Friday, June 26, 2009

Ikea Malm Bed Fit Standard Mattress?


Küresel kriz yoluna devam ederken ...

Küresel kriz başlayıncaya until the crisis was to be denied. In fact, the crisis grew, grew as well. During this period, the smallest positive development, the crisis was presented as a harbinger of finish. But unlike all the claims before the crisis approached, and then started and lasted deepened. What happens after that? Very difficult to produce an optimistic answer to this question ...

start of the crisis in the United States was taken long ago. However, almost the first birthday to celebrate the global crisis that is aimed to save the day yet beyond the small steps could not be.

market experts, the world of politics and bureaucracy and to maintain the operation of the economy, as well as maintaining stability in care for the show to give an optimistic message. To be cautious, however, requires more and more global process. Prior to the start of the crisis and the crisis in the course of developments in 1929 included large signs suggestive crisis. But it seems that this crisis in 1929, even larger crisis can call. Rescue packages

-liberalism and the states to protect the liberal-conservative, statist economy interventions, in unusual countries increased the volume of emissions. Snowball unemployment on the one hand and on the other hand labor ucuzlamasına led to the loss of labor. Against the deteriorating supply-demand balance of the supply of labor markets, lack of employment, as well as the standard of living fall and chronicity fakirleşmesine also led to the working class.
was seen in the period of Weimar Germany, a process similar to

. The difference between the current crisis with the crisis in that period is the "bottom nokta” deyiminin henüz bilinmiyor oluşuydu. 1923 yılında hiper enflasyon baş gösterdi. Piyasaların çökmesi sonucu kağıt para hurda kağıt haline geldi. Kâğıt paralar, üzerindeki gösterişli rakamlara rağmen soba yakmak için kullanıldı. Bir ekmek, bir el arabası dolu para ile alındı.

Weimar Dönemi Almanyası’nda bu facianın yaşanmasının nedeni, büyük bütçe açığı, kronik işsizlik, toplumdaki tedirginlik ve sistemdeki güvensizlikti. Elbette bu işaretlerin görüldüğü her yerde hiper enflasyon olacağı düşünülemez. However, the cessation of consumption, savings and stokçuluğa orientation knowledge societies deepen the crisis, the increasing fragility of the system can end.

the Weimar period in Germany, 50% of the revenue was obtained by pressing the new currency. This tragic period in Germany, the current world conditions and the current state of the United States shows that a number of similarities. The global crisis, the U.S., Britain and Japan to increase the volume of emissions, including many state convicted. To be sure that Germany will win the losers side of the First World War, completing then, the economy has worked to resolve the severe damage. There was hyper-inflation period of 1921-1923. Globalization 19 Century, brought the world economy led to destruction of the First World War, post-war Germany's hyper-inflation and the U.S. took place behind the scenes of the great economic crisis of the Second World War.

Germany, November 1923, leaving behind the hyper-inflation, currency Reichsmark, 1914 had a value of one billion. Improvement in macro-economic data in Germany at that time because I try to make, 1919, until 1923 did not increase taxes. On the other hand had to pay heavy war compensation. This situation led to the budget deficit out of control. Germany, interest rates kept below the rate of inflation, money constant press tried to reach a solution. There was a simple logic of this process. Interest rates for reduced system was holding in his hand. Government printing costs with the money as profit the difference between the value of emissions was conducted using the system.

Bugün de ABD, İngiltere, Japonya ve daha birçok devlet, sistemi ayakta tutmak için para basıyor ve faizleri düşürüyor. ABD Merkez Bankası sistemin işlerliğini sürdürmek için hazine tahvili satın alıyor. ABD Merkez Bankası’nın hazine tahvili alımına ilk altı ayda 300 milyar USD ödediği biliniyor. Bu rakam yılsonuna kadar iki katına ulaşabilir. İngiltere Merkez Bankası da aynı yolu izliyor. Banka, yılın ilk çeyreğinde devlet tahvillerine 75 milyar Pound yatırdı. Bu rakamlar, ABD’nin devlet harcamalarının %15’ine ve İngiltere’nin devlet harcamalarının Is equivalent to 65%. Looking at these figures, Washington, DC, Weimar 50% rate begins to approach and exceed this figure can be said in London. Right here should be in response to a question

. "If the UK has reached 50% in Germany during the Weimar aştıysa, why not live today, hyper-inflation?"

even a second question, the situation even more complicated. "How in the international markets before the crisis the strength of the British Pound protect? "

the same way," such as Britain, and the budget deficit swells the money for the emission volume by pressing the unusual way how to increase the stability of the U.S. dollar remains? "

nine years ago have the power of the Pound. Dollar a collapse of the gözlemlenmiyor yet. Pound and the dollar with the same fate paylaşmamasının Reichsmark for a reason. There was a different operation in Germany during the Weimar

. The falling value of foreign investors over Reichsmark para kazanmak için spekülatif yatırımlar yapıyordu. Yabancı yatırımcı kâğıt alıyordu ve yeniden satıyordu. Alış ve satış arasında geçen zamanda kâğıdın değeri düşüyordu. Yoğun biçimde yapılan bu spekülasyon Reichsmarkı ve onunla beraber Alman ekonomisini altüst ediyordu. Çünkü özel bankalar büyük krediler açıyordu. Açılan krediler de bu spekülasyonda kullanılıyordu.

Reichsmark hızla değer yitirse de bu hareketlilik sistemi sürdürüyordu. Yatırımcılara verilen krediler gerçekte göründüğünden was becoming more worthