50th Birthday of the President of the Turkish Community in Germany , Kenan Kolat, donated well be more well-known German politician funds for the Society for the Promotion of modern life ( Çağdaş Yasami Destekleme Derneği, CYDD) .
How Turkish newspapers reported , Kolat said during the birthday celebration to raise money for the club based in Turkey. The call Kolats enthusiastic following, gave Franz Muentefering (SPD) for the club.
addition Müntefering other influential German federal and state politicians to celebrate the birthday on the premises of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were invited. Among the guests there were Kolats Thierse (SPD), Heidi Knake-Werner (Left), Andrea Nahles (CDU), Wolfgang Wieland (Alliance 90/The Greens) and the German Ambassador to Turkey Eckart Cuntz. Even German politicians with immigrant background as Dilek Kolat (SPD), Bilkay Öney (Left) and Özcan Mutlu (Alliance 90/The Greens) were present.
The Society for the Promotion of modern life: ataturkistisch Stramm and anti-democratic
For many years made the association zur Förderung des modernen Lebens besonders über Reizthemen wie Laizismus und Modernisierung der türkischen Gesellschaft Schlagzeilen. Dafür sorgte besonders Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan, Gründerin und langjährige Vorsitzende des Vereins, mit ihren zahlreichen polemischen Ausfällen. Der 1989 gegründete Verein gilt als Hort des Ataturkismus. Saylan und ihr Verein unterstüzten im Frühjahr 2007 die sogenannten Republikanischen-Meetings, Massenkundgebungen ataturkistischer Organisationen auf denen wiederholt zum Militärputsch gegen die Regierung unter Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aufgerufen wurde. Zuletzt bezeichnete Saylan die ehemaligen Generäle Hurşit Tolon and Şener Eruygur as "more values \u200b\u200band patriotic people." two ex-generals were in the course of the investigation to the putschist secret organization Ergenekon arrested in July 2008 and are regarded as principal architect of the ultra-ataturkistischen Putschistenkreises. Şener Eruygur was then chairman of the association Ataturkistischen ideas ( Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, ADD). As were in the course of the Ergenekon investigation will also search the house Saylan and the offices of their association (mid-April 2009), it came from or hostile to wild ataturkistischer circles against the investigating authorities and the Government Erdoğan. Especially polemic Festa arrest and interrogation were the hard-cancerous Saylan. Saylan died in May 2009.
How Turkish newspapers reported , Kolat said during the birthday celebration to raise money for the club based in Turkey. The call Kolats enthusiastic following, gave Franz Muentefering (SPD) for the club.
addition Müntefering other influential German federal and state politicians to celebrate the birthday on the premises of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were invited. Among the guests there were Kolats Thierse (SPD), Heidi Knake-Werner (Left), Andrea Nahles (CDU), Wolfgang Wieland (Alliance 90/The Greens) and the German Ambassador to Turkey Eckart Cuntz. Even German politicians with immigrant background as Dilek Kolat (SPD), Bilkay Öney (Left) and Özcan Mutlu (Alliance 90/The Greens) were present.
Kolat praised the commitment of the association for the education of destitute girls and condemned "the repression of the club." Who attacked more for the club in the purse is, in the Turkish press registered do not.
The Society for the Promotion of modern life: ataturkistisch Stramm and anti-democratic
For many years made the association zur Förderung des modernen Lebens besonders über Reizthemen wie Laizismus und Modernisierung der türkischen Gesellschaft Schlagzeilen. Dafür sorgte besonders Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan, Gründerin und langjährige Vorsitzende des Vereins, mit ihren zahlreichen polemischen Ausfällen. Der 1989 gegründete Verein gilt als Hort des Ataturkismus. Saylan und ihr Verein unterstüzten im Frühjahr 2007 die sogenannten Republikanischen-Meetings, Massenkundgebungen ataturkistischer Organisationen auf denen wiederholt zum Militärputsch gegen die Regierung unter Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aufgerufen wurde. Zuletzt bezeichnete Saylan die ehemaligen Generäle Hurşit Tolon and Şener Eruygur as "more values \u200b\u200band patriotic people." two ex-generals were in the course of the investigation to the putschist secret organization Ergenekon arrested in July 2008 and are regarded as principal architect of the ultra-ataturkistischen Putschistenkreises. Şener Eruygur was then chairman of the association Ataturkistischen ideas ( Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, ADD). As were in the course of the Ergenekon investigation will also search the house Saylan and the offices of their association (mid-April 2009), it came from or hostile to wild ataturkistischer circles against the investigating authorities and the Government Erdoğan. Especially polemic Festa arrest and interrogation were the hard-cancerous Saylan. Saylan died in May 2009.
report: German-Turkish news
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