Thursday, April 30, 2009

Church Anniverary Templates

Senegal religious leaders based front against homosexuality

The daily "The Standard" from Vienna (Austria) today deals with an important issue: Homosexuality in Muslim countries! Read with us the report:

Imam calls for the killing of homosexuals to

Dakar - Religious leaders in Senegal on Wednesday announced in response to the release of nine homosexuals to establish a "Islamic Front for the Defence of ethical values" . Bamar Gueye, head of the NGO Jamra, leaving the output of a mosque in the capital Dakar, a statement was a "dangerous conspiracy against the religious values," the speech which the Legalisierung der Homosexualität zum Ziel habe.

Im Senegal sind 95 Prozent der Bevölkerung Muslime. Homosexualität ist offiziell verboten und wird mit bis zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis bestraft. Die neun Männer waren in einer Privatwohnung festgenommen und im Jänner u.a. wegen Unzucht und widernatürlicher Handlungen zu insgesamt acht Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Vor zehn Tagen hob ein Berufungsgericht das Urteil allerdings auf und ordnete die Freilassung der Männer an.

Furcht vor der Geheimlobby

Bamar Gueye erklärte, eine Geheimlobby versuche, die Zustimmung des Senegal zur UNO-Deklaration gegen die Diskriminierung and to achieve universal decriminalization of homosexuality. More than 20 Islamic union and religious leaders met on Wednesday to launch a permanent structure in life, to counteract this. The Prophet Mohammed said: "If you come at people who are going to practice the practices of the people of Lot, it kills." Mamadou Lamine Diop

, the popular imam of a suburb of Dakar, spoke briefly to journalists in front of it, kill gays, to live out their sexuality, "These are people who deserve the cemetery silence (...) (...) to share that they can be eliminated easily. "

Source: The Standard

das gleiche Thema Yesterday in englisch:

The release of the nine gay aroused an outcry from religious. Imams and clerics and Islamic associations have focused on the baptismal font Islamic Front for the Defense of Values \u200b\u200bof Ethics. They held a press conference on Wednesday 29 at mausoleum Seydou Tall Nourou Rebeuss located at the western ridge of Dakar. These monks have made a declaration entitled "Response and commitment" and expressed their determination to fight against the corruption of morals, including the decriminalization of homosexuality.

Le Front Islamique pour la Défense des Valeurs d’Ethique a été mis en place par les imams, oulémas et associations islamiques. L’enceinte de la mosquée Cheikh Oumar Foutihou Tall a servi de cadre pour la mise en place de cette structure qui s’est indignée de la libération des neuf homosexuels et a décidé de se battre contre la dépénalisation de l’homosexualité. Elle est dirigée par le khalife de Thierno Mountaga Tall de la famille omarienne, Serigne Thierno Madany Tall.
Ce front compte ainsi s’ériger «en permanence en sentinelle et éveil des consciences des valeurs religieuses».

Le Front Islamique pour la Défense des Values \u200b\u200bof Ethics has targeted organizations defending human rights and lobbies lurking in the shadows. " According to his statement, "These lobbies have hatched a conspiracy against dangerous religious values \u200b\u200bin general and against those of Islam in particular." Bamar Gueye said that "these lobbyists have their conspiracy began last December 18 with the call for the decriminalization of homosexuality launched at the UN General Assembly." He said that "these lobbyists seek to have a quorum for the UN to endorse an agreement for the" decriminalization universelle de l’homosexualité». Ces religieux ont estimé que l’Afrique est le continent le plus visé dans cette «machination». Ils ont dénoncé les «ramifications insoupçonnées (divers groupes obscurs dont des homosexuels et des lesbiennes) qui se livrent à des manœuvres souterraines au niveau mondial avec des fonds exorbitants pour recruter et manipuler des relais, notamment certaines ONG se réclamant de la défense des droits humains».

Cette déclaration est le fruit d’une journée de réflexion qui a réuni les différentes parties prenantes au Front. Elles ont, selon Bamar Gueye fustigé «l’attitude des commanditaires de ces Manœuvre sournoises Visant à nos valeurs religieuses Saper. " Et d'ajouter: «ce qui est le plus et révoltant offusquant, c'est l'inadmissible ingerence de la France."

Source: pressafrik

Charity Copper Teapot

the "Quote of the Day" to IBKZ in Brunswick by Günter

Günter hot, the president of Lower Saxony's intelligence service, believes that the Islamic Educational and Cultural Center is a kind of water heater for militant Islamists.

his words literally :

"The IBKZ in Brunswick and related persons have in all relevant areas of their networks in Germany. You are in a sense, a magnet for people who want to improve their skills towards fundamentalism. And to that extent we value it also so that there is a center that has a nationwide broadcast "

source. ndr-info

We want to add anything, our readers ask, however, an appropriate handling with the dangerous Islamists - not only with those from Brunswick Each Islamic center in Germany and Europe -. and also just any mosque - can be the breeding ground for insidious violence by Islam

Quote Family Member Ill

Hot News and explosive: Islamist scene in Germany Niedersachsen growing

! The daily Die Welt makes in its online edition today with a remarkable article on the Islamic and inevitably to the Islamist scene in Germany.

