Saturday, December 5, 2009

Smelling My Moms Friends Feet

minarets banned - West saved

"The suicidal dog pisses on the mosque wall." . (Turkish proverb)

"In" Tough but fair "is Wolfgang Bosbach what Guido Westerwelle formerly of" Christiansen was "a permanent resident subject matter which is precisely tuned, is secondary; Bosbach why is invited again and again, has other reasons. can sharpen the politician, pull out as needed cheat sheets with various figures, it can stir up fears and is an expert in matters Empörungskultur. "
this" fact sheet "published the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger from 04.12 . .2008 Wolfgang Bosbach such a review should be but cold;. the apparently thinks he is a herald of the so-called dominant culture and savior of the West
Speaking of culture ... This guidance, a few years ago by a German-Arab ("Europe without Idendität ") in the" political science debate, introduced in concept, shone above all by the absence of content. No wonder if in the meantime, even the "wanted to leave herald the dominant culture" that "old Europe" towards the New World. Despite his Jacobin zeal for the so-called dominant culture felt the German-Arab by this same dominant culture somehow not taken fully satisfying. "The busy Damascus" (Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung, June 2, 2008) but then remained in his adopted homeland. And while the academically trained German-Arab after all some keywords, such as democracy, secularism, education, human rights and civil society under the slogan "Dominant culture" set, could had German political managers have probably noticed that German culture has long since been eliminated. The term was then quickly out of the "public debate" and away from the "elastic" term "integration" is replaced.
In what is in migrants, especially those of Muslim origin to integrate, gave such a "shining examples" such as Günther Beckstein repeatedly suggestions. Meanwhile, although there was a political career of Beckstein, not just honest and inspiring show for imitation, but in the end of the Christian Democratic Union, there is never a lack of integration crusaders.
One of them is Wolfgang Bosbach. This representative of the people has now risen even with language philosophers in terms of integration. How did a Bosbach "ticking" for example, explained here in brief:

cartoon: Wolfgang Bosbach of full integration and assimilation

Conductor Culture = fear culture

can with minarets, the liberal-democratic civil society can not save more secure. As there may be the politischen und propagandistischen Vertreter dieser Zivilisation noch so sehr an ihren pebiszitären Erfolgen aufgeilen; mit solchen karnevalesken lassen sich die grundlegenden Probleme der westlichen Welt bzw. die von westlichen "Werten" dominierten Welt nicht lösen. Ausfälle solcher Art deuten vielmehr einen entgültigen Ausfall an.
Wenn Roger Köppel von rechtspopulistischen und wirtschaftsliberalen "Weltwoche" (Schweiz) meint die Schweiz habe "ein demokratisches Urteil gefällt und es steht niemandem zu, das zu kritisieren", hat er - im Rahmen seines verkorksten Intellektualismus - sicher recht. Die zur Demagogie ausgeartete Demokratie ist eines der Hauptprobleme der modernen Welt. Das dies von ideologischen Fanatikern wie Köppel nicht erkannt wird, muß als "innere Logik" dieser Entwicklung betrachtet werden.
Mit welchen niederen Psychologismen diese Zeitgeister dabei vorgehen bzw. solche im "Volkskörper" zu aktivieren wissen, zeigt insbesondere der jüngste Schweizer Ausfall: "150 Moscheen gibt es in der Schweiz, nur vier Minarette haben sie zusammen. Zwei weitere waren geplant, die nun nicht mehr gebaut werden..." * Das sich "aufgeklärte Eliten" und "mündige Bürger" an solchen "Auswüchsen" ereifern können, sagt eher etwas über die geistige Umnachtung der liberal-demokratischen Civil society. The Swiss Köppel can look forward first; street survey was Köppel law. How to call in the gutter, it drowned out.
beat In this sense, then Bosbach & Co would simply go too. The Swiss vote is an expression "in this country a widespread fear of Islamization of society," said Bosbach. Weber and his party colleague also asked the same - oh wonder! - A "European identity debate." This will was searching unsuccessfully for a "European identity" has now more a decade seems these folks for no embarrassing questions to raise.
not think straight This is a strength of the populace, it becomes clear just these sham debates. One reason for this intellectual gridlock are repressed fears are mentioned.
"We are dealing with fears and anxieties, especially as there is ignorance, where, where uncertainty is where there are Untransparenz ..." said the architect Paul Böhm against Germany radio and said that as one of the few Europeans from something that most do not want to or can think again if Muslims as scapegoats a whole botched civilization must heralten.
The ethical, spiritual, cultural, political, economic and environmental disasters now characterize the identity of a civilization that simply no longer able to classify things correctly.
More Resources:
A minaret is one of a mosque (Germany radio interview with the North Rhine-Westphalia Integration Minister Armin Laschet)


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