst recht in the physiognomy of the Danes are not good signs.

stumped why we follow in the Muslim world the disaster of NATO. The Titan of the Atlantic would have been shaken so much, can not be the hearing's most renegade of the West Jakarta between Fez and dream.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can You Use Orajel For Brazillian Wax

sucht "The Nazi-Hilfe für den Pascha"

Under the Spot "Nazi-help for the Passover," reported the liberal-Islamic newspaper "Vakit" about alleged financial support from Germany for the putschist secret organization Ergenekon. Turkish press reports, German Authorities at the request of the investigating prosecutor in Istanbul released similar documents. These should be taken by the prosecution in the third indictment. "Vakit" came to the copies of transfer orders.

The Turkish Blog "İstihbarat " published indicate the copies of the county and city savings bank Erding-Dorf, the remittances of the DVU Munich at the Azerbaijani-German Friendship Association eV. The transfer orders also include the name of Dr. Gerhard Frey (account holder) and Veli Küçük. Probably, the amounts of the Azerbaijani-German Friendship Association an Veli Küçük weitergeleitet. General a.D. Veli Küçük gilt als "Nummer 1" der Geheimorganisation Ergenekon.

Der Gesamtbetrag der DVU-Überweisungen vom Februar 2004 an Veli Küçük beläuft sich auf 20.100 Euro. Über seine Kontakte nach Deutschland soll Veli Küçük zwischen 2001 und 2007 bis zu 1 Million Euro erhalten haben. Über welche deutschen Personen oder Organisationen Veli Küçük noch finanziell unterstützt wurde, geht aus den Pressemeldungen jedoch nicht hervor. Im Zusammenhang mit den "Deutschland-Kontakten" wird auch der Name Kemal Kerinçsiz genannt. Der Anwalt Kemal Kerinçsiz wurde Anfang 2008 ebenfalls im Zuge der Ermittlungen gegen die Geheimorganisation Ergenekon arrested.

The bulk of this money to have landed at local institutions and associations that support the Ergenekon group. It follows, Turkish Orthodox Church had received 380,000 euros from Germany.

The "German Ergenekon section" had also planned attacks in Germany. Thus, the Kurdish Cultural Centre Cologne was come to the attention of Ergenekonisten. A bomb attack against the Kurdish club should be pushed to the Turkish secret service in the shoes. A similar attack plan was directed against the Armenian Orthodox patriarchate of Istanbul. Such actions envisaged by the secret organization within Turkey conflicts fueling to pave the way for a military coup.

Ergenekon: antiquated Kemalist attempt to escape from the grip of Western

The secret organization Ergenekon emerged from Kemalist circles ultra-nationalists. Ergenekonisten form the hard core of Turkish military and intelligence. The secret organization was not built by accident after the model of the NATO-Gladio secret organization . Many Ergenekon leaders were in the Cold War itself operating within the NATO-secret organization. Structures, tactics and strategies of Ergenekon are based on decades of experience within the NATO-secret organization.

The erzkemalistischen Ergenekonisten feared a revision of the Turkish Verwestlichungspolitik towards a liberal-democratic constitution. As the main owner of this new Verwestlichungspolitik see the Ergenekonisten especially the U.S. and EU. Although the Ergenekonisten are themselves products of the Kemalist Verwestlichungspolitik and intend not about a re-Islamization of Turkey, they put a radical anti-Western rhetoric of the day. In the face of Western intervention in the Middle East, this rhetoric, especially with words and symbols from the anti-imperialist liberation war (1919-1923) against the winner of Turkey and the occupation powers (England and France) of the First World War, fed. Since the Ergenekonisten auf keine zahlenmäßig nennenswerte erzkemalistische Bevölkerungsschicht zurückgreifen konnten, wurde somit dennoch eine breite Öffentlichkeit erreicht. So konnten die Ergenekonisten ihr Netz über das ganze Land spannen. Neben staatlichen Institutionen wurden Parteien und die Presse infiltriert. Akademiker und Halbintellektuelle arbeiteten ebenso für die Ziele der Ergenekonisten wie Mafiosi und Geschäftsleute.

Kaum eine Entwicklung symbolisiert den Übergang der modernen Türkei in eine neue Phase der Verwestlichung bzw. westlichen Hegemonie so deutlich wie der "Ergenekon-Prozess".

Die alten (kemalistischen) Kader sind einfach nicht mehr "tragfähig" für the strategies of the West. The antiquated notions of the Kemalist nationalism and nation state are no longer useful to the West. U.S. and EU want rather a "tapered-modern" Turkey, which is based firmly on the liberal-democratic-capitalist "values" of the West. This time, following the first phase of M. Kemal Ataturk and Verwestlichungspolitik under his successors, is to make Turkey a "model" for other Muslim countries. The play such circles as the Ergenekonisten in this plan no longer applies, especially the ego of these entrenched oligarchs.

