Monday, July 6, 2009

Rash After Waxing That Itches

Am 26.06.2009 Arbeiterwohnheim cam es in einem der chinesischen Stadt Xiao-Guan (Guangdong Province) to serious clashes between Uighur and Chinese workers. Here at least two Uighur workers were killed. The Chinese authorities terminated the investigation as quickly. Arrests due to the two deaths were not known. When news of the "Autonomous Region of Xinjiang", reached Uyghur demanded an explanation of what happened in Guangdong.

In Urumqi demonstrated at 05.07. (Thursday) Uyghur first few hundred, mostly students and young workers, for a resumption of inspections and clearing up the incidents in Guangdong. The number of protesters grew to fast mehrere tausend an, diese blieben aber weiterhin friedlich. Dennoch geriet die chinesische Polizei in Panik und versuchte die Demonstration mit Wasserwerfern und Schlagstockeinsatz zu sprengen. Die Demonstranten griffen daraufhin die chinesische Polizei mit Steinen und Flaschen an. Als die Polizeikräfte die Kontrolle verloren kam es zu einem massiven Einsatz von Polizei-Spezialkräften und der Armee.

Chinesischen Polizisten und Soldaten schossen mit scharfer Munition in die Menge.

Offiziellen chinesischen Meldungen zufolge kamen bei den Straßenkämpfen 140 Menschen ums Leben. Rund 1000 Personen wurden verletzt. Hunderte Uiguren wurden festgenommen. Genaue Angaben über die Zugehörigkeit der Toten und Verletzten gab es zunächst not. Chinese media only showed pictures of injured civilians and destroyed Chinese Chinese institutions.

According to the resident in Turkey exiled Uyghur Seyit Tümtürk Solidarity Association of Eastern Turkestan (Turkestan Doğu Dayanisma Derneği), the number of deaths (almost exclusively Uyghur) are up to 500 bar. Tümtürk appealed at a news conference to latest reports from East Turkestan and in the many years of experience with official figures from the Chinese government.

have only the scanty from East Turkestan and China arriving eyewitnesses reported the use Chinese security forces have extended to a pogrom against the Muslim population. Coming

with brute force in the Chinese Contemporary

From Outer Mongolia to the Turkic Uyghur moved since the mid-9th Century in what is now Eastern Turkestan to. The Islamization of, have been largely Manichean and Buddhist Uyghur, set from 10 A century. Until the Mongol invasions under Genghis Khan (13th century) maintained the Uigurenreich as an independent factor in the Central Asian area. After the end of Mongol rule (Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368) in China Eastern Turkestan fell again under more or less strong Chinese Influence. From 1864 to 1878 the Muslims of East Turkistan under Yakub Beg could again win a national independence from China. The Emirate of Yakub Beg's formally introduced himself under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Caliphate, but could not compete with the Russians and Chinese are more assailants. East Turkestan in 1884 under the name "Xinjiang" China has been divided. From 1933, the Muslims of East Turkistan fought back for their independence. After the rebellion of accumulation was the independence of East Turkestan (1944) proclaimed. In 1949 the Red Army occupied all of East Turkestan. Built in 1955, the Communist central government, the "Autonomous Region of Xinjiang. In the years 1958, 1962, 1965, 1968 and 1997, there was always armed uprisings of the Muslim population against the Chinese occupiers. This year alone, some 250,000 East Turkestan were the repressive measures of the Chinese victims. In particular, the local Intellegenzia and Islamic clergy was persecuted targeted and murdered. The local leadership was forced into exile.

The indigenous Muslim population is (also known as Dungan, ethnic Chinese Muslims), for the most part of Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik and Hui.

Accurate population figures are difficult to identify. In general, the Muslim population is estimated to be about 9 million. With a total population of about 19 million. Since the occupation of Peking 1949/55 operates a massive immigration and assimilation policies in favor of Han Chinese.

The national-cultural clear-cutting of "protected minorities" East Turkistan reaches into all areas of life. From kindergarten to university, all ethnic minorities, the Chinese language is imposed. Religious institutions are there and hardly any private study of Islam is suppressed with great brutality. From birth control, especially the Muslim minority is concerned. Forced sterilizations and forced abortions on Muslim women are now common. In the tradition-rich cities of the East Turkestan rolls Chinese modernism everything down. Thousands of ancient old towns in Kashgar be stamped out and replaced by concrete giants on the American model.

