Sunday, August 15, 2010

Soccer Player That Wears A Headband

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Federal İstatistik Dairesi'nin Çarşamba günü (. 11.08) yaptığı açıklamalardan After a day Techniker Krankenkasse (health insurance) by expanding in Germany, came to explanations of psychological illnesses.

health care expenditures every two years since 2002 the Federal Statistical Office for issuing the economic bill, depression, and Demensk (dementia, mental decline) for the treatment of diseases seen in the year 2002 increased by 32% in 2008 reported that relatively. This ratio is the amount of 14.6 billion euro financial. All medical expenses for the years 2002-2008 increased by 16% and total health expenditures in this time period reached 254.3 billion euros have been identified. Treatment of psychological disorders including depression and Demensk

to total 28.7 billion euros spent in 2008. Thus, each taking third place in the ranking of such diseases, the patient expenses. Expenditure for the year 2008 most of the 37 billion euros of goods between the diseases of the heart and circulatory diseases, digestive system, diseases of the first and digestive-second place with 34.8 billion euros. 113% rate of antidepressant use

increase! According to research conducted by

Techniker Krankenkasse antidepressant consumption in the last 10 years has doubled the volume increased by 113%.

Thus, on average, every German a year for a week being treated by medication against depression. Women with an average of 6 days while those in men with an average 10.5 days is significantly higher than remarkable. Not observe significant differences between provinces

açıklanamamakla enough, but the incident is linked to signs of business life available. Antidepressant use among employees with an average of 9 days

had the highest Bavarian state. At least the level of unemployment and the welfare state is known as the highest unemployment rate and economic sıktıntıların Baverya'ya is high despite the state of Saxony-Anhalt with the average of 6 days geçinilmekte antidepressant. Another interesting related to Bavarian

antidepressant use in the days of the employees are not left out establishments. Thus Baveryalılar "standing out there with antidepressants," the German example of business ethics (!) are formed.

News: Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten


Depressionen 14.6 Milliarden kosten und Demenz
Immer mehr Deutsche

schlucken Antidepressiva

depressed the euro in Germany, mental depression

-Turks, Germans do not back the case of depression

Euro-Turks "Western standards" to the fully integrated condition. Germany on the subject of the North Sound

newspaper story:

"Turks in Europe, especially in recent times Due to the increasing problems of psychological ailments çoğaldığına Psychotherapist Dr. pointing. Berry Cetin, Turkish depressed the euro, he said. Under normal conditions, the three-month period, patients 40-50 record bakabildiklerini Cetin, "more than 780 a month, we think that the condition application can better understand how an increase," he said.

immigrants living in Germany of depression, anxiety, panic attacks and obsessive disorders became more common in striking Dr. Berry Cetin, social life, work and education problems triggering these diseases, he said. Cetin, insomnia, feeling low in mood, contact your family doctor must be living in discomfort discomfort said that they should be treated growth. "

major depression, social reasons such as stated in the news" of social life, business and educational issues "is. Only half of those statements Let's add the left and right may be misleading.

"Social life "itself from the need to understand the life tarzı'dır Westernist. However, side by side" business and educational problems "was also imposed at first glance, such as unemployment and lack of education, not just because dışyüz; people into space pushes the spiritual axis of the production-consumption - the human person who lacks principles hakkiki - Westernist business and education model. to realize that HAYATİ'dir literally. diseases, correct diagnosis, is the first step towards healing.

news of this kind of "normality", it is understood no longer being Westernist breaking point came on communities living tarzı'na indexed.

Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten (August 24, 2010)


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