The big blow against the Ergenekon network is therefore under the flags of the Democratization, human rights and rule of law out. At the same time almost all, including those that even the machinations of the Ergenekon gang will refuse to make anti-Western sentiments and movements in Turkey silenced.

present at all about the Turkish neo-Westerners clearly the "lever". Finally came the orders "from above". Shortly after the first wave of arrests against the Ergenekonisten was the influential columnist Fehmi Koru standing at attention for the liberal-conservative ruling party Erdoğan and particularly "deep" can boast connections to Washington, explained that the "operation order" during an official state visit, during a discussion of GW Bush and RT Erdoğan at 05 "Approved" November 2007 was in the White House.

are true crush the actual structures largely Ergenekon and the psychological warfare against other anti-Western groups to function effectively, but suspended the "Spirit of Ergenekon" was well above the Turkey. In particular, the role of the army is far from clear.

German-Turkish news

Friday, July 10, 2009

Watch Free Ikusa Otome Valkyrie

Nabucco Project: Joschka Fischer, Turkey 'to convince her room' will be in the Ost-Turkestan

Almanya eski Dışişleri Bakanı Joschka Fischer Nabucco Projesi'nin başlarından demir RWE (Germany) and OMV (Austria) will work for. Fischer said in a statement made by a consortium of the Nabucco "is based on many years of experience with foreign and energy policy, the project will transfer the project to the success of efforts to deepen the political will and coordination of initiatives developed in this area," said. Fischer, who held this post until 2010 will be announced. So far no official explanation, according to reports reflected yapılmamasıyla Fischer, the German press with a new job "for six-figure sum" will say. Fischer
be seen in front of

'deep political operasyon'un lobbied the German press, especially the one against Turkey are clearly expressed. Fischer magazine Manager-Magazin

especially enjoy the lovely to keep Turkey "has been committed to writing, newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on the basis of Manager Magazine," Turkey's yontulması "from the talks.

newspaper Die Welt, meanwhile yesterday (10.07.) Issued a report - including Turkey - participated in the project between countries signed the protocol agreed and announced a break in Ankara on Monday. If the project will implement in 2010 is expected to approve international treaties. The Nabucco pipeline construction to start in 2011 and is scheduled to be operational from 2013. Feeding hattları 3300 miles total, including the Nabucco pipeline was first introduced at the total cost figures on the so far contradictory. According to various sources, the total cost varies between 4.5 billion to 8 billion euros.

Nabucco political uncertainty and the Russian competition

Nabucco 'uncertain' that makes the financial aspect alone is not. Political perspective, especially in the EU public is skeptical of the project follow-up. Long-term natural gas imported from Russia, the EU

largely independent of the deduction of the project is expected to rival the biggest in Russia again. Russian Gasprom company, a natural gas pipeline to Western Europe via the Baltic Sea project follows the plow. Thus, Russia intends to block the EU via Ukraine to sabotage the last Russian hattlarını. The former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder Gasprom'un project supported by. Hans Peter Schütz

stern magazine said the former coalition partners, the competition develops between the new "vote:

" stern about ten years ago in a magazine interview in Frankfurt the next coalition government of Gerhard Schroeder Cook it to him (Fischer), the but the waiter dropped a tough task to remind üslub subsequently, Fischer's eyes filled with tears to stop the nerve had taken a few glasses. But one thing never had money. Social Democratic-Green coalition government Schroeder and Fischer was always a waiter Cook During Spring Term. Schroeder table determined the future ones. Service Fischer would have done.

this time perhaps more unpleasant events occur. The Nabucco project - the Caspian Sea at a natural gas pipeline to Europe - a game in quite suspicious. Certainly it would be pretty good to be independent of Russian gas to Europe. But Schröder backed the Baltic Sea natural gas pipeline owned by Russian Gasprom floor has quite a distance condition. This route will carry the gas much earlier German cuisine. And the Turks, but the Nabucco Project Intend to give way to the EU on the road. Joschka'nın waiter needs to do plenty of people in Brussels. "

