the Fast The most obvious symbol of the road and through the metaphysical to show itself as a secret is because, literally beyond the outward manifestations of "esoteric" [inward] kalmasındandır. Creature in the statute and the lack of direct divine love-transantal because of what is coming, as the actual identity of metafizikdir. A hadith kudside Allaah says: "Every son of Adam is for himself amelia, but not so fast. Because he just made a prayer for my consent. I'll give him the reward itself." (Muslim, Siam, 161, 163) Hence care should be distinguished from fasting and starvation. According to Ibn Arabi "oruçta by ear, which consists of hunger: hunger, take a slave, fasting is the spiritual dimension entirely to Allah." (P. 12) caused by the Fast
"eksaltasyon" [ecstasy] in the first place leads to overcome the limitations of individual-individual field. Divine prohibits the sheer size of the human asset relates to the physical and subtle-delicate. Fast direct man "vertical" [vertical] and individual-an individual to rise above provides the size of the occurrence, and thus insanı suret ötesi tezahür boyutuna yöneltir. Bu alan İslam tasavvufunda emir alemi, yani melekuti-ruhi alem olarak bilinir. Melek iştah duymaz ve gida ihtiyacı çekmez: oruç onun için mana ihtiva etmez. Bunun tersine insan oruç ile nefsinin istek ve arzulardan azad olur; bu şekilde kalbi mutmain olur, ki ıstırapsız bir halde ilahi nizama boyun eğer ve Allah'ın emirlerine itaat eder. (s. 13)
Oruç ayı Kuran'ın "indirilişi"dir: " Ramazan ayı, öyle bir aydır ki, o ayda (fi-hi) insanlara doğru yolu gösteren ve açık âyetleri cami distinguishes between the false belief and the Koran with truth has been revealed Azim. "(Quran 2:185) Thus blessed days and nights of Ramadan, the fasting period of Ramadan and the time refers to the principle of unity arzetmesini because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] fi-hi month, according to him, and not accompany him The fasting is intended. (p. 29)
Fasting "rising path" and the back translation of the symbol if the limiting conditions, Quran, a revelation that takes place directly "indiriliş" to express the size is important. "Adem oğlunun her ameli kendisi içindir, ancak oruç böyle değildir. Çünkü o, sırf benim rızam için yapılan bir ibadettir. Onun mükâfatını bizzat ben vereceğim ( wa Anâ ajzî bi-hi )." mealindeki hadis-i kuddsi böylece daha net teknik bir mana kazanıryor. (s. 30)
Not: Yazı Abd Ar-Razzâq Yahyâ'nın (Charles-André Gilis) " Textes sur le jeune" başlıklı kitabında Muhyiddin İbnü'l Arabi Hazretleri'nin Fütuhat-ı Mekkiyye adlı eserin den yaptığı Seçmeler ve nakildir yorumlarından.
Almanca'dan Tercüme: Algabal
Not: Yazı Abd Ar-Razzâq Yahyâ'nın (Charles-André Gilis) " Textes sur le jeune" başlıklı kitabında Muhyiddin İbnü'l Arabi Hazretleri'nin Fütuhat-ı Mekkiyye adlı eserin den yaptığı Seçmeler ve nakildir yorumlarından.
Almanca'dan Tercüme: Algabal
Fasting - a metaphysical way
If fasting appears as the symbol and the means par excellence of the metaphysical path so therefore also because it is a mystery, it contains no external manifestation, and is "esoteric" in the literal and full sense of the word. It is metaphysical in character, because it does not occur in the natural order and direct manifestation of the divine transcendence. According to a Hadith Qudsi the Most High has said: "Every action of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will reward him for it.." In this regard it is important to distinguish the fast from starvation carefully. For Ibn Arabi "is the one in which fasting the servants [of God], exclusive of hunger: the transcendence of fasting to Allah and the hunger to the servant." (P.12) The
caused by fasting, "Exaltation" first of all allowed to exceed the limiting conditions that belong to the individual level. The divine prohibitions only affect the physical and subtle states of human existence. Fasting the direct effect, elevate the people in the "vertical" and-individual dimension of his being, and to show him access to a plane of formless manifestation. The area is determined according to the Islamic esotericism as "the world of domination" ( Alam al-Amr ), which is that of the angels and the pure spirits. The angel has no natural appetite and no desire for food: fasting has no meaning for him. Conversely, the man freed by his fast on the wishes and desires of his soul, his heart settles in the way that he submits to pain without the divine order and the command of Allah follows. (P. 13f.)
The month of fasting is that of the "descent" of the Koran: "The month of Ramadan in which (hi-fi ) of the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for people as a clear evidence of guidance." (Corr. 2, 185) In this regard, expresses the divine name of Ramadan, the basic unit in the chronological order of the day and night, fasting and waking, because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] indicate that the word fi-hi is not the month itself, but to the fast that accompanies him, relates. (P.29)
If the fast the "rising path" and symbolizes the rejection of all limiting conditions, it is evident that the unmitttelbar Quranic revelation of the "descending" aspect of the realization expressed. The hadith in which the Most High says: ". Every act of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will pay for it ( wa Ana ajzî bi-hi )" thus takes on a more precise technical meaning at. (P.30)
caused by fasting, "Exaltation" first of all allowed to exceed the limiting conditions that belong to the individual level. The divine prohibitions only affect the physical and subtle states of human existence. Fasting the direct effect, elevate the people in the "vertical" and-individual dimension of his being, and to show him access to a plane of formless manifestation. The area is determined according to the Islamic esotericism as "the world of domination" ( Alam al-Amr ), which is that of the angels and the pure spirits. The angel has no natural appetite and no desire for food: fasting has no meaning for him. Conversely, the man freed by his fast on the wishes and desires of his soul, his heart settles in the way that he submits to pain without the divine order and the command of Allah follows. (P. 13f.)
The month of fasting is that of the "descent" of the Koran: "The month of Ramadan in which (hi-fi ) of the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for people as a clear evidence of guidance." (Corr. 2, 185) In this regard, expresses the divine name of Ramadan, the basic unit in the chronological order of the day and night, fasting and waking, because the Sheikh [Ibn Arabi] indicate that the word fi-hi is not the month itself, but to the fast that accompanies him, relates. (P.29)
If the fast the "rising path" and symbolizes the rejection of all limiting conditions, it is evident that the unmitttelbar Quranic revelation of the "descending" aspect of the realization expressed. The hadith in which the Most High says: ". Every act of the son of Adam belongs to himself, except fasting, it is mine, and I will pay for it ( wa Ana ajzî bi-hi )" thus takes on a more precise technical meaning at. (P.30)