Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Us Driver's Licence Template

Oruç - bir yol Metafizik

the Fast The most obvious symbol of the road and through the metaphysical to show itself as a secret is because, literally beyond the outward manifestations of "esoteric" [inward] kalmasındandır. Creature in the statute and the lack of direct divine love-transantal because of what is coming, as the actual identity of metafizikdir. A hadith kudside Allaah says: "Every son of Adam is for himself amelia, but not so fast. Because he just made a prayer for my consent. I'll give him the reward itself." (Muslim, Siam, 161, 163) Hence care should be distinguished from fasting and starvation. According to Ibn Arabi "oruçta by ear, which consists of hunger: hunger, take a slave, fasting is the spiritual dimension entirely to Allah." (P. 12) caused by the Fast

"eksaltasyon" [ecstasy] in the first place leads to overcome the limitations of individual-individual field. Divine prohibits the sheer size of the human asset relates to the physical and subtle-delicate. Fast direct man "vertical" [vertical] and individual-an individual to rise above provides the size of the occurrence, and thus insanı suret ötesi tezahür boyutuna yöneltir. Bu alan İslam tasavvufunda emir alemi, yani melekuti-ruhi alem olarak bilinir. Melek iştah duymaz ve gida ihtiyacı çekmez: oruç onun için mana ihtiva etmez. Bunun tersine insan oruç ile nefsinin istek ve arzulardan azad olur; bu şekilde kalbi mutmain olur, ki ıstırapsız bir halde ilahi nizama boyun eğer ve Allah'ın emirlerine itaat eder. (s. 13)

Oruç ayı Kuran'ın "indirilişi"dir: " Ramazan ayı, öyle bir aydır ki, o ayda (fi-hi) insanlara doğru yolu gösteren ve açık âyetleri cami distinguishes between the false belief and the Koran with truth has been revealed Azim. "(Quran 2:185) Thus blessed days and nights of Ramadan, the fasting period of Ramadan and the time refers to the principle of unity arzetmesini because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] fi-hi month, according to him, and not accompany him The fasting is intended. (p. 29)

Fasting "rising path" and the back translation of the symbol if the limiting conditions, Quran, a revelation that takes place directly "indiriliş" to express the size is important. "Adem oğlunun her ameli kendisi içindir, ancak oruç böyle değildir. Çünkü o, sırf benim rızam için yapılan bir ibadettir. Onun mükâfatını bizzat ben vereceğim ( wa Anâ ajzî bi-hi )." mealindeki hadis-i kuddsi böylece daha net teknik bir mana kazanıryor. (s. 30)

Not: Yazı Abd Ar-Razzâq Yahyâ'nın (Charles-André Gilis) " Textes sur le jeune" başlıklı kitabında Muhyiddin İbnü'l Arabi Hazretleri'nin Fütuhat-ı Mekkiyye adlı eserin den yaptığı Seçmeler ve nakildir yorumlarından.


Almanca'dan Tercüme: Algabal

Fasting - a metaphysical way

If fasting appears as the symbol and the means par excellence of the metaphysical path so therefore also because it is a mystery, it contains no external manifestation, and is "esoteric" in the literal and full sense of the word. It is metaphysical in character, because it does not occur in the natural order and direct manifestation of the divine transcendence. According to a Hadith Qudsi the Most High has said: "Every action of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will reward him for it.." In this regard it is important to distinguish the fast from starvation carefully. For Ibn Arabi "is the one in which fasting the servants [of God], exclusive of hunger: the transcendence of fasting to Allah and the hunger to the servant." (P.12) The

caused by fasting, "Exaltation" first of all allowed to exceed the limiting conditions that belong to the individual level. The divine prohibitions only affect the physical and subtle states of human existence. Fasting the direct effect, elevate the people in the "vertical" and-individual dimension of his being, and to show him access to a plane of formless manifestation. The area is determined according to the Islamic esotericism as "the world of domination" ( Alam al-Amr ), which is that of the angels and the pure spirits. The angel has no natural appetite and no desire for food: fasting has no meaning for him. Conversely, the man freed by his fast on the wishes and desires of his soul, his heart settles in the way that he submits to pain without the divine order and the command of Allah follows. (P. 13f.)