Here is the article:

Hanover - Militant Islam is the view of the constitutional protection for internal security in Lower Saxony will provide the greatest threat dar. The activities of this scene is increasingly a cause for "concern," said Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann (CDU) at the launch of the Constitutional Protection Report 2008. Overall, there were loud Interior Ministry last year with 3725 crimes (up 32 per cent) a significant increase in politically motivated Offenses in Lower Saxony. Of these offenses in 1789 a right-wing extremist background, 666 had a left-wing extremist.

center of the Islamist scene, which, according Schünemann has 3180 followers, the Braunschweig area. In the local Islamic educational and cultural center of Braunschweig (IBKZ) would be taught a militant, anti-constitutional Islam and propagated hate preachers trained.

Source: The world-online

This et is another recent post we found on the Web:

"The biggest threat to internal security of the country continues from Islamist terrorist groups" , Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schünemann said at the launch of the Lower Saxony Constitutional Protection Report 2008 on Wednesday in Hanover. "

We have no knowledge of concrete attack plans. But there are strong links to Islamists from Lower Saxony to the terrorist scene in other countries. "Especially concerned is Schünemann on Islamic militants from the area of Braunschweig, Germany have left. "We have evidence that some of them are trained in terrorist camps or terrorist groups are connected." You would expect with a return of persons to Germany.

Schünemann Minister pointed out that in the Braunschweig area ein Teil der islamistischen Szene befände. Eine wichtige Rolle spiele darin, das von Muhamed Ciftci geleitete Islamische Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum (IBKZ) Braunschweig. Dort werde ein strenger Islam (Salafismus) gelehrt und gepredigt, der das Ziel habe, die Gesellschaft von allen unislamischen Elementen zu “reinigen”. Der Verfassungsschutz befürchtet, dass das IBKZ zahlreiche Prediger als Multiplikatoren ausbilde und so ein religiöser Fundamentalismus wachsenden Einfluss auf die Muslime in Deutschland gewinnen könnte.

Schünemann wies darauf hin, dass es auch Bezüge zur Sauerland-Gruppe gibt, der gerade der Prozess in Düsseldorf gemacht wird. Ein Jugendlicher, der in der islamischen Gemeinde in Braunschweig verkehrte, wird verdächtigt, Bombenzünder für die Gruppe transportiert zu haben.

Globale Vernetzung

Sorge macht dem Innenminister auch die globale Vernetzung des militanten Islamismus. “Es gibt fast wöchentlich neue Drohvideos, die auch gegen Deutschland gerichtet sind. Das zeigt: Wir sind keine Insel. Auch wir sind im Visier des islamistischen Terrors”, sagte Schünemann. Der Verfassungsschutz wird deshalb, so der Innenminister, seine Beobachtung des islamistischen Netzwerkes weiter intensivieren.

Anstieg politisch motivierter Ausländerkriminalität

Die Polizei geht weiterhin konsequent gegen die Aktivitäten des KONGRAL GEL (formerly PKK) in front. Phenomenon in the field of extremist motivated crime by foreigners, the number of registered criminal offenses rose in 2008 to 651 (previous year 155) to. For this cause are the police investigation in connection with illegal activities of the former PKK in Lower Saxony. During a search of the Kurdistan People's Club House "Mala Gel" in Hannover was extensive evidence to ensure their use to initiate a total of 686 criminal cases, including collection of money for donations to maintain the organizational structures of the former PKK led. Of the cases opened were recorded 581 for the 2008 reporting year.

Sources: Cop2Cop - 29.04.2009 weckstube - 29/04/2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Burst Capillary In Urethra

zwölf Einblicke ins Mittelalter oghusische

The initial translation of Dede Korkut Old Turkish epics

By Behrang Samsami

this country, he is a stranger. In the Turkic-speaking world, however, is Dede Korkut anyone an idea. He is considered the father of all "Aschuks," have those poets who praised the Turks for a long time not only as a writer of love poems, but also valued as a historical writer and ambassador. Now the German from the Book of Dede Korkut "known twelve Turkish hero stories first time in a Translation published - and to discover.

It does not matter what has been the occasion that prompted the Reclam publishing house to publish them by only two preserved manuscripts surviving collection. Whether it was this year's guest country at the Frankfurt Book Fair for some years now or the constant high level of interest of the local reading public in anything that has to do with the Middle Ages. The first full text of this, especially in Turkey and in Azerbaijan as a national epic, claimed the Book of Dede Korkut "was long overdue. And not just because it is a piece of world literature is, but also and mainly because it is a rare Insight into a world that which we know little: namely, that of the Oghuz Middle Ages.

