Sunday, January 21, 2007

Obraz Rembrandta Danae

Seite 22

- Ich bitte, mich nicht zu unterbrechen, wenn ich versuche, die Verhandlung hier so zu leiten, daß wir wirklich auch mit der Zeit hinkommen. Ich habe volles Verständnis dafür, daß Sie umfangreich berichten wollen. Aber wir können unmöglich hier eine vollständige Beweisaufnahme durchführen. Würden Sie bitte versuchen, Herr Baar, das, was Sie noch vorzutragen haben, möglichst konzentriert vorzutragen.

Baar : Ich versuche es.

Ich erlebte mit, wie meine eigene Tochter, die zu der damaligen Zeit 28 Jahre alt war , als ich gerade durch ging, zu Herrn Schäfer gerufen wurde, und fell without a word, Mr. Schaefer began to embark in the crudest form with fists at them. He hit her in the face, and it did not care where he hintraf. She fell to the ground. He trampled on. When she came up again, he struck, until she fell into another corner. Then after he shouted out, you bastard! I stood there as a father and saw it all. I was asked: Why did not you come to the rescue? Or: What did you tell him or what he told you? He considers it not necessary to give then the father or the mother even a single word of explanation.

I experienced especially with the terrible case of Peter Rahl, I here at all costs but would like to describe, because it is one of the most gruesome cases. Dr. Hopp has seen this case up to the individual. He has, before the boy was called, even made a little introduction, namely that it is a sick man Peter trafficking. Then he was taken to the hospital, and when he got asked some questions, it went under the motto: You're lying! He had made any statement, and the whole drama of the fight began in the most terrible way, as I had never witnessed before. Beat on it all. Up to a few gentlemen of the seniors who - remained seated, stood the whole group around him. Who got it straight in between, to hit him, whether in the face if the cross again, wherever


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