The month of fasting is that of the "descent" of the Koran: "The month of Ramadan in which (hi-fi ) of the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for people as a clear evidence of guidance." (Corr. 2, 185) In this regard, expresses the divine name of Ramadan, the basic unit in the chronological order of the day and night, fasting and waking, because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] indicate that the word fi-hi is not the month itself, but to the fast that accompanies him, relates. (P.29)

If the fast the "rising path" and symbolizes the rejection of all limiting conditions, it is evident that the unmitttelbar Quranic revelation of the "descending" aspect of the realization expressed. The hadith in which the Most High says: ". Every act of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will pay for it ( wa Ana ajzî bi-hi )" thus takes on a more precise technical meaning at. (P.30)


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Does Mi Paste Do

Müntefering donates Putschisten-Sympathiesanten

50th Birthday of the President of the Turkish Community in Germany , Kenan Kolat, donated well be more well-known German politician funds for the Society for the Promotion of modern life ( Çağdaş Yasami Destekleme Derneği, CYDD) .

How Turkish newspapers reported , Kolat said during the birthday celebration to raise money for the club based in Turkey. The call Kolats enthusiastic following, gave Franz Muentefering (SPD) for the club.

addition Müntefering other influential German federal and state politicians to celebrate the birthday on the premises of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were invited. Among the guests there were Kolats Thierse (SPD), Heidi Knake-Werner (Left), Andrea Nahles (CDU), Wolfgang Wieland (Alliance 90/The Greens) and the German Ambassador to Turkey Eckart Cuntz. Even German politicians with immigrant background as Dilek Kolat (SPD), Bilkay Öney (Left) and Özcan Mutlu (Alliance 90/The Greens) were present.

Kolat praised the commitment of the association for the education of destitute girls and condemned "the repression of the club." Who attacked more for the club in the purse is, in the Turkish press registered do not.

The Society for the Promotion of modern life: ataturkistisch Stramm and anti-democratic

For many years made the association zur Förderung des modernen Lebens besonders über Reizthemen wie Laizismus und Modernisierung der türkischen Gesellschaft Schlagzeilen. Dafür sorgte besonders Prof. Dr. Türkan Saylan, Gründerin und langjährige Vorsitzende des Vereins, mit ihren zahlreichen polemischen Ausfällen. Der 1989 gegründete Verein gilt als Hort des Ataturkismus. Saylan und ihr Verein unterstüzten im Frühjahr 2007 die sogenannten Republikanischen-Meetings, Massenkundgebungen ataturkistischer Organisationen auf denen wiederholt zum Militärputsch gegen die Regierung unter Recep Tayyip Erdoğan aufgerufen wurde. Zuletzt bezeichnete Saylan die ehemaligen Generäle Hurşit Tolon and Şener Eruygur as "more values \u200b\u200band patriotic people." two ex-generals were in the course of the investigation to the putschist secret organization Ergenekon arrested in July 2008 and are regarded as principal architect of the ultra-ataturkistischen Putschistenkreises. Şener Eruygur was then chairman of the association Ataturkistischen ideas ( Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği, ADD). As were in the course of the Ergenekon investigation will also search the house Saylan and the offices of their association (mid-April 2009), it came from or hostile to wild ataturkistischer circles against the investigating authorities and the Government Erdoğan. Especially polemic Festa arrest and interrogation were the hard-cancerous Saylan. Saylan died in May 2009.

report: German-Turkish news

Monday, August 3, 2009

Heat And Broken Capillaries

für Schottland: "Endgültige Lösung" der "Kurdischen-Frage"? Rasmussen, the Taliban

The Turkish Interior Minister Beşir Atalay has taken a new approach to solve the "Kurdish question" . Although presented Atalay no details, but his call "to all parties" and the highlight of a "democratic-liberal path" point towards a 'greater speed' to a 'final solution' to the conflict. Atalay in the Turkish press is, rhetorically very exercise caution carried forward, push as "brainstorming" rated. The government is hoping for the widest possible range of public and productive discussion, the unanimous comment of the Turkish newspapers last Sunday (29.07.2009).