Who or what are these Oghuz? For them it is a former Turkish Stammeskonföderation, named by the legendary military leader is Oghuz Khan. Nowadays, the name Oghuz peoples used mainly as a collective term for one of two major groups among the Turkic peoples, the Turks, Azeris and Turkmen, who speak through their close historical relationship still languages \u200b\u200bthat are assigned to the same group. The other large group are the so-called Kipchak Turks, including the Tatars and Kazakhs.

moved to the end of the great Turkish steppe empires in Mongolia and the Seven Rivers country Kipchak Turks in the 7th Century in north-west and were located north of the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Oghuz moved west, but south and settled in Afghanistan and Persia, Anatolia and the Caucasus. During the 11th This century were a majority with Islam and penetrated further into Asia Minor before in Byzantine territory - hoping to find new pastures for their herds. And precisely this semi-nomadic lifestyle of the Oghuz is in the "Book of Dede Korkut" portrays. Initiated

is the collection of a prologue, in which the - unknown and probably early modern - Author or Editor stories located in time, namely in the years "not long after the death of the Prophet" Mohammed. Represented this era is provided as a golden age in which the Oghuz not only fierce battles in time with its eastern Anatolia-Caucasus neighbors, the Christian Georgians. For even among themselves there was often turmoil and strife. It was, they constitute a double tribe living in separate camps, the inner-Oghuz (UC Oq or "Three Arrows"), the outside-Oghuz leader (Boz Oq or "gray arrows) with.

It is now always on Dede Korkut, these border conflicts, Attacks and internal power struggles after the termination of others - such as lyrical epic - to be recorded. Interestingly, the fact that he is the editor considered not only as the original author but also as a person acting in self occurs, so combine that with its multiple functions, namely that of the poet, counselor and bards.

If we imagine the stories collectively, the situation is as follows: nine of the twelve stories an adolescent hero show. This show features the adventures of epic: the birth of it, which already has a boy with supernatural powers, after his first heroic deed receives a name and finally a Woman advertises. It always involves an expedition to free a trapped member of the family from the hand of the enemy. After the victory of the often only son of an elderly couple - an ancient Central Asian Motif - returns a peace. The remaining stories are of a different nature: while the last story is about the civil war between the inner and outer-Oghuz, the fifth has forecast an original Anatolian background, namely the confrontation with the angel of death Azrael. Finally, the eighth story of the Cyclops Depegös own trains, but is more integrated into the whole of the book.

is worth reading the "Book of Dede Korkut" not only because of the numerous Adventures that the different, but always have to pass characters appearing. It is in particular because it provides a detailed insight into everyday life, social organization and ideology of the Turkish nomads. Thus, various types of tents including technical and terminological details are known. Or we find out that they had separate summer and winter pastures, which corresponds to a nomadic life, as he still in Turkey, especially in Iran is to be found. And, with its preference for division (beginning with that of her tribe) to explain their strong tendency to exogamy: So the Oghuz lived mostly in small groups, were careful not However, inbreeding, by arranged marriages between separate tribal blocks.

Finally, some comments on the presented here, published in the new Reclam Library Edition: from Turkologist Hendrik Boeschoten presented, first complete German first edition is based on its own, former Dutch translation that his statements to compared to previous transfers an entire number of interpretations has. Here, the issue includes the text of the twelve heroic sagas also a map that locates the habitat of the Oghuz "Dede Korkut", and also a directory with the main text output, and finally information on international Forschungsliteratur.

Bedauerlich ist einzig, dass kein Glossar angelegt worden ist, in dem die Namen der - für das deutsche Lesepublikum meist völlig unbekannten - Personen näher erläutert werden. Dies geschieht im Haupttext zwar in einigen, aber nicht in allen Fällen. Darüber hinaus wäre zu überlegen, ob es nicht sinnvoll sei, zukünftig eine zweisprachige Ausgabe zu veröffentlichen. Auf diese Weise würde man dem Publikum nicht nur die Einsicht ins Original, sondern den der türkischen Sprache mächtigen Lesern auch die Möglichkeit eines Vergleichs mit der hier vorgelegten Übersetzung gewähren - und damit die Authentizität der zwölf Einblicke ins oghusische Mittelalter noch steigern.

Das Buch des Dede Korkut. Heldenerzählungen aus dem türkischen Mittelalter.
Übersetzt aus dem Türkischen von Hendrik Boeschoten.
Reclam Verlag, Ditzingen 2008.
300 Seiten, 19,90 EUR.
ISBN-13: 9783150106662


Die Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden hat ein handschriftliches Manuskript des alttürkischen Epos digitalisiert. Das vollständige Manuskript stammt voraussichtlich aus dem 15. Jahrhundert und ist auf türkisch (osmanisch) mit arabischen Schriftzeichen verfasst. Alle 312 Seiten des Originals wurden digitalisiert und stehen (auszugsweise) Transkription in deutscher Übersetzung sowie zur Verfügung des Originaltextes.

Kitab-i Dede Korkut - Mscr.Dresd.Ea.86

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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: A diplomat as a racist agitator?

second from right, the Turkish Consul General, who insulted all Germans. But he is probably not shown - unfortunately not.
Photo: Andreas Probst

The initiative Mor Gabriel to obtain an ancient Christian monastery in Turkey, calls for the dismissal of the diplomats. The consul general had expressed several times the same racist against Germans.

COLOGNE / FRANKFURT - In a conversation with the Turkish Generalkonsul Hakan Kivanc erinnert sich ein Teilnehmer aus Köln noch gut. Am 22. Februar 2009 sei der Diplomat zu einem Treffen im Hause eines Künstlers erschienen. Weil dieser nicht mit Kivanc alleine reden wollte, habe er noch einige Freunde eingeladen. Anlass des Gesprächs sei die drohende Schließung des Klosters Mor Gabriel in der Türkei gewesen. Der Künstler hatte sich in einer Veranstaltung für den Erhalt des Klosters eingesetzt, daraufhin soll Kivanc um ein Gespräch gebeten haben.

Drei Stunden lang soll Hakan Kivanc mit den Männern geredet haben. Anschließend habe er um eine vertrauliche Behandlung des Gesprächs gebeten. Dennoch fertigte einer der Teilnehmer ein Protokoll an. Angebliche Inhalte daraus hat Now the initiative through its spokesman Mor Gabriel Kubilay Demirkaya published. The consul general had expressed several times the same racist against Germans. "If you cut the Germans the arteries, blood flows brown," he said. He also had claimed that the Germans would prefer to tattoo the Turks a "T" as it had done the Nazis with the Jews. The meeting participants, which included, inter alia, a Turk and a Kurd, he warned then, is to play by the German policy does not allow. A participant of the conversation has confirmed this.

In the Turkish Consulate General in Dusseldorf wollte sich am Montag niemand zu den Vorwürfen äußern. Auf Anfrage hieß es, der Generalkonsul befinde sich derzeit nicht in Düsseldorf. Auch sonst wolle niemand eine Stellungnahme abgeben.

Die Initiative Mor Gabriel, zu der mehrere Verbände türkischer Minderheiten in Deutschland gehören, hat inzwischen die Abberufung des Generalkonsuls gefordert. In einer Pressemitteilung wirft die Initiative dem Generalkonsul „rassistische Äußerungen“ vor, die „nicht zu entschuldigen“ seien. „Wir fordern die Türkei auf, umgehend personelle Konsequenzen zu ziehen. Ein Generalkonsul, der solch ein Deutschlandbild verinnerlicht hat und damit auch noch hausieren geht, darf nicht weiter may work in the diplomatic service in Germany, "said Kubilay Demirkaya, spokesman for the initiative.

Already at an interview in February, some participants have reacted angrily to the wording of the diplomats. "We have expressed that Turkey is a civilized country," said one participant.

Source: Kölner Stadt Anzeiger

Heal Thumb From Lighter Burn

Yemen: children insist on execution of the mother

In the Yemeni capital Sanaa killed in the past week a woman in front of their children. Her family had given consent to the execution in a prison, as reported by the Yemeni Zeitung „Yemen Times“. Die Tötung fand trotz Protesten jemenitischer und internationaler Menschenrechtsorganisationen statt.

Die Frau hatte im Jahr 2002 ihren Ehemann getötet, weil dieser eine der Töchter sexuell mißbraucht hatte: In einem Streitgespräch habe sie ein geladenes Gewehr genommen und abgedrückt. Zwei ihrer sieben Kinder sowie ihr Schwiegervater sahen der Exekution durch ein Erschießungskommando zu, die anderen Kinder warteten im Auto vor dem Gefängnis, so das Blatt, das den ältesten Sohn (25) mit den Worten zitiert: „Sie muss getötet werden, weil sie unseren Ruf ruiniert hat“

Die Menschenrechsorganisation Human Rights Watch hatte sich previously turned in vain with a letter to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. All judicial authorities had the 2003 death sentence confirmed for Aisha Al-H. The woman had described her actions as self-defense, while the family claimed the victim, Mrs Al-H had killed her husband because he tried to marry another woman.

The seven children between 8 and 25 acted as plaintiffs and also on the verdict, because the mother as saying her father had abused his daughter, had stained the reputation of the family network. The family has to pardon to Yemeni law, the perpetrator. The daughter had the testimony of the mother, the father had abused them first bestätigt, dann jedoch zurückgezogen, so das Blatt.

Die jemenitische Menschenrechtsorganisation, HOOD welche die Verteidigung der Frau übernahm, seien sowohl die Ermittlungen als auch der Prozess nicht neutral geführt worden. Die Gruppe nannte weitere Fälle, in denen Kinder die Tötung der eigenen Mutter verlangten, Frauen würden im Jemen im Gegensatz zu männlichen Tätern kaum begnadigt.


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Yemen escalation between Houthis and government

Immer wieder hört man, dass sich die unterschiedlichen Glaubensrichtungen im Islam gegenseitig jagen, verprügeln, vergewaltigen und ermorden. Nein, wir wollen dies nicht bewerten - wie kämen because we do - we want to publish a report on the subject.

is in the northern Yemeni province has come to renewed tensions between supporters of the Shiite Houthi movement and the government. This report, the Yemeni newspaper "Yemen Observer". The government cast the Houthis, against which the army was always used before, they already touched the drums of war for the next armed conflict.

