Saturday, August 1, 2009

Difference In Cramps Between Af And Pregnancy


these days occurs Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Service as NATO Secretary-General. And businesslike, the Dane also radiates the same amount of 'optimism' from. Rasmussen is now in search of "moderate Taliban."

"groups can talk to you, to work towards a kind of reconciliation with the Afghan community. We are talking about other groups, which are located at the outer edge of the Taliban." Rasmussen announced over the Danish newspaper Politiken . He also wanted to "take concrete initiatives to strengthen the partnership and cooperation with Muslim countries." This sounds like a "new strategy", it is not.

Similar to the recently "in his sleep late," former Defense McNamara during the last phase of Second Vietnam War (1960-75) to a 'draw' set to at least a stalemate in Korea to get hold of, try the Western war coalition Today in Iraq and Afghanistan "to win at the table 'what they previously could not reach with military terror. Of course, then played the Vietnamese and Afghans and Arabs are playing long for the win.

Buoyed by the initial success of such a negotiating tactic in the Iraq where the Americans were able to harness a lot of money with some Sunni tribes for their policy seeks to NATO in Afghanistan is now the same game.

The Rasmussen "embodies no new beginning," reported the news magazine "Focus" , citing a senior NATO staff. Rasmussen had been "pushed through" the NATO Secretary General. NATO is thus still a 'political' tough guy '. But in any case is the 'Reiss' Rasmussen (see photo above left), 'exactly the right man'.

Rasmussen should but at least a 'good nose for moderate terrorists' are awarded. Lastly, the Kurdish PKK operating from Denmark propaganda for their struggle against the NATO partner Turkey. The PKK has been some Jahren von den USA und der EU als terroristische Organisation eingestuft. Auch in Deutschland ist sie verboten. Erst vor einem Jahr sprach das deutsche Innenministerium ein Verbot gegen den Sender " RojTV" aus. Wo aber der deutsche Innenminister Schäuble einen "Fortbestand der verbotenen PKK" attestiert, sieht Rasmussen nur "Pressefreiheit".

Rasmussen: Ein lupenreiner Machiavellist

Gleich nach seiner Wahl zum NATO-Generalsekretär reiste Rassmussen zum "Dialog der Zivilisationen" nach Istanbul. Zuvor hatte die türkische Regierung triumphierend gemeldet, Rasmussen würde eine offizielle Entschuldigung wegen der Bleidigung des Propheten Muhammed (saw) durch die dänische Presse . Write Then one would have suited to the NATO meeting. These expectations disappointed Rasmussen. Quite possible Rasmussen was to an ominous crash - it remained unclear what caused the accident, first reports spoke of a bath or stair fall - his short term memory down, perhaps, the Turkish NATO delegation at the summit in France and Germany some mistranslated?

any case, came during the Turkish Prime Minister Rasmussen's' dialogue speech "obviously in anger, the Turkish diplomatic corps fell down the same row as Kinladen and press representatives from Turkey and other Muslim countries could only shake their heads amazed.

Rasmussen continues to beat the "free speech" as "basic democracy". Envisioned by Muslims around the world to "free speech" not just serious offenses, could not or would not understand Rasmussen.

particularly for the Turks is the dialogue inability Rasmussen's a slap in the face. Turkey is trying desperately to find a balance between the Occident and Orient. But from their 'strategic partners' in the West again and again 'ripped off'. Therefore, strictly speaking also pro-Western and secular Turks of a serious misjudgment of NATO. The calculated der Neocon-Kreuzritter Rasmussen als NATO-Heerführer eingesetzt wurde, wird nicht nur am Bosporus als Selbstmord der NATO gedeutet.

Nomen est omen

Für viele Muslime ist Rasmussens 'Sturz in Istanbul' (Foto links, Rasmussen nach seinem Sturz) ein schlechtes Omen; sowohl für die Muslime in den Kriegsgebieten als auch für die NATO.

Hinter der Dialog-Fassade erwarten die Muslime einen Generalangriff der NATO. Lange kann der krisengeschüttelte Westen nähmlich seine neo-kolonialen Kriegszüge nicht mehr 'bezahlen'.

Ist schon Rasmussens Rhetorik alles andere als Vertrauenswürdig, so sieht der Orientale erst recht in the physiognomy of the Danes are not good signs.

stumped why we follow in the Muslim world the disaster of NATO. The Titan of the Atlantic would have been shaken so much, can not be the hearing's most renegade of the West Jakarta between Fez and dream.



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