Basler Zeitung (Switzerland), according to newspaper reports in the Nabucco natural gas pipeline to feed the six countries, but Azerbaijan is a reliable position with riches. Recently, Turkmenistan's" optimistic " bahsedilirken attitude of the project is extremely important for Iran's "biggest problem" to be head of the EU ağrıtıyor. Iran is known to be a large amount of natural gas rezevleri with Iran's lack of the necessary technical infrastructure but for the moment due to a very small portion of these reserves is reached. More importantly, the developing political conflict between the West and Iran for the project in this country is a 'partner' is to be a utopian mecraya. Observers say this situation endangered the whole project. This negativity, at least for the short and medium term, Iraq and Egypt resolve to be involved in the project on the agenda. Joschka Fischer, who is

? - Devrimcilikten 'real political level, the story of tekamül'ün

Fischer, the second born in 1948 Child of a family settled in Germany in the wake of World War II Hungary. His real name is Joseph Martin Fischer. Drop out of school before finishing high school in 1965, Fischer, photography, various left-wing youth movement, leaving the matter attended training in the half. Theodor W. Adorno and Jurgen Habermas, the famous Marxist theorists of the period of university programs, such as frequently visited. In 1969, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO / PLO) joined by a conference held in Algeria. During these years, Revolutionärer Kampf (Revolutionary Mücadele) adlı militan-sol örgütlenmenin içinde bulunan Fischer, bir çok militan eyleme bizzat katılmıştı. Özellikle 1977 sonrası Almanya'nın önde gelen militan-sol örgütü RAF'ın (Kızıl Ordu Fraksiyonu) silahlı eylemlerden beklenen neticeleri alamaması ve örgüt lider kadrosunun tasfiye edilmesiyle birlikte silahlı mücadeleyi sorgulamaya başlayan solcu çevreler içinde yer aldı. Bu süreçin devamı halinde 1980'li yılların başlarında Daniel-Cohn Bendit liderliğinde 'reel politik platformda' - yani liberal-demokrat parlamenter sistem içinde - siyasi mücadelenin devam ettirilmesi yönünde has an important role in the development of a new strategy. West Germany was able to be elected to parliament in 1983, Jade's Party. According to the internal statutes of the party during that period (provided for in the party to prevent a democratic form of organization under oligarchic restructuring), this left his position two years later. Between 1985-87 and 1991-94 the state of Hesse's Minister for Environment and Energy has established the Social-green government. In 1994, the Federal Parliament re-elected as deputy. Since 1995, the pacifist Green Party and anti-capitalist stance, the UN international organizations such as the autonomy and free market economy, arguing that military intervention was the name of the most important in overcoming. Social Democratic Party over a possible range of so-green federal government prepares 1998-2005 Fischer was foreign minister in Schroeder's cabinet. In this role of NATO in Kosovo in 1999 and supported Operation. EU's 'nationalization process' within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the EC for the year 2006 started to be called as a favorite candidate Fischer, EU's political structure necessary kavuşamamasından this task because of üstlenemedi. In 2005, the Social-green government authorities to come to an end with the party decided to withdraw the beginning of 2006, Fischer worked for banks, Barclays Capital and Goldman Sachs. In the same year at Princeton University (USA), a visiting professor 'began to give lessons in international economic policy. In some projects carried out jointly by the University of Princteon EU 'crisis in international diplomacy' has been focused on. Fischer, George Soros, founded by the European Council on Foregin Relations' thought Plant a founding member of the (organization of the two founding members of the Turkey-born writer Elif Shafak France and Germany, the Greens Party leader Cem Ozdemir), and is a member of the board of directors. Own consulting firm in 2007 (Joschka Fischer Consulting) establishing the Fischer also a former U.S. State Madeleine Albright The Albright Group Dşişleri for the consultancy firm. Fischer, one of the consulting activities of the Council of Jewish World Policy Council in producing the strategy for the political issues. Fischer, Israel's Haifa and Tel Aviv universities

The Central Council of Jews in Germany, including an honorary doctorate degree and was awarded prizes for various organizations, including.

him 28 years younger in 2005 minu

Barat Fischer married, previously married and divorced four times. Fischer, second marriage, two children (one male and one girl), her father. The new wife Mehran of Iranian dissidents Barati'nin daughter.

News: Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rash After Waxing That Itches

Am 26.06.2009 Arbeiterwohnheim cam es in einem der chinesischen Stadt Xiao-Guan (Guangdong Province) to serious clashes between Uighur and Chinese workers. Here at least two Uighur workers were killed. The Chinese authorities terminated the investigation as quickly. Arrests due to the two deaths were not known. When news of the "Autonomous Region of Xinjiang", reached Uyghur demanded an explanation of what happened in Guangdong.

