Israel hat durch die provokativ demütigende Behandlung des türkischen Botschafters in Israel eine scharfe Reaktion der Türkei ausgelöst. Der israelische Vize-Aussenminister Danny Ayalon hatte in Jerusalem den türkischen Botschafter Ahmet Oğuz Çelikkol front of the cameras demonstrated normal.
The young world reported (13/01/2010) as follows: Not only is it unusual summons of ambassadors as a TV show to stage, has been Ankara's man in Jerusalem, even a very humiliating treatment given. First, let him wait, then he had to sit on a low sofa space - across from him sat on chairs higher Danny Ayalon Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister and two officials from the Foreign Ministry. On the table, only the Israeli flag. And thus the degradation of the Turkish diplomats is also clear, said Ayalon the meaning of the seating: "The main thing, we see that it runs deep and we are high and that only a flag is there. And you see that we do not smile. "
Now that Turkey, in the absence of an official apology from Israel to recall its ambassador announced Ayalon said although not as full bodied as in his staged press conference, but a direct apology remained far from . It has not even clarified whether the "diplomatic failure" Ayalon with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was voted.
"Valley of the Wolves" as a reflection of reality
Grotesquely, Ayalon just confirmed with his kind of "flag to show" just the latest scenarios of Turkish cult series "Kurtlar Vadisi" (Valley of the Wolves). There isarelische connect diplomats, intelligence agents and business people on a regular basis as a latent megalomaniac and unscrupulous zealots who are for the security of Israel by any means is right. The latest season of the Turkish TV production deals continue to increase with the phenomenon of "state within a state", the notorious Turkish deep state (Turkish derin devlet). After the last few years mafia and terrorist aspects and thus strengthened internal Turkish excesses of the branched complex problem raised, the focus of the producers is setting up more on the secret diplomacy intervention of foreign powers in Turkey. Particularly in connection with the Ergenekon affair has pointed to the role of the so-called Gladio structures for the recent history of Turkey.
Particularly striking is the "good nose" of the producers when it comes to current developments in the politics of the day. Time and again, the Turkish audience by striking synchronicity between the serial scenario and actual political developments surprise in Turkey.
For example, last summer at the finals (2009) of the series, as the series hero Polat Alemdar a plot to assassinate the Turkish (TV) Prime Minister detects and can prevent the last minute. In the film, event, once again a dark braid was made inn and foreign Gladio assassin behind the assassination attempt. At that time, the real Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was due to his criticism of Israel in the "firing line" of Israel and its Western allies. In December 2009, then shook a message about the arrest of members of the army the ever-fragile Turkish Political stage. The arrested army officers had the house of the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc under surveillance. It quickly became the talk of attack plans against leading government officials. For the first time in the history of modern Turkey by civilian judicial authorities searched most secret facilities of the military. And in 2006, the Kurtlar Vadisi producers had with the movie "Valley of the Wolves-Iraq" for an outcry among Israelis and their allies provided in the West. Impulse of outrage were the scenes of Israeli doctors as part of an inhuman organ trafficking mafia in the war zone in Iraq showed. Quick Israeli charged und westliche Medien "Anklage" wegen Antisemitismus. In Deutschland sprachen sich Politiker für einen Verbot des Films aus. Im Jahr 2009 bestätigten jedoch Nachrichten über die Aufdeckung eines Organhandelmafia-Rings in den USA und die Aussagen eines israelischen Arztes das Szenario von "Tal der Wölfe-Irak".
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