Seite 10
Abg. Mrs. Olms (Greens) : I want to point further.
Mr. Walton had already asked the question whether the Foreign Office a statement or a recommendation for the two Exbotschafter admit not to testify. I think we should have a representative of the Foreign Office here shortly to hear.
bird Chairman: Mrs Olms, most of those we have asked, is present. With all the other issues that arise otherwise, we should concern ourselves if we to the next Meeting together, and we should not do here and now this.
I suggest the following procedure and would be very grateful if you would agree. We should first of those we have asked to stand to us, given the opportunity, 10 to 15 minutes - but please no more! - Tell us what can you tell us from his own knowledge to the question we have told them. We do not care what you have heard somewhere, but what they themselves have seen what you have seen yourself and what you yourself have heard, which we are interested first and foremost. I would be very grateful if you could tell us then in each case to as you have won the insights you share with us here.
My suggestion to the members of the Committee asks that we first hear the ladies and gentlemen, one after another and that we need not be exactly what time we have available to more questions. I would imagine that we, if they stick to the 10 to 15 minutes and we still have a lot of time to 14 clock is available. I must however point out that I am here on time by 14 clock must leave, because then I attended a meeting of the 2nd Investigation Committee as Vice Chairman must participate. In addition, other members of the Subcommittee notified in advance that they can stand up to 14 clock also available.
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