Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quote Family Member Ill

Hot News and explosive: Islamist scene in Germany Niedersachsen growing

! The daily Die Welt makes in its online edition today with a remarkable article on the Islamic and inevitably to the Islamist scene in Germany.

Here is the article:

Hanover - Militant Islam is the view of the constitutional protection for internal security in Lower Saxony will provide the greatest threat dar. The activities of this scene is increasingly a cause for "concern," said Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann (CDU) at the launch of the Constitutional Protection Report 2008. Overall, there were loud Interior Ministry last year with 3725 crimes (up 32 per cent) a significant increase in politically motivated Offenses in Lower Saxony. Of these offenses in 1789 a right-wing extremist background, 666 had a left-wing extremist.

center of the Islamist scene, which, according Schünemann has 3180 followers, the Braunschweig area. In the local Islamic educational and cultural center of Braunschweig (IBKZ) would be taught a militant, anti-constitutional Islam and propagated hate preachers trained.

Source: The world-online

This et is another recent post we found on the Web:

"The biggest threat to internal security of the country continues from Islamist terrorist groups" , Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann said at the launch of the Lower Saxony Constitutional Protection Report 2008 on Wednesday in Hanover. "

We have no knowledge of concrete attack plans. But there are strong links to Islamists from Lower Saxony to the terrorist scene in other countries. "Especially concerned is Schünemann on Islamic militants from the area of Braunschweig, Germany have left. "We have evidence that some of them are trained in terrorist camps or terrorist groups are connected." You would expect with a return of persons to Germany.

Schünemann Minister pointed out that in the Braunschweig area ein Teil der islamistischen Szene befände. Eine wichtige Rolle spiele darin, das von Muhamed Ciftci geleitete Islamische Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum (IBKZ) Braunschweig. Dort werde ein strenger Islam (Salafismus) gelehrt und gepredigt, der das Ziel habe, die Gesellschaft von allen unislamischen Elementen zu “reinigen”. Der Verfassungsschutz befürchtet, dass das IBKZ zahlreiche Prediger als Multiplikatoren ausbilde und so ein religiöser Fundamentalismus wachsenden Einfluss auf die Muslime in Deutschland gewinnen könnte.

Schünemann wies darauf hin, dass es auch Bezüge zur Sauerland-Gruppe gibt, der gerade der Prozess in Düsseldorf gemacht wird. Ein Jugendlicher, der in der islamischen Gemeinde in Braunschweig verkehrte, wird verdächtigt, Bombenzünder für die Gruppe transportiert zu haben.

Globale Vernetzung

Sorge macht dem Innenminister auch die globale Vernetzung des militanten Islamismus. “Es gibt fast wöchentlich neue Drohvideos, die auch gegen Deutschland gerichtet sind. Das zeigt: Wir sind keine Insel. Auch wir sind im Visier des islamistischen Terrors”, sagte Schünemann. Der Verfassungsschutz wird deshalb, so der Innenminister, seine Beobachtung des islamistischen Netzwerkes weiter intensivieren.

Anstieg politisch motivierter Ausländerkriminalität

Die Polizei geht weiterhin konsequent gegen die Aktivitäten des KONGRAL GEL (formerly PKK) in front. Phenomenon in the field of extremist motivated crime by foreigners, the number of registered criminal offenses rose in 2008 to 651 (previous year 155) to. For this cause are the police investigation in connection with illegal activities of the former PKK in Lower Saxony. During a search of the Kurdistan People's Club House "Mala Gel" in Hannover was extensive evidence to ensure their use to initiate a total of 686 criminal cases, including collection of money for donations to maintain the organizational structures of the former PKK led. Of the cases opened were recorded 581 for the 2008 reporting year.

Sources: Cop2Cop - 29.04.2009 weckstube - 29/04/2009


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