Friday, April 24, 2009

How To Re-tie Target Moccasins

Al Qaeda threatens attacks in Germany again!

Die Tagesschau der ARD macht heute mit folgender Meldung auf:

Das Terrornetzwerk Al Kaida droht nach Informationen der ARD in einem jetzt öffentlich bekannt gewordenen Video erneut mit Anschlägen - teilweise sogar in deutscher Sprache. Das Video ist damit die dritte Drohbotschaft Al Kaidas auf Deutsch seit Jahresbeginn.

In dem Propagandavideo droht ein vermummter Kämpfer auf deutsch mit Anschlägen - die Sicherheitsbehörden the video of the terrorist network Al Qaeda in order.

In the 80 minute over terrorist video that was posted on the Internet and the ARD Berlin Studio there is only a short passage in German. In this scene, several masked fighters are seen. One of them threatened to German. "To the European Union and all its allies who support the Americans, the Mujahedeen are on their way to you and we'll be all so God will destroy And in the first place, of course, Denmark and Holland, our prophet. . revile Allah will receive you and we will be happy to participate, to your destruction. "

The speaker is disguised as Abu Hamza - the German - called. The identity is still unknown. Currently, the video will be evaluated by the security authorities. According to their data fits the video into the propaganda strategy of Al Qaeda to threaten the West and Germany with attacks.

allegations to the U.S.

through much of the videos are different cadres of the terrorist network to speak. has the largest share of Adam Gadahn, an American convert who will stay for several years in the Afghan-Pakistani border area. Adam Gadahn tries in the video, to interpret history in terms of a jihadist worldview. He accused America and its allies, have caused the deaths of many innocent Muslims. Also shown in the video battle scenes and characters of Mujahideen, which have allegedly occurred in several provinces in Afghanistan.

Third German-language video since the beginning

The current video is the third public has become known propaganda video by Al Qaeda, is also threatened in the German language with attacks. Year to date only two German-language threatening messages of the terror network have been published on the web. In these first two videos in each case was a German-Moroccan act as spokesman, according to the findings of investigators, it should be a case to Bekkay cent of Bonn.

Source: ARD Tagesschau


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