In Urumqi demonstrated at 05.07. (Thursday) Uyghur first few hundred, mostly students and young workers, for a resumption of inspections and clearing up the incidents in Guangdong. The number of protesters grew to fast mehrere tausend an, diese blieben aber weiterhin friedlich. Dennoch geriet die chinesische Polizei in Panik und versuchte die Demonstration mit Wasserwerfern und Schlagstockeinsatz zu sprengen. Die Demonstranten griffen daraufhin die chinesische Polizei mit Steinen und Flaschen an. Als die Polizeikräfte die Kontrolle verloren kam es zu einem massiven Einsatz von Polizei-Spezialkräften und der Armee.

Chinesischen Polizisten und Soldaten schossen mit scharfer Munition in die Menge.

Offiziellen chinesischen Meldungen zufolge kamen bei den Straßenkämpfen 140 Menschen ums Leben. Rund 1000 Personen wurden verletzt. Hunderte Uiguren wurden festgenommen. Genaue Angaben über die Zugehörigkeit der Toten und Verletzten gab es zunächst not. Chinese media only showed pictures of injured civilians and destroyed Chinese Chinese institutions.

According to the resident in Turkey exiled Uyghur Seyit Tümtürk Solidarity Association of Eastern Turkestan (Turkestan Doğu Dayanisma Derneği), the number of deaths (almost exclusively Uyghur) are up to 500 bar. Tümtürk appealed at a news conference to latest reports from East Turkestan and in the many years of experience with official figures from the Chinese government.

have only the scanty from East Turkestan and China arriving eyewitnesses reported the use Chinese security forces have extended to a pogrom against the Muslim population. Coming

with brute force in the Chinese Contemporary

From Outer Mongolia to the Turkic Uyghur moved since the mid-9th Century in what is now Eastern Turkestan to. The Islamization of, have been largely Manichean and Buddhist Uyghur, set from 10 A century. Until the Mongol invasions under Genghis Khan (13th century) maintained the Uigurenreich as an independent factor in the Central Asian area. After the end of Mongol rule (Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368) in China Eastern Turkestan fell again under more or less strong Chinese Influence. From 1864 to 1878 the Muslims of East Turkistan under Yakub Beg could again win a national independence from China. The Emirate of Yakub Beg's formally introduced himself under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Caliphate, but could not compete with the Russians and Chinese are more assailants. East Turkestan in 1884 under the name "Xinjiang" China has been divided. From 1933, the Muslims of East Turkistan fought back for their independence. After the rebellion of accumulation was the independence of East Turkestan (1944) proclaimed. In 1949 the Red Army occupied all of East Turkestan. Built in 1955, the Communist central government, the "Autonomous Region of Xinjiang. In the years 1958, 1962, 1965, 1968 and 1997, there was always armed uprisings of the Muslim population against the Chinese occupiers. This year alone, some 250,000 East Turkestan were the repressive measures of the Chinese victims. In particular, the local Intellegenzia and Islamic clergy was persecuted targeted and murdered. The local leadership was forced into exile.

The indigenous Muslim population is (also known as Dungan, ethnic Chinese Muslims), for the most part of Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik and Hui.

Accurate population figures are difficult to identify. In general, the Muslim population is estimated to be about 9 million. With a total population of about 19 million. Since the occupation of Peking 1949/55 operates a massive immigration and assimilation policies in favor of Han Chinese.

The national-cultural clear-cutting of "protected minorities" East Turkistan reaches into all areas of life. From kindergarten to university, all ethnic minorities, the Chinese language is imposed. Religious institutions are there and hardly any private study of Islam is suppressed with great brutality. From birth control, especially the Muslim minority is concerned. Forced sterilizations and forced abortions on Muslim women are now common. In the tradition-rich cities of the East Turkestan rolls Chinese modernism everything down. Thousands of ancient old towns in Kashgar be stamped out and replaced by concrete giants on the American model.

From Chinese economic miracle, the Uyghur feel just as other national minorities. The Chinese administration apparently pursued a policy of socio-economic isolation from "stubborn" people groups. The Muslims of East Turkestan are systematically kept away from all social positions of power. Not even in their own "autonomous region" they come in influential political bodies.

exiled Uyghur: Between Chinese and Western instrumentalization persecution

Although it has been the 1950s, a sizeable East Turkestan exile community (especially in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and Turkey) are, could hardly give these previously owned. During the Cold War Part of the exile community in Western Europe under NATO command have been asked. In Germany (Munich), for example, Americans built a Uighur propaganda station against Beijing. After the collapse of the Soviet Union was known in the NATO-long rods nothing to do with these Uyghur. Only with the rapid economic rise of China was remembered back to the "fifth column Uighur.

