gegenüber dem türkischen Privatsender tv8 (Thursday, 24.12.2009) said Prof. Dr. Faruk Şen on recent Islamophobic attacks in Europe. I
When asked what reasons the general Islamophobia in Europe, Faruk Şen pointed to the widespread economic, political and social crisis in a decade now demoralize the Europeans. With a total population of 500 million should the 17 million Muslims in the EU used as scapegoats.
be particularly Şen paradox described the response of Switzerland. Switzerland is harboring a seat of the UN in Geneva with over 8,000 employees among whom were many Muslims. Also, Switzerland is largely dependent banking relationships with foreign countries. Particularly Muslim countries would support considerably with their investments, the economy of Switzerland. Nevertheless, the Swiss felt by Muslims threatened or exploited.
Next Şen said a deep-rooted anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and xenophobic mentality of the Europeans. Even today, anti-Semitism was widespread, but could not comment due to Israeli pressure and the social taboo because of the persecution of Jews during World War II directly. As an object of contention would therefore serve present Islam and Muslims.
Under such a stigma der westeuropäischen Muslime schließt Şen eine Rückwanderung nicht aus und forderte eine entsprechende Politik der Türkei um gegebenfalls eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Rückwanderern wiedereinzugliedern.
Auf eine Frage bezüglich seiner Absetzung als Direktor des Zentrums für Türkeistudien bezeichnete Şen die Empörung um seine Person als Werk des "deutschen Tiefenstaates" (türk.: derin devlet). Der Begriff faßt in der Türkei eine Art "Schattenstaat" bzw. "Staat im Staate" zusammen. Şen mußte im Sommer 2008 seinen Posten als Direktor des Zentrums für Türkeistudien "auf öffentlichen Druck hin" aufgeben nachdem er die Türken als "neue Juden Europas" had known.
Şen currently working in the establishment of a German university in Turkey. Sen pointed to the importance of such a project in the face of much falls compounds Turkey with German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland.
report: German-Turkish news
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