The end of the bloody clashes between Houthi supporters and government troops in a Qatari-mediated agreement negotiated by both sides in 2007 is unterschrieben.Zudem Since July 2008, announced by President Ali Abdullah Saleh ceasefire which ended the four-year armed conflict. Now throw the each other of breach of contract, also accuses the government of the Houthis, hurt by banditry and sabotage the ceasefire. In addition, the government declared that it had Houthis trenches, fences to build. The representative of Houthis Saleh Al Habra stated its intention to defend in the event of an attack, according to the paper.

reason for the renewed clashes, two violent incidents in the Houthi area. In the past week there a government loyal clan chief and his son had been killed, zudem seien Staßenarbeiter angegriffen worden. Die Regierung macht Anhänger der Houthi-Bewegung dafür verantwortlich.

Quelle: nah-ost. info

Friday, April 24, 2009

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Al Qaeda threatens attacks in Germany again!

Die Tagesschau der ARD macht heute mit folgender Meldung auf:

Das Terrornetzwerk Al Kaida droht nach Informationen der ARD in einem jetzt öffentlich bekannt gewordenen Video erneut mit Anschlägen - teilweise sogar in deutscher Sprache. Das Video ist damit die dritte Drohbotschaft Al Kaidas auf Deutsch seit Jahresbeginn.

In dem Propagandavideo droht ein vermummter Kämpfer auf deutsch mit Anschlägen - die Sicherheitsbehörden the video of the terrorist network Al Qaeda in order.

In the 80 minute over terrorist video that was posted on the Internet and the ARD Berlin Studio there is only a short passage in German. In this scene, several masked fighters are seen. One of them threatened to German. "To the European Union and all its allies who support the Americans, the Mujahedeen are on their way to you and we'll be all so God will destroy And in the first place, of course, Denmark and Holland, our prophet. . revile Allah will receive you and we will be happy to participate, to your destruction. "

The speaker is disguised as Abu Hamza - the German - called. The identity is still unknown. Currently, the video will be evaluated by the security authorities. According to their data fits the video into the propaganda strategy of Al Qaeda to threaten the West and Germany with attacks.

allegations to the U.S.

through much of the videos are different cadres of the terrorist network to speak. has the largest share of Adam Gadahn, an American convert who will stay for several years in the Afghan-Pakistani border area. Adam Gadahn tries in the video, to interpret history in terms of a jihadist worldview. He accused America and its allies, have caused the deaths of many innocent Muslims. Also shown in the video battle scenes and characters of Mujahideen, which have allegedly occurred in several provinces in Afghanistan.

Third German-language video since the beginning

The current video is the third public has become known propaganda video by Al Qaeda, is also threatened in the German language with attacks. Year to date only two German-language threatening messages of the terror network have been published on the web. In these first two videos in each case was a German-Moroccan act as spokesman, according to the findings of investigators, it should be a case to Bekkay cent of Bonn.

Source: ARD Tagesschau

Calories Lost In Diarrhea

raped 13-year-old Christian! Perpetrators are innocent!

In Pakistan says three men not guilty of raping a 13-year-old Christian. Before a hearing before the District Court of Nankana Sahib, the police of Sangla Hill, the 40-year-old Mohammed Shahbaz , the 30-year-old Waqas Sadiq and the 25-year-old Yousaf Sadiq of charges of rape of Ambreen Masih washed away. Shahbaz was the only suspect, who appeared at the hearing. Originally, only to be negotiating his bail bail. But the judge stated that he could not set bail conditions if the police wanted to arrest Shahbaz. An official medical examination finds the rape of a Christian. However, the police took the case only after the insistence of the Christian Legal Consultative Organization CLAAS. After the officials said, however, the alleged perpetrator is innocent, lawyers accused Masih in front of the wealthy family of the suspect to have bribed the police. In Sangla Hill is situated about 60 Christian families. CLAAS employee Katherine Sapna said "In this place are not Christians, Muslims, they can work for themselves, sometimes even without them pay for their work" .

Ambreen Masih, who worked as domestic help, and her father, a laborer with eight children accuse the men, the girl takes to have repeatedly raped and released after two hours while threatening to kill her if the authorities about the would inform incident. According to reports, all three men and the 25-year-old Zahid have Riyasat, a relative, Ambreen on 5 February kidnapped. Her father Munir Masih and other Christians went on a search for the 13-year-olds and found them in the home of Sadiq, where she was raped, according to the girl. When the search party approached, the men had fled.

Quelle: Compass Direct

Hier der Original-Artikel:

ISTANBUL, April 10 (Compass Direct News) – Police have declared three Pakistani men innocent of raping a 13-year-old Christian girl despite eyewitness accounts and medical evidence indicating their guilt. At a hearing in Nankana Sahib district court on April 3, police from the Pakistani town of Sangla Hill, 64 miles from Lahore, cleared 40-year-old Mohammed Shahbaz, 30-year-old Waqas Sadiq and 25-year-old Yousaf Sadiq of accusations of raping and threatening Ambreen Masih. Shahbaz was the only suspect to attend the hearing, which was initially called to discuss terms of his pre-arrest bail. But Judge Ijaz Hussan Awan said he could not set terms for bail if police did not want to arrest or detain him. "In Pakistan it has always been like this - the wealthy person can approach the police and change the course of an investigation," said Akbar Durrani prosecuting attorney. "Investigation Regarding Christians, they can not put any pressure on the police for a fair."