In the age of the "Clash of Civilizations" is the geo-strategic planners in Washington und Brüssel darauf aus eine westlich indroktinierte uigurische Unabhängigkeitsbewegung aufzubauen. Der populärste Name dieses Projekts ist Rebiya Kadeer. Die 61-jährige Kadeer wird über die westlichen Medien gerne als geschäftstüchtige Emanze hochstilisiert. Prototypen wie Kadeer sollen irgendwann Ostturkestan von der chinesischen Moderne in die westliche Moderne überführen.

Bisher haben aber Auslandsorganisationen wie Kadeers "Uigurischer Weltkongress" kaum direkten Einfluß auf den Unabhängigkeitskampf in Ostturkestan. Zum einen ist die Kommunikation mit örtlichen Widerstandsgruppen äußerst schwierig, die Chinesen haben ein dichtes Spitzelnetz und kontrollieren auch die elektronischen Nachrichtennetze. Above all, do not trust the Muslims of East Turkestan their compatriots abroad. Particularly those such as the resident in the United States Kadeer. Too tight is the integration of these exiles to the CIA. The East Turkestan resistance groups had in recent years all too often the hard way that directed against Beijing's Tactical Plan East Turkestan "the CIA is to elementary demands diametrically opposed. For the West, East Turkestan is only a peasant figure in the "Great Game".

East Turkestan is the popular uprising ignited spontaneously. And be done with various exile groups and in particular with those directly from the Western intelligence services not networked.

The street battles in Urumqi are trimmed as the largest popular uprising since the bloody massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989 evaluated. Despite the nightmarish giant-suppression apparatus of the Chinese occupiers Urumqi will be a beacon of resistance and independence movement in East Turkestan.

Muslims in East Turkestan will, however, still very much on his own. The U.S. and its allies fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan (both countries have direct borders with East Turkestan) for survival. In this situation, we will be careful in the switching centers of Western warfare, making things even more complicated than they already are.

Serious gave diplomatic measures against Beijing, not even after the bloody riots in Tibet as well as of spring 2008.

German-Turkish news

More Resources :

TimesOnline: 140 killed in western China after Uighur riots and security crack down (with the first film footage and photos from Urumqi)

Guardian: China locks down after ethnic riots kill Western Province 140 (With TV report from Urumqi)

East Turkistan Information Center (also in German)

Addendum (07/07/2009): The few reports confirm the day yesterday on a general pogrom atmosphere against the Uyghur. As reported by marching FAZ of several thousand Chinese, the armed cutting and stabbing weapons by Urumqi. A report of the Deutsche Welle by Chinese "vigilante" spoken, call the public to the murder of Uyghur.

is from these reports conclude that the Chinese authorities either lost control and / or intentionally incite the Chinese people against the Uyghur.

leaked Meanwhile, the first reports by, which is available in the cities of Kashgar and Hotan also has come to clashes between Uyghur and Chinese. It should have been at least 100 deaths.

Official Chinese news agencies indicate the number of persons killed in the rioting people with 156th Uighur exile organizations go out of contrast, at least 400 deaths.

a tough response to the "international community" to Beijing was - as was expected - so far off.

given the following - revealing - Report (extract) by Epoch Times Germany :

The violence in Xinjiang Uighur outraged the population living overseas. One of them Wu'er Kaixi, who had fled from China, After 1989, the students led to demonstrations at Tiananmen Square.

Wu'er Kaixi lives and works in Taiwan, and declared that the Chinese Communist Party supported by the U.S. war on terror to be used to destroy the Uyghur of China.

"Especially after the incident of 11 September in the U.S., have asked when the United States, China, the allies against terrorism to include China has developed the method, all Uighur ethnic demonstrations or protests, even when there are very peaceful protests to portray as terrorist actions, "said Kaixi . Unfortunately, is the fact that the Uyghur are Muslims, one of the reasons why, contrary brings the world to them little attention and sympathy. "

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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Volksaufstand 'Superpower' in crisis - 'Weltmacht' worst in der Krise

Beyler ... Ekip koordineli halinde bir tavsiye yaklaşım edebilirmiyim?

Gentlemen ... May I suggest a coordinated, team approach?

Friday, June 26, 2009

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Küresel kriz yoluna devam ederken ...