'Indirect talks' between Turkey and the PKK in northern Iraq preceded the most recent attempt. Only two months ago, the famous columnist Hasan Cemal the PKK headquarters in the Kandil Mountains (northern Iraq) had visited and engaged is a media scolding on the part of populist colleagues. Hasan Cemal argues that even if in his "Notes from northern Iraq," he asserts only journalist on the road, so that it shows the current development 'in Safe Boot' is sitting. Even before few years would have such a 'journalistic detour' for each PKK Turkish press representative charges of "propaganda for a terrorist organization" is introduced.

reactions: Support for the Liberals and the DTP - anger at nationalist and Kemalist

In his press conference invited Minister Atalay, Cemal addition, a further 11 equal pro-government journalists. Liberal Democrat names like Oral Çalışlar, Cengiz Candar, Fehmi Koru, Ali Bayramoğlu and Mümtaz'er Türköne are among the most influential opinion-makers in Turkey. At the same time, representatives of the newspapers Hürriyet and "Cumhuriyet" unloaded. The

referred journalists and pro-government press does not just play a show 'accidental' role and the reaction of the chairman of the MHP (Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, Nationalist Movement Party), Devlet Bahceli. In a speech described Bahceli referred to journalists as "12 angry men" . Bahceli caused a stir but especially with the proposition that the MHP "could go for 50 years in the mountains" . This played on the nationalist armed struggle of his party, if the government dealt with the PKK to the negotiating table should be.

The government push for the "Kurdish question" is supported by the MHP and the CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, People's Republican Party) rejected vehemently. Both parties brace themselves against any revision of the nation-state structure, as it was set in modern Turkey by Kemal Ataturk.

Especially noteworthy of the cross-party call Atalay. Thus for the first time and the political wing of the PKK, the DTP is (Demokratik Toplum Partisi, the Democratic Society Party), loaded to the negotiating table. The DTP said the offer of the Government first 'cautiously optimistic'. During an official meeting with the Association of Industrialists of Turkey (TÜSİAD) said the DTP Chairman Ahmet Türk.. "The declaration of Mr. Atalay is extremely important principle we are ready to take the coming our responsibility in this matter to us and to provide any assistance, we believe that the recent pronouncements of the Kurdish people will give much hope. " Ahmet Turk also pointed to the "careful and sensitive use of language towards the interior minister and said" see reason "on.

The DTP characterizes the government push as "good intent" but the "no concrete projects" having. A particular point of debate is the claim of DTP for a participation of the imprisoned former PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan in the solution process. Surprisingly, it came just on the part of Ocalan's criticism of the DTP.

Abdullah Ocalan References and Notes

Ocalan, the 15th announced August a suitable full role in the solution process, let announce to his lawyers following .. "I can take from here, no decisions about the guerrilla Nevertheless pushes everyone to solve the problem off on me I have no power over these factors . Also, I am not informed about many things, not getting any messages. Such social processes to develop not a single person. Rather, the development depends on many factors. This must be grasped well. "

The 'cryptic words' Ocalan's point again, to the swelling of conflict within the PKK / DTP. The former PKK leader complained in recent years repeatedly on the strategy of the PKK. Criticized Ocalan especially the 'opaque' integration of northern Iraq in position lying PKK with the U.S. occupation regime in Iraq. While the PKK / DTP officials for "democratization of Washington's grace 'set, rejects Ocalan from any imperialist intervention in the Middle East and enjoins an independent solution by the regional powers (Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria with the participation of the Kurds).

In this sense, would be the "factors" of which Ocalan says the U.S. and the EU. The hegemony of the West aims at long-term control of the security and energy policy in the Middle East area. In parallel, the security of Israel is a major concern of the Western community of nations. The

by the recent advance of the Turkish government 'factors' are involved, which is currently neither Turkey nor can withdraw the Kurds is evident. Just two weeks after signing the contract to build the Nabucco gas pipeline between Turkey and the EU, efforts are made to the safety of the costly project. For the EU, with the gas pipeline as a major strategic role.

The East Anatolia is therefore a war zone (Turkey vs PKK) is no longer in question. Also, as part of the planned Nabucco project, gas supplies from the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq would be 'saved' it.

report: German-Turkish news

More Resources:

The Turkish-Israeli relations and the Kurds
Nabucco, Turkey, the EU and Obama goes geopolitics
The PKK, Turkey, the olive branch

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Difference In Cramps Between Af And Pregnancy


these days occurs Anders Fogh Rasmussen's Service as NATO Secretary-General. And businesslike, the Dane also radiates the same amount of 'optimism' from. Rasmussen is now in search of "moderate Taliban."

