Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Curio Coffee Table Plans

Seite 1

bird Chairman: I am opening today's public meeting of the Sub Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag. We have today a hearing and to have loaded a number of Anhörpersonen. I must say that we are not an investigative committee and that the ladies and gentlemen, we have asked, we want to have today, not in the capacity of witnesses or experts are here. They are, it is technically expressed, respondents who have voluntarily made available to answer our questions we have regarding the Colonia Dignidad in Chile, specifically on the topic of "being in a German national involuntarily and contravene human rights conditions of Colonia Dignidad in Chile? "

There is a wide public discussion on the Colonia Dignidad. We are not possible from his own knowledge to determine what is there. We hope this public bring hearing some light on this matter to.

are many listeners and viewers are present. I know from preliminary discussions that there is such a large number of ladies and gentlemen, in the questions on which we wish to negotiate with each other today, are personally committed. I must nevertheless ask that you make the end of this hearing so possible that we get through in the prescribed time, which is available to us, that is up to 14 clock. I must therefore ask you most sincerely, from applause or to refrain from Mißfallenskundgebungen and the like. I know that this is sometimes difficult when you own engaged emotionally. But I must also entreat that this is made possible and that you stick to it. I will further say to the moment.


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