Küresel kriz başlayıncaya until the crisis was to be denied. In fact, the crisis grew, grew as well. During this period, the smallest positive development, the crisis was presented as a harbinger of finish. But unlike all the claims before the crisis approached, and then started and lasted deepened. What happens after that? Very difficult to produce an optimistic answer to this question ...

start of the crisis in the United States was taken long ago. However, almost the first birthday to celebrate the global crisis that is aimed to save the day yet beyond the small steps could not be.

market experts, the world of politics and bureaucracy and to maintain the operation of the economy, as well as maintaining stability in care for the show to give an optimistic message. To be cautious, however, requires more and more global process. Prior to the start of the crisis and the crisis in the course of developments in 1929 included large signs suggestive crisis. But it seems that this crisis in 1929, even larger crisis can call. Rescue packages

-liberalism and the states to protect the liberal-conservative, statist economy interventions, in unusual countries increased the volume of emissions. Snowball unemployment on the one hand and on the other hand labor ucuzlamasına led to the loss of labor. Against the deteriorating supply-demand balance of the supply of labor markets, lack of employment, as well as the standard of living fall and chronicity fakirleşmesine also led to the working class.
was seen in the period of Weimar Germany, a process similar to

. The difference between the current crisis with the crisis in that period is the "bottom nokta” deyiminin henüz bilinmiyor oluşuydu. 1923 yılında hiper enflasyon baş gösterdi. Piyasaların çökmesi sonucu kağıt para hurda kağıt haline geldi. Kâğıt paralar, üzerindeki gösterişli rakamlara rağmen soba yakmak için kullanıldı. Bir ekmek, bir el arabası dolu para ile alındı.

Weimar Dönemi Almanyası’nda bu facianın yaşanmasının nedeni, büyük bütçe açığı, kronik işsizlik, toplumdaki tedirginlik ve sistemdeki güvensizlikti. Elbette bu işaretlerin görüldüğü her yerde hiper enflasyon olacağı düşünülemez. However, the cessation of consumption, savings and stokçuluğa orientation knowledge societies deepen the crisis, the increasing fragility of the system can end.

the Weimar period in Germany, 50% of the revenue was obtained by pressing the new currency. This tragic period in Germany, the current world conditions and the current state of the United States shows that a number of similarities. The global crisis, the U.S., Britain and Japan to increase the volume of emissions, including many state convicted. To be sure that Germany will win the losers side of the First World War, completing then, the economy has worked to resolve the severe damage. There was hyper-inflation period of 1921-1923. Globalization 19 Century, brought the world economy led to destruction of the First World War, post-war Germany's hyper-inflation and the U.S. took place behind the scenes of the great economic crisis of the Second World War.

Germany, November 1923, leaving behind the hyper-inflation, currency Reichsmark, 1914 had a value of one billion. Improvement in macro-economic data in Germany at that time because I try to make, 1919, until 1923 did not increase taxes. On the other hand had to pay heavy war compensation. This situation led to the budget deficit out of control. Germany, interest rates kept below the rate of inflation, money constant press tried to reach a solution. There was a simple logic of this process. Interest rates for reduced system was holding in his hand. Government printing costs with the money as profit the difference between the value of emissions was conducted using the system.

Bugün de ABD, İngiltere, Japonya ve daha birçok devlet, sistemi ayakta tutmak için para basıyor ve faizleri düşürüyor. ABD Merkez Bankası sistemin işlerliğini sürdürmek için hazine tahvili satın alıyor. ABD Merkez Bankası’nın hazine tahvili alımına ilk altı ayda 300 milyar USD ödediği biliniyor. Bu rakam yılsonuna kadar iki katına ulaşabilir. İngiltere Merkez Bankası da aynı yolu izliyor. Banka, yılın ilk çeyreğinde devlet tahvillerine 75 milyar Pound yatırdı. Bu rakamlar, ABD’nin devlet harcamalarının %15’ine ve İngiltere’nin devlet harcamalarının Is equivalent to 65%. Looking at these figures, Washington, DC, Weimar 50% rate begins to approach and exceed this figure can be said in London. Right here should be in response to a question

. "If the UK has reached 50% in Germany during the Weimar aştıysa, why not live today, hyper-inflation?"

even a second question, the situation even more complicated. "How in the international markets before the crisis the strength of the British Pound protect? "

the same way," such as Britain, and the budget deficit swells the money for the emission volume by pressing the unusual way how to increase the stability of the U.S. dollar remains? "

nine years ago have the power of the Pound. Dollar a collapse of the gözlemlenmiyor yet. Pound and the dollar with the same fate paylaşmamasının Reichsmark for a reason. There was a different operation in Germany during the Weimar

. The falling value of foreign investors over Reichsmark para kazanmak için spekülatif yatırımlar yapıyordu. Yabancı yatırımcı kâğıt alıyordu ve yeniden satıyordu. Alış ve satış arasında geçen zamanda kâğıdın değeri düşüyordu. Yoğun biçimde yapılan bu spekülasyon Reichsmarkı ve onunla beraber Alman ekonomisini altüst ediyordu. Çünkü özel bankalar büyük krediler açıyordu. Açılan krediler de bu spekülasyonda kullanılıyordu.