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Pakistan: Christians are once again attacked

Taliban gunmen have attacked Christians in the south of the country. According to the agency Asianews they burned six homes and injured six people, including a child. In the affected village Taiser Town in Karachi, the financial capital of Pakistan, home to some 700 Christian families. Militant Taliban call for the introduction of Sharia law across Pakistan. Only ten days ago was President Asif Ali Zardari met a demand by the Islamists and had the introduction of Sharia in the northern Swat valley approved. The once popular as a tourist destination, the valley is one of the most troubled parts of the country. Islamabad hopes the concession a calming of the situation in the border region with Afghanistan, a retreat of the Taliban.

Source: Radio Vatican Asianews and and Islam

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generous and great: Eritrea dismisses 70 Christians from prison!

Photo right: President Isaias Afwerki was not 2002 all members erlaubter Kirchen zu Staatsfeinden erklärt.

Quelle zum Foto: Wikipedia/

Nein meine Damen und Herren, die Überaschrift ist nicht lobend - sie ist sarkastisch. Und wütend. Wütend über die Verbrechen von Regierungen mit islamischem Übergewicht.

Hier ist der Beitrag:

Wie das Hilfswerk Open Doors (Kelkheim bei Frankfurt) berichtet, handelt es sich um Mitglieder staatlich nicht anerkannter evangelischer Kirchen. Die am 17. April Freigelassenen, darunter elf Frauen, saßen seit einem halben Jahr im Militärgefängnis Mitire ein. Den in Asmara, Dekemhare, Keren, Massawa und Mendefera Festgenommenen wurde zur Last gelegt, ihren 18-monatigen Wehrdienst nicht beendet zu haben. Laut Angaben von Kirchenleitern aus Eritrea sind noch mehr als 2.800 Christen aufgrund ihres Glaubens landesweit in Polizeistationen, Militärlagern oder Schiffscontainern unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen eingesperrt. Viele sitzen seit Monaten oder Jahren ohne offizielle Anklage oder Gerichtsverfahren ein. Auf dem Weltverfolgungsindex des Hilfswerks Open Doors, das sich für verfolgte Christen einsetzt, belegt Eritrea Platz 9 der Liste der Länder, in denen Christen am stärksten wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden. Staatspräsident Isaias Afwerki hatte im Jahr 2002 alle Angehörige nicht erlaubter Kirchen - darunter 35 evangelikale – zu Staatsfeinden erklärt. Staatlich recognized only the Lutheran, Catholic and the Orthodox Church and Islam. Of the over four million inhabitants of Eritrea, 52 percent Christians and 47 percent Muslim.

With so much generosity can only be sarcastic! Or throw up strong!

Source: IDEA

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Pakistan: Two Christians released from prison!

are two Christians in Pakistan has been released after two and a half years in prison. The Supreme Court in Lahore acquitted the 67-year-old Buta Masih and the 72-year-old James Masih on charges of having burned Koran pages.

told The International Society für Menschenrechte (Frankfurt am Main) am 22. April in Frankfurt am Main mit. Ein islamischer Nachbar der beiden Christen hatte sie fälschlich beschuldigt, nachdem er sich bei James Masih vergeblich um den Kauf einer Immobilie bemüht hatte. Aufgrund der Anzeige waren die Christen im November 2006 zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Die IGFM und idea hatten sie im Dezember 2006 als „Gefangene des Monats 2006“ benannt und zur Unterstützung für sie aufgerufen. Nach Angaben der IGFM kam die Verurteilung auf Druck islamischer Fanatiker zustande. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation kritisierte, dass sich die Berufungsverhandlung jahrelang hingezogen hat. Die IGFM fordert die Freilassung weiterer Christen, die unschuldig in Pakistan inhaftiert seien. Dazu gehöre der Menschenrechtsdirektor der Organisation „Peace Worldwide“ (Frieden Weltweit), Hector Aleem (Islamabad), der seit Januar in Haft ist. Die IGFM erinnerte Staatspräsident Asif Ali Zardani und seinen Minderheitenminister Shabaz Bhatti an die im Januar versprochene Abschaffung des Blasphemiegesetzes, das die Todesstrafe für die Beleidigung des Propheten Mohammed vorsieht. Von den 156 Millionen Einwohnern Pakistans sind 95 Prozent Muslime, 3 Prozent Christen und 1,8 Prozent Hindus.

Quelle: IDEA

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Labour Court Cologne: Wer pilgert, darf blau machen!

Wer unerlaubterweise nicht im Job erscheint, riskiert normalerweise die fristlose Kündigung. Nicht so, wenn Gott im Spiel ist und Arbeitnehmer auf einen wichtige Pilgerreise gehen.

