Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Should You Take Lorazepam

Seite 14

I have been mistreated with these drugs get to the neck, I say this once so casually.

me at this whole story of course not the case, my Mother forgot that unfortunately is not present and, if it had been loaded, this strain can withstand such a hearing could not be at all. My mother is in the period from August 1963 to 5th April 1966 from this oh-so-social and the right of the child, the stray child, and god knows what all entering society, have been locked in a room where she had to undergo multiple electroshock treatments - also against their will. Even if this woman will not quite believe that this happened, it can be shown to still show the burned temples, the attributable to improper treatment by electric shock are.

I would then say something about the processes. The judgments against me have been announced in my absence. I could not win the processes. I could not win the processes because a Heinz Kuhn, who has broken up a few years after my escape, also of the sect, was formerly assigned by Schaefer - he shall so report in Germany WDR in the camera - my processes to manipulate. "Manipulation" in this context: The Interpreter, which should translate my statements from German into English, it should bend to my detriment, so that I based on a false reporting and false translation nie in die Lage versetzt worden wäre, selbst wenn ich hundertmal die Wahrheit gesagt hätte, irgendeinen Prozeß zu gewinnen. Außerdem hat dieser Mann ausgesagt, daß er von Schäfer beauftragt worden sei, rechtzeitig an Unterlagen und Gerichtsakten heranzukommen, damit die Gegenseite vor den anderen Akteneinsicht nehmen konnte, um sich rechtzeitig mit ihren sehr guten Anwälten - so muß ich sagen; ich hatte ja nur einen Pflichtverteidiger auf den Prozeß vorzubereiten.


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