Reichsmark hızla değer yitirse de bu hareketlilik sistemi sürdürüyordu. Yatırımcılara verilen krediler gerçekte göründüğünden was becoming more worthless. Privatized Central Bank (Reichsbank) supported this operation. But after a while the German Central Bank has become the market meet the needs of the banknote. However, the powers given to private banks to protect the stability of the system is improved. Non-banks to trade currencies and interest rates began to give money in return. Lived in Germany during the Weimar hyper-inflation, according to these data, not only because of the emergence of Germany would be wrong to think about.

the Nazis came to power in 1933 spending, hyper-inflation in the rest of the period came. The collapsing economy, the heavy war reparations, foreign investors' indifference and lack of financial resources, provoked desperation. Gave birth to despair provoked anger. Quest for full employment and a rematch frenzy, changed the course of world history. The Nazis of Europe's most powerful economy, Germany has made every four years. The secret was hidden in the increase of public investments. -Weimar Germany during the Nazi era

Contrary to the right took a step. Inflation in the marketplace, "money", "goods and services" with the increase in speed occurs. Money during the Nazi period in Germany, used to finance production. Thus, "money" and "goods and services" with the balance continued to increase.

the Weimar period, "money" was published to make the speculators pay. Thus, the market "money", while "goods and services" did not increase.

As for now, the U.S. economy with a new rescue package and process their applications lives. This process can move towards healing the economy with the right measures. As shown in the case of Germany to ensure improvement in the U.S. market, "money" and "goods and services" to provide with the increase of "money" above all "the financing of production" would have to use.

Obama in the program of infrastructure investments to start the process of supply and demand rise together. But the United States, Britain and Japan, "money", speculators and investors, account books and accounting records, "the way" to keep the press and given the market-that is the case currently in the deep-bottom point, and may be longer than previously thought. First of all, producing

economy, does not stimulate production, the economy of countries, the bottom point of the paper markets and carrying out the "worst possible" experience. Besides, those seen in the case of motion, "the Nazi era in Germany as" looking for way out of crisis, "the Weimar period Almanya gibi” ülkelerde benzer spekülatif yatırımlar yaparak hareket edebilirler.

Bir örnek vermek gerekirse; ABD AIG adlı sigorta şirketinin Goldman Sachs adlı finans kuruluşuna olan borcunu ödemesi için 12,9 milyar USD verdi. Bu para üretim için değil, spekülatif yatırımlar için harcandı. Bu sayede hesap defterleri ve muhasebe kayıtları düzeltildi. Bu paranın karşılığı da yok. Emisyon 12,9 milyar USD arttı ve bütçe açığı hanesindeki rakamı yükseltti. ABD’den de dünyanın başka ülkelerinden de bu konuda çok sayıda örnek vermek mümkün. These losses individuals, companies and states-just as in nature-in selection itself less robust, less protected and less strong to balance work with what. Of our age in a strange and hollow-slightly disgusting-aesthetic market with an understanding of and respect for "money" to collect their own market "goods and services" of course, an effort to balance "the law of the wolf" bite-by-part in the walking path "aid package" and "global solidarity" and injection of foreign capital such as "pleasant names and will be attractive.

global crisis may cause a sudden and unexpectedly, hyper-inflation. Strong economies to ease the crisis, "money" and select spending, this "goods and services" with the production of hyper-inflation can live for dengeleyemedikleri. To avoid this protectionist act is entitled to carry out relief operations and speculative for the weaker economies. In such a case, a strong economy away from their own markets while balancing the danger of hyper-inflation, a weaker economy in wake up one morning with hyper-inflation.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

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Ilisu 'balancing' Do you?

Germany, Switzerland and the Ilisu Dam Project çekiliyormuş Avustruya ...

the German government announced that the Ilisu Dam Project, to attract them. Alman yetkililer bu kararın İsviçre ve Avusturya tarafından da benimsendiği ve üç ülkenin ortak ve koordineli bir tavır içinde olduğunu belirtiyorlar.

Başta Almanya olmak üzere, Ilısu projesi için verilen devlet kredi garantisi birtakım koşullara bağlanmış ve bu koşulların yerine egtirilmesi için Türkiye'ye bir 'yol haritası' dayatılmıştı. Kredi koşullarını denetleyen komitenin Türkiye'ye yaptığı son ziyaret sonunda Türkiye'nin 153 paragraftan oluşan 'ön koşullar kataloğu' üzerinde hala ciddi bir çalışmaya girmediği ve Türk yetkililerin they are very reluctant in this regard was the conclusion. Michael Cernea The World Bank experts working in Germany under the chairmanship of the committee report, after the "cut hope for the Ilisu Project," said.