In solchen Fällen muss der Arbeitgeber ihnen im Rahmen einer Interessensabwägung unter Umständen freigeben. Eine sofortige Entlassung ist dann unzulässig. Das ergibt sich aus einem Urteil des Arbeitsgerichts Köln (Az.: 17 Ca 51/08), auf das die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeitsrecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins in Berlin hinweist.

In dem Fall hatte eine beim Schulamt beschäftigte Mohammedanerin außerhalb der Schulferien Urlaub beantragt, um an einer Pilgerreise nach Mekka teilzunehmen. Das Schulamt lehnte ab. Als sie daraufhin trotzdem an der Pilgerreise teilnahm und dabei unerlaubt was absent from work, it announced the city.

contrast, the woman complained, citing that a "great pilgrimage", which is one of the five commandments for Muslims, would only fall in 13 years in the period of school holidays. Then they would already 64 years old. In addition, her mother could no longer be expected to look after the disabled child of the applicant. was

The court she was right. Although a holiday arbitrarily lined up a reason for dismissal. In view of the case required the balancing of interests that dismissal was not justified. The applicant is to recognize that they are in a faith- and have found moral conflict. It is therefore obvious reasons nothing left but to connect the pilgrimage, despite the lack of approval.

More information on the Internet:

source to review : BBV-Net

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Al-Qaeda man says terrorists safe in Bosnia 21 April 2009

A Bosnian Muslim national under an alias Nihad C. gave an interview to a Vienna-based weekly, The News, where he said that al-Qaeda terrorists are living safe in Bosnia’s capital Sarajevo but that he is in contact with the Western spy agencies and supplies them with intelligence.

“I myself have trained over 300 people. You know the Americans. The people are in Spain in Morocco, in Algeria. The do nothing alone. But if the command comes, then let’s start,” said Nihad.

Nihad C. also said that al-Qaeda has an ongoing operation in Vienna’s Sahaba Mosque and that “once again” authorities have failed to stop the plan, he said.

According to Serbia’s intelligence, the leader of the Sahaba Mosque in Vienna is Effendia Nedzad Balkan known as Abu Muhammed. Abu Muhammed is a Serbia-born Muslim from the region of Raska, known to Muslims as Sandzak, and he acts as the main financier of the Sandzak Wahabis who congregate in the Sahaba Mosque.

Abu Muhammed was involved in a 2006 beating of a Bosnian Serb in the city of Brcko in Bosnia. Sahaba Mosque was also a focus during the terror investigation of Bosnian Muslims who attacked the US Embassy in Vienna.

Nihad told the Austrian media that Austrians have so far been “lucky” because al-Qaeda bombers have (...)

Quelle/Source: europenews und auch bei/and also: serbianna

Cord Coverpowered By Wordpress

Hier geht es bald um Islam Aufklärung!

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

You may wonder why the matter now has to be a blog about Islam.

Believe me: There must blog about Islam, specifically against Islam, in which we critically examine this threat to our culture and our society.

We want this blog to any reader / every reader to make clear why a mosque around the corner is not a cute or magnificent building, but the inside is already in the destruction of our society, our culture and bring it to the destruction of our children and grandson is in progress. Every mosque and every Muslim Cultural Association (which Widerspruch in sich) sind die Sargnägel in unserer Gesellschaft und das Schaffot für unsere demokratische Grundordnung.

Ihre Redaktion

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

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a bad omen in Istanbul ...

Omen ... " Observed appearance, produced by connection of thought or luck generating sayılabilirdi sinister. Pre-old cultures, the people who think the indications are expressed wishes of the gods, the gods to place communication on a regular basis, subject to rules was developing the teachings of the front sign. Preliminary signs targeted observed, recorded, and the logic basis for sınıflandırılıyordu was generated, ie, targeted questioning of the gods. "

*" Omen is based on the belief that the former Eastern civilizations as Babylon, and focuses on links between the two events. These links do not necessarily appear in the framework of kausalite-causality. Removing the belief that some phrases are signs all over the world can be found in the future. Omen individuals or relatively tevafuken zuhur eder ya da bilinçli bir arayış neticesinde kendini gösterir. Her şey bir omen olabilir; doğada görülen fenomenler (hava durumu, kuyruklu yıldızlar, hayvanların davranışları), belli insanlar ile rastlaşmalar veya zar oyununda çıkan sayılar gibi." *

Ominös (Alman.): meşum, uğursuz.

'Çiçeği burnunda' yeni NATO Genel Sekreteri Rasmussen BM teşkilatının İstanbul'da düzenlediği 'Medeniyetler ittifakı' başlıklı forum öncesi 'ufak bir kaza' geçirmiş. Ayrıntıları medyaya pek yansıtılmayan kazada Rasmussen'in omuzu çıktığı, acilen (narkoz altında) ameliyata alındığı ve 'heycanla beklenen' konuşmasını ancak bir kolu sargılı ve terleye terleye yapabildiği belirtiliyordu. Bazı haber kaynaklarına göre merdivenlerden yuvarlandığı söylenen Rasmussen, bazılarına göre ise banyoda kaymış.

