Sunday, July 18, 2010

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heycan Turkey is Tabiyat phenomena: First, hundreds of thousands of frightened people, frogs, butterflies now attack has become a riddle.

Suddenly everywhere. For days the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul, showing a sudden increase in gray-brown butterflies leave hayrettin people. "Some of butterflies in the near future that will be the ambassadors of an earthquake He thinks "the Vatan newspaper news of the country's best butterfly experts consulted immediately. The experts assured the Turks: the event every eight-ten years, the increase in population in a developing ibaretmiş. But the frightening proliferation of butterflies, not just because of some concern to the Turks. A short time before the frogs Greek Turkish media heycana led.

Hundreds of thousands of frogs suddenly Kuzey'indeki Greece had gone out on a highway. frogs migration in Greece After the discovery near the town of Langadas evening newspaper "Frogs on the motorway - the earthquake is coming," had taken the Political. Calendar in the newspaper the "Earthquake is coming," called. Turkish-Greek border, or a possible earthquake in the Aegean frogs kaçtıklarına was conducted on the estimates. Frog in a million ways to migrate since they Langadas'da police had to close temporarily. Greek authorities is quite an innocent explanation for this phenomenon was also tabiyat: Based on frogs from the lake close to other areas looking for food.

Peki bu gerekçe doğru mu? Neticede uzun zamandır bazı hayvanların şimdiye kadar bilinmeyen bir şekilde depremleri hissettikleri söylentisi var. Yunanistan'daki kurbağa göçünden birkaç gün sonra birkaç yüz kilometre uzaklıkta olan Türkiye'nin Kuzeybatı'sında küçük çaplı bir deprem meydana geldi.

Yunanistan'daki kurbağa göçü karşısında Türk gazeteleri Büyük Britanya'dan araştırmaları işaretliyorlardı: "Journal of Zoology" adlı bilim dergisinde araştırıcı Rachel Grant'in İtalya'nın L'Aquila determinations had been made in the report. Multiple mating frogs had left in Italy - Five days before the earthquake in April last year. Grant writing in a few days after the earthquake, the frogs, but went back to normality. Around 20,000 people died

1999 earthquake in Turkey also had a similar talent. Wolves and dogs are uneasy before an earthquake behavior had attracted attention. Some of the houses by removing the lives of the owners of the dogs at midnight kurtarmışlar.

uzmanlar Türk ise bu hayvanat alemindeki esrarengiz fenomelerden gibi çok binaların sağlamlaştırılması somut tedbirler alınmasını tavsiye ediyorlar. Araştırmacılara göre iki hafta sonra geçmiş kelebek hücumu olacak.

Kaynak: Turkey - The frogs and the earthquake, Der Tagesspiegel, 04.07.2010.

Tercüme: Algabal


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