Under the Spot "Nazi-help for the Passover," reported the liberal-Islamic newspaper "Vakit" about alleged financial support from Germany for the putschist secret organization Ergenekon. Turkish press reports, German Authorities at the request of the investigating prosecutor in Istanbul released similar documents. These should be taken by the prosecution in the third indictment. "Vakit" came to the copies of transfer orders.
The Turkish Blog "İstihbarat " published indicate the copies of the county and city savings bank Erding-Dorf, the remittances of the DVU Munich at the Azerbaijani-German Friendship Association eV. The transfer orders also include the name of Dr. Gerhard Frey (account holder) and Veli Küçük. Probably, the amounts of the Azerbaijani-German Friendship Association an Veli Küçük weitergeleitet. General a.D. Veli Küçük gilt als "Nummer 1" der Geheimorganisation Ergenekon.
Der Gesamtbetrag der DVU-Überweisungen vom Februar 2004 an Veli Küçük beläuft sich auf 20.100 Euro. Über seine Kontakte nach Deutschland soll Veli Küçük zwischen 2001 und 2007 bis zu 1 Million Euro erhalten haben. Über welche deutschen Personen oder Organisationen Veli Küçük noch finanziell unterstützt wurde, geht aus den Pressemeldungen jedoch nicht hervor. Im Zusammenhang mit den "Deutschland-Kontakten" wird auch der Name Kemal Kerinçsiz genannt. Der Anwalt Kemal Kerinçsiz wurde Anfang 2008 ebenfalls im Zuge der Ermittlungen gegen die Geheimorganisation Ergenekon arrested.
The bulk of this money to have landed at local institutions and associations that support the Ergenekon group. It follows, Turkish Orthodox Church had received 380,000 euros from Germany.
The "German Ergenekon section" had also planned attacks in Germany. Thus, the Kurdish Cultural Centre Cologne was come to the attention of Ergenekonisten. A bomb attack against the Kurdish club should be pushed to the Turkish secret service in the shoes. A similar attack plan was directed against the Armenian Orthodox patriarchate of Istanbul. Such actions envisaged by the secret organization within Turkey conflicts fueling to pave the way for a military coup.
Ergenekon: antiquated Kemalist attempt to escape from the grip of Western
The secret organization Ergenekon emerged from Kemalist circles ultra-nationalists. Ergenekonisten form the hard core of Turkish military and intelligence. The secret organization was not built by accident after the model of the NATO-Gladio secret organization . Many Ergenekon leaders were in the Cold War itself operating within the NATO-secret organization. Structures, tactics and strategies of Ergenekon are based on decades of experience within the NATO-secret organization.
The erzkemalistischen Ergenekonisten feared a revision of the Turkish Verwestlichungspolitik towards a liberal-democratic constitution. As the main owner of this new Verwestlichungspolitik see the Ergenekonisten especially the U.S. and EU. Although the Ergenekonisten are themselves products of the Kemalist Verwestlichungspolitik and intend not about a re-Islamization of Turkey, they put a radical anti-Western rhetoric of the day. In the face of Western intervention in the Middle East, this rhetoric, especially with words and symbols from the anti-imperialist liberation war (1919-1923) against the winner of Turkey and the occupation powers (England and France) of the First World War, fed. Since the Ergenekonisten auf keine zahlenmäßig nennenswerte erzkemalistische Bevölkerungsschicht zurückgreifen konnten, wurde somit dennoch eine breite Öffentlichkeit erreicht. So konnten die Ergenekonisten ihr Netz über das ganze Land spannen. Neben staatlichen Institutionen wurden Parteien und die Presse infiltriert. Akademiker und Halbintellektuelle arbeiteten ebenso für die Ziele der Ergenekonisten wie Mafiosi und Geschäftsleute.
Kaum eine Entwicklung symbolisiert den Übergang der modernen Türkei in eine neue Phase der Verwestlichung bzw. westlichen Hegemonie so deutlich wie der "Ergenekon-Prozess".
Die alten (kemalistischen) Kader sind einfach nicht mehr "tragfähig" für the strategies of the West. The antiquated notions of the Kemalist nationalism and nation state are no longer useful to the West. U.S. and EU want rather a "tapered-modern" Turkey, which is based firmly on the liberal-democratic-capitalist "values" of the West. This time, following the first phase of M. Kemal Ataturk and Verwestlichungspolitik under his successors, is to make Turkey a "model" for other Muslim countries. The play such circles as the Ergenekonisten in this plan no longer applies, especially the ego of these entrenched oligarchs.
The big blow against the Ergenekon network is therefore under the flags of the Democratization, human rights and rule of law out. At the same time almost all, including those that even the machinations of the Ergenekon gang will refuse to make anti-Western sentiments and movements in Turkey silenced.
present at all about the Turkish neo-Westerners clearly the "lever". Finally came the orders "from above". Shortly after the first wave of arrests against the Ergenekonisten was the influential columnist Fehmi Koru standing at attention for the liberal-conservative ruling party Erdoğan and particularly "deep" can boast connections to Washington, explained that the "operation order" during an official state visit, during a discussion of GW Bush and RT Erdoğan at 05 "Approved" November 2007 was in the White House.
are true crush the actual structures largely Ergenekon and the psychological warfare against other anti-Western groups to function effectively, but suspended the "Spirit of Ergenekon" was well above the Turkey. In particular, the role of the army is far from clear.
German-Turkish news