Almanya'ın önde gelen haber dergilerinden Focus Türkiye kaynaklı internet haber sitelerinde "Allah kaydırdı" diye Rasmussen ile 'dalga geçildiğini' naklediyor...

Doğrusu, "geçmiş olsun" demek içimizden not coming. "Let her live," we say is more intimate and appropriate.

Turkey's "diplomatic success" or the general assembly of the NATO

pile Gul Rasmussen Rasmussen's veto of the 'conditional return to the' Turkey, the conditions at one of the anti-Islamic cartoons published in the territory of Rasmussen's apology for Muslims wills that the world press had found a wide echo.

vetosuyla Turkey 'tense' to the NATO meeting 'first responders' the U.S. president had come to Obama. Rose and Rasmussen ile iki saatlik bir özel görüşmeden sonra olay 'tatlıya bağlanmıştı'.

Türkiye'de ise 'istediğimizi aldık!' havasına girilmişti.

İstenilen şeyler arasında NATO toplantısının hemen ardından İstanbul'da tertiplenecek 'Medeniyetler ittifakı' forumunda, Rasmussen'in müslümanlardan özür dilemesiydi.

Rasmussen beklenen bu 'insanlık görevi'ni yerine getirmedi. Ve böylece daha üç gün evvel 'büyük iş başardık' pozlarıyla arz-ı endam eden Türk devlet ve diplomasi erkanına tam bir fiyasko yaşattı.

Focus magazine reported, the Erdogan Rasmussen's speech in the audience, "homurdayarak track" what noted. Big head who thinks politics can do

Merchant poor 'tragic-comic cases insanları'nın homeland ... Rasmussen

boldness 'natural' Not coming to Istanbul

an interview with the newspaper Politiken "excuses for the freedom of expression in Denmark!" Rasmussen, who said, 'civilized' Europeans 'freedom of expression' concept altında ve 'kültürler arası diyalog'dan ne anladıklarını bir daha izhar etmiş oldu. 'Ahlaki sınır tanımaz' Avrupa için bu yaklaşım elbette 'doğal' sayılmalı. Ve hemen ardından 'müslümanlar bizi niye sevmiyorlar?!' şeklinde 'sitem' etmeleri de bu hasta kafanın yansıması olarak okunmalı. Rasmussen'in şahsında Avrupa'nın yüzsüzlüğü bir daha tescil edilmiş oldu.

Aynı şekilde mevzu PKK'nın yayın organlarından RojTV'ye gelince "Eğer PKK ile doğrudan ilişkisi olduğu ortaya çıkarsa yasaklarız" diye kıvıran yine 'West ahlaksızlığının proto-types' Rasmussen.

Watch out, most recently in Germany RojTV banned on the grounds of being a PKK organization. And the PKK, both the U.S. and the EU has a List of terrorist organizations. This aspect of NATO's 'come görmemezlik'ten' other expression must be a natural tutarsızlık'ın.

Rasmussen for NATO 'best' does not exist!

, including Turkey, the NATO countries should be congratulated, "the armed branch of the postmodern sömürgeciliği'nin the most decent person in this organization 'head' for that. Indeed the more 'symbol yüklü' bir kişi bulunamazdı.

NATO'nun feci durumu ve kötü gidişatı malum. Somali'den Afganistan'a kadar geniş bir coğrafyada Batıcı hayat tarzını silah zoruyla ayakta tutmak için çabalıyor. 'Ayakta tutmak' diyoruz, çünkü taarruz gücü kalmamıştır. Batıcı hayat tarzı için artık yayılma olamaz. Bu çöküşün askeri alandaki resmi NATO'dur.

Obama'nın ABD başkanlığına seçilmesinde olduğu gibi, Rasmussen'in NATO genel sekreterliğine seçilmesi de 'yeni dönem' adı altında 'her şey daha iyi olacak' avuntusundan ibarettir. Batı'nın tek emeli bu şekilde 'el çabukluğu ile' hukuksuzluğunu, barbarlığını, katliamlarını ve çöküşünü ört bas etmektir. İlk bakışta bile 'çok ucuz oyunlar' bunlar. Ama Batı'nın 'başka oyunu' kalmadı.

NATO'nun 'yeni Afganistan stratejisi' bu çıkmaza dair en aktüel misal. Bir önceki (başarısız) stratejiden tek farkı daha çok asker sevk edilmesinden ibaret bir 'strateji'. Afganistan'a yönelik bu 'yeni strateji'ye dahil olmak üzere 'sivil kalkınmayı hızlandırma' vaadi ise büs bütün komedi. Western-led regime of capitalist finance and the economy 'in for a penny in for a penny' views, while the supply to which the money? Is the Dollar and the Euro pressing unrequited? According to the German press, thrown a masthead

'Bush's lover, fear of the Turks' the Rasmussen - 'Look at his master çırağını know' account - all these troubles, such as people standing in the körükleyecek. All those who care about your own health ominous tipden

recommend to stay away.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hp Wireless Elite Rusb Receiver Replacement

General Assembly 2nd

Die 3. ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung findet am 4. April 2009 statt.