'problems brought about by Kalkınma'nın

Credit Guarantee conditions for the proposed Ilisu project on the agenda of various sizes from the socio-economic, ecological and cultural problems related to the.

Ilisu dam, especially with historic-archaeological significance of Hasankeyf total of 198 residential units, including wholly or partly under water, leave. the German magazine Focus sociologist and specialist in the World Bank forced the evacuation of settlements according to the information transported Ayse Kudat'dan affected 78,000 people. However, the Turkish authorities officially announced that 43,000 people, including change of placement, project officials, but to mention people who 12-15000. The Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper the people of the region affected by the change of placement "up to 65,000," informs the readers. In addition, changes in national and international observers by the settlement

new jobs and livelihood for the people of the region, including areas dominated by the uncertainty in the provision of a full drawn attention to.

to the public in 2002, described the project, the World Bank tarafınca "great and irreparable damage to the natural environment and society will bring on the grounds that were not given financial support. The Turkish government in 2003, the German, Swiss, and Turkish companies in Avustruyalı re-negotiations began in early 2007 with a consortium of Germany, Switzerland and the Austrian export credit agencies, project Andritz involved, construction companies, loan guarantees and Alstom had Züblin. Then, 450 million euros to the project to a consortium of banks reported that a credit would. Only Germany, Switzerland and the Austrian export credit guarantees given to credit acentalarınca cultural, ecological and human rights of some sort of 'pre-tied Conditions.

World Bank and the international 'balancing'

known, especially the World Bank's opposition to the project for reasons that attract attention.

'3. World countries and developing for the States in a very similar 'development, the Ilisu Dam Project in World Bank Projects that support a' confessional fetish 'gives the impression brought into. For example, roof-

Cameroon (West Africa) Oil Pipeline Project, the same criticism for the Ilisu Dam Project, having been brought to this project, the World Bank 'full support' gave. However, as the Ilisu Dam Project, the first stage, 'environmentalists and human rights activists who care more environmentally friendly and human hakklarını' as a result of a recent World Bank project attitude 'green' lighting lit '. After criticism from the project's first international environmental and human rights organizations' round the World Bank masa'larda together, contrary to the sound of the last eventually no 'wearing' and capitalist finance and energy sector and announced that 'the work has cooked'.

Michael Cernea The World Bank officials, such as the Ilisu Dam Project vuruken from place to place, Asia, Africa and dozens of Latinamerika'da why they support similar projects must have been quite a contradictory attitude.

Cernea, credit conditions in relation to the road map of the Turkish authorities (State Hydraulic Works) While complaints and attempts to mislead the Ilisu Project "Ecological and social aspects in the government of the three gorges Dam Project in China is a big disaster, and also worse than the planned project as" defining the experts attended the incident inevitably brings a political perspective. As is known,

- a materialist world view consisting of tekamülcülükten-evrimcilikten - West, countries like China and Iran - even though basically the same with the head - 'against kalkınmaları'na.

supposedly read Ilusu'yu a 'humanist point of view' with - the Ilisu Dam Project, which brought the balance of nature-can bring to local people and share hakklılık have a huge negative! - It 'boils' wonder of the West never really had a 'political art, the intention' You do not have? Focus magazine two-page article on the subject

'political dimension' vulgar 'es passed', but 'political boyuta'la us about the following two sentences, even' tell lots of things': "Dam in the politically explosive harbors a great deal: Turkey dam Tigris with neighboring countries such as Syria and Iraq stop the flow for several months. Thus, the conflict is concentrated into the hands of the Turkish government in the region (Middle East) is a potential for blackmail would be in the past. "

West Southeast Anatolia Project" blackmail potential "to see, a docile ally like Turkey, bringing to mind many güvenmemesini.

Oil, gas water ... 'World Order' to return to the full extent of the wheel after that 'the elixir of life' factors, strategic factors. whether these elements are the most rapid and efficient utilization of these elements as 'safe hands' to remain vital.

'Developing Countries in the current general crisis' according to stumble upon their own heads '- which operated the West looked the model' Model and how far civilization crisis 'does not need to be a soothsayer to predict gelişeceği'ni - everyone's' life ends 'The most obvious evidence of the fallen.

'Old efendiler'in for dear life' balancing 'appear again, just as the contradictions of trying to tutturmaya kaçmamalı eyes.


information about the Ilisu Dam Project (German, English) ve resmi dokümanlar (Türkçe)