Das irgendwelche Intelligence services, the "most radical" voice of the liberal-conservative (by the Western media likes to call "Islamic" referred to) feed selectively Erdogan government doubts in Turkey no one. The embarrassing question of a potential mole within the Turkish General Staff dares but so far no one to talk.
The published since November 2007 Istanbul Journal complains but already the same length about his financial troubles, but miraculously Taraf had been in hard media business but not the stress sail. Those who market the media forefront of liberal reformation of Turkey funded, always know after two years No one exactly. Basar Arslan, owner of the newspaper is merely in a tearful interview in which he protests pose to act out of pure idealism, and that he had to get into debt in order to secure the appearance of the leaf. In the same tenor is also chief editor Ahmet Altan complained about the injustice of the economy and the banks, encouraged by the military and the government to, would shrink from advertising jobs to Taraf.
This should not be overlooked that in old Unjustly rehearsed manner staged a "government critic". Just old and his paper may be Namely with the least about the "moderate Islamic" ACP complain. Only the government for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made possible by political and legal reforms, the appearance of publications such as Taraf. And that ACP and "Taraf" in the fight against the ataturkistischen military allies, can not be overlooked. Similarly, both the "reformers" and the support of U.S. and EU are safe. The establishment of such political and intellectual forces in Turkey is not a tactical last train of the West. Within the strategy of "Greater Middle East" should therefore Western influence and power constellation to be expanded or maintained.
Although within the Turkish Media landscape over the funders of Taraf speculate a lot and many names - including the years in the U.S. political asylum pleasure-Fethullah Gulen, whose "moderate Islam" group, for example, the daily newspaper "Zaman", the news magazine Aksiyon " or the Bank Asya are - could have been called, yet no one to inform the general public right. In a press release in June 2008 even asked the then chief of staff Büyükanıt (on the allegations by Taraf, the military would be in a "Program for the (anti-democratic) character of Turkey" work: . I say something (a plan), there is not a look first of all who the newspaper (meaning "Taraf") project, they look out only once, simply just pop who is the banker of this newspaper. .. " These words of the Turkish general illuminated the question either. Finally, the General would not or could call it a name. That the military are now just plug in, but can be interpreted as a sign that "Taraf" has won the psychological war against the alt-ataturkistischen military. In this sense, has an investment (by whomever) really paid off.
Much applause given the Taraf journalists course in the West. Said Ahmet Altan was last fall, which is endowed with 30,000 € "Leipzig Media Prize" . And his editor Yasemin Congar can boast of very deep connections to Washington and London. Altan expects half a million dollars to his hand and hopes to secure support from abroad, especially from Germany. In the diverse and deep connections between the two countries is expected to be not only a pious hope.
radical for the "New World Order"
Taraf spits not only great sounds but "also gets behind it" - might say. But appearances are deceiving here. Taraf skillfully led into a political and social climate that was particularly through the EU accession negotiations of Turkey quite inviting. The marketing strategy was very smart indeed.
The name and subtitle of the paper were "provoktan. Taraf what meanings such as "partiality, side view", etc. may include, but also the name of a revolutionary Islamic magazine in the mid-1990s, appeared. And the public is also reminded of this same indomitable press organ of the traditional and revolutionary Islamic-oriented camp, whose Calls for the overthrow of the regime ataturkistischen only appearance ban and jail terms could be suppressed. Except against the unfashionable concrete Kemalism are the post-modern liberals of "Taraf" and immediately sent up for a revolution, but in the wake of a very different kind of the world.
Ali Osman Zor, a former employee of the Islamic Taraf explained the calculation of post-modern liberal Taraf-founder in November 2007 as follows: ", edited by us magazine Taraf had the followers of the so-called 2nd Republic (2 Cumhuriyetçiler, are meant intellectual circles, die sich während der Regierungszeit Turgut Özals etablierten und markt-liberale Reformen forderten) unter der Überschrift "Die sich im Schlamm des Westens winden" als eine hedonistische, weder an etwas positives noch negatives glaubende Gruppe klassifiziert. Scheinbar handeln diese Leute nun nach einer Logik wonach jede Werbung erfolgreich ist solange sie Aufmerksamkeit erheischt. Zudem verfolgt man auch die Absicht die noch immer anhaltende Wirkung unserer Publikation auszuhebeln. Denn in den 90er Jahren wurden Anstrengungen dieser Gruppe mit dem Ziel der Amerikanisierung-Verwestlichung der Türkei allein von uns pariert."
Den türkischen Unrechts- und Terrorstaat der 1990er gibt es (in der damaligen Ausprägung) and therefore can no longer selling authors such as Ahmet Altan their "progressive ideas" put forward today without fear of being locked away or "disappear" even as tens of thousands of Turkish citizens in the last twenty years. Was in the late 1980s-early 1990s, liked the old nor as apolitical writer. Today, he swings himself to the "martyr of freedom" on.
The caption of the Islamic Taraf was "He who has no position is out of the way" (Turkish for "Taraf olmayan bertaraf olur). "Thinking does have a point of view" (Turkish for Düşünmek taraf olmaktır) says in the subtitle of "radical" Liberalisten von "Taraf". Die einen kämpfen immer noch gegen eine "Neue Weltordnung" die alte Hegemonialstrukturen im neuen Kleid verkauft. Die anderen inszenieren ihre "Rosenrevolution" um einen provinziellen "Tiefenstaat" durch einen globalen abzulösen.