"groups can talk to you, to work towards a kind of reconciliation with the Afghan community. We are talking about other groups, which are located at the outer edge of the Taliban." Rasmussen announced over the Danish newspaper Politiken . He also wanted to "take concrete initiatives to strengthen the partnership and cooperation with Muslim countries." This sounds like a "new strategy", it is not.

Similar to the recently "in his sleep late," former Defense McNamara during the last phase of Second Vietnam War (1960-75) to a 'draw' set to at least a stalemate in Korea to get hold of, try the Western war coalition Today in Iraq and Afghanistan "to win at the table 'what they previously could not reach with military terror. Of course, then played the Vietnamese and Afghans and Arabs are playing long for the win.

Buoyed by the initial success of such a negotiating tactic in the Iraq where the Americans were able to harness a lot of money with some Sunni tribes for their policy seeks to NATO in Afghanistan is now the same game.

The Rasmussen "embodies no new beginning," reported the news magazine "Focus" , citing a senior NATO staff. Rasmussen had been "pushed through" the NATO Secretary General. NATO is thus still a 'political' tough guy '. But in any case is the 'Reiss' Rasmussen (see photo above left), 'exactly the right man'.

Rasmussen should but at least a 'good nose for moderate terrorists' are awarded. Lastly, the Kurdish PKK operating from Denmark propaganda for their struggle against the NATO partner Turkey. The PKK has been some Jahren von den USA und der EU als terroristische Organisation eingestuft. Auch in Deutschland ist sie verboten. Erst vor einem Jahr sprach das deutsche Innenministerium ein Verbot gegen den Sender " RojTV" aus. Wo aber der deutsche Innenminister Schäuble einen "Fortbestand der verbotenen PKK" attestiert, sieht Rasmussen nur "Pressefreiheit".

Rasmussen: Ein lupenreiner Machiavellist

Gleich nach seiner Wahl zum NATO-Generalsekretär reiste Rassmussen zum "Dialog der Zivilisationen" nach Istanbul. Zuvor hatte die türkische Regierung triumphierend gemeldet, Rasmussen würde eine offizielle Entschuldigung wegen der Bleidigung des Propheten Muhammed (saw) durch die dänische Presse . Write Then one would have suited to the NATO meeting. These expectations disappointed Rasmussen. Quite possible Rasmussen was to an ominous crash - it remained unclear what caused the accident, first reports spoke of a bath or stair fall - his short term memory down, perhaps, the Turkish NATO delegation at the summit in France and Germany some mistranslated?

any case, came during the Turkish Prime Minister Rasmussen's' dialogue speech "obviously in anger, the Turkish diplomatic corps fell down the same row as Kinladen and press representatives from Turkey and other Muslim countries could only shake their heads amazed.

Rasmussen continues to beat the "free speech" as "basic democracy". Envisioned by Muslims around the world to "free speech" not just serious offenses, could not or would not understand Rasmussen.

particularly for the Turks is the dialogue inability Rasmussen's a slap in the face. Turkey is trying desperately to find a balance between the Occident and Orient. But from their 'strategic partners' in the West again and again 'ripped off'. Therefore, strictly speaking also pro-Western and secular Turks of a serious misjudgment of NATO. The calculated der Neocon-Kreuzritter Rasmussen als NATO-Heerführer eingesetzt wurde, wird nicht nur am Bosporus als Selbstmord der NATO gedeutet.

Nomen est omen

Für viele Muslime ist Rasmussens 'Sturz in Istanbul' (Foto links, Rasmussen nach seinem Sturz) ein schlechtes Omen; sowohl für die Muslime in den Kriegsgebieten als auch für die NATO.

Hinter der Dialog-Fassade erwarten die Muslime einen Generalangriff der NATO. Lange kann der krisengeschüttelte Westen nähmlich seine neo-kolonialen Kriegszüge nicht mehr 'bezahlen'.

Ist schon Rasmussens Rhetorik alles andere als Vertrauenswürdig, so sieht der Orientale erst recht in the physiognomy of the Danes are not good signs.

stumped why we follow in the Muslim world the disaster of NATO. The Titan of the Atlantic would have been shaken so much, can not be the hearing's most renegade of the West Jakarta between Fez and dream.
