Friday, April 24, 2009

Cord Coverpowered By Wordpress

Hier geht es bald um Islam Aufklärung!

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

You may wonder why the matter now has to be a blog about Islam.

Believe me: There must blog about Islam, specifically against Islam, in which we critically examine this threat to our culture and our society.

We want this blog to any reader / every reader to make clear why a mosque around the corner is not a cute or magnificent building, but the inside is already in the destruction of our society, our culture and bring it to the destruction of our children and grandson is in progress. Every mosque and every Muslim Cultural Association (which Widerspruch in sich) sind die Sargnägel in unserer Gesellschaft und das Schaffot für unsere demokratische Grundordnung.

Ihre Redaktion


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