From Chinese economic miracle, the Uyghur feel just as other national minorities. The Chinese administration apparently pursued a policy of socio-economic isolation from "stubborn" people groups. The Muslims of East Turkestan are systematically kept away from all social positions of power. Not even in their own "autonomous region" they come in influential political bodies.

exiled Uyghur: Between Chinese and Western instrumentalization persecution

Although it has been the 1950s, a sizeable East Turkestan exile community (especially in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia and Turkey) are, could hardly give these previously owned. During the Cold War Part of the exile community in Western Europe under NATO command have been asked. In Germany (Munich), for example, Americans built a Uighur propaganda station against Beijing. After the collapse of the Soviet Union was known in the NATO-long rods nothing to do with these Uyghur. Only with the rapid economic rise of China was remembered back to the "fifth column Uighur.

In the age of the "Clash of Civilizations" is the geo-strategic planners in Washington und Brüssel darauf aus eine westlich indroktinierte uigurische Unabhängigkeitsbewegung aufzubauen. Der populärste Name dieses Projekts ist Rebiya Kadeer. Die 61-jährige Kadeer wird über die westlichen Medien gerne als geschäftstüchtige Emanze hochstilisiert. Prototypen wie Kadeer sollen irgendwann Ostturkestan von der chinesischen Moderne in die westliche Moderne überführen.

Bisher haben aber Auslandsorganisationen wie Kadeers "Uigurischer Weltkongress" kaum direkten Einfluß auf den Unabhängigkeitskampf in Ostturkestan. Zum einen ist die Kommunikation mit örtlichen Widerstandsgruppen äußerst schwierig, die Chinesen haben ein dichtes Spitzelnetz und kontrollieren auch die elektronischen Nachrichtennetze. Above all, do not trust the Muslims of East Turkestan their compatriots abroad. Particularly those such as the resident in the United States Kadeer. Too tight is the integration of these exiles to the CIA. The East Turkestan resistance groups had in recent years all too often the hard way that directed against Beijing's Tactical Plan East Turkestan "the CIA is to elementary demands diametrically opposed. For the West, East Turkestan is only a peasant figure in the "Great Game".

East Turkestan is the popular uprising ignited spontaneously. And be done with various exile groups and in particular with those directly from the Western intelligence services not networked.

The street battles in Urumqi are trimmed as the largest popular uprising since the bloody massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989 evaluated. Despite the nightmarish giant-suppression apparatus of the Chinese occupiers Urumqi will be a beacon of resistance and independence movement in East Turkestan.

Muslims in East Turkestan will, however, still very much on his own. The U.S. and its allies fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan (both countries have direct borders with East Turkestan) for survival. In this situation, we will be careful in the switching centers of Western warfare, making things even more complicated than they already are.

Serious gave diplomatic measures against Beijing, not even after the bloody riots in Tibet as well as of spring 2008.

German-Turkish news

More Resources :

TimesOnline: 140 killed in western China after Uighur riots and security crack down (with the first film footage and photos from Urumqi)

Guardian: China locks down after ethnic riots kill Western Province 140 (With TV report from Urumqi)

East Turkistan Information Center (also in German)

Addendum (07/07/2009): The few reports confirm the day yesterday on a general pogrom atmosphere against the Uyghur. As reported by marching FAZ of several thousand Chinese, the armed cutting and stabbing weapons by Urumqi. A report of the Deutsche Welle by Chinese "vigilante" spoken, call the public to the murder of Uyghur.

is from these reports conclude that the Chinese authorities either lost control and / or intentionally incite the Chinese people against the Uyghur.

leaked Meanwhile, the first reports by, which is available in the cities of Kashgar and Hotan also has come to clashes between Uyghur and Chinese. It should have been at least 100 deaths.

Official Chinese news agencies indicate the number of persons killed in the rioting people with 156th Uighur exile organizations go out of contrast, at least 400 deaths.

a tough response to the "international community" to Beijing was - as was expected - so far off.

given the following - revealing - Report (extract) by Epoch Times Germany :

The violence in Xinjiang Uighur outraged the population living overseas. One of them Wu'er Kaixi, who had fled from China, After 1989, the students led to demonstrations at Tiananmen Square.

Wu'er Kaixi lives and works in Taiwan, and declared that the Chinese Communist Party supported by the U.S. war on terror to be used to destroy the Uyghur of China.

"Especially after the incident of 11 September in the U.S., have asked when the United States, China, the allies against terrorism to include China has developed the method, all Uighur ethnic demonstrations or protests, even when there are very peaceful protests to portray as terrorist actions, "said Kaixi . Unfortunately, is the fact that the Uyghur are Muslims, one of the reasons why, contrary brings the world to them little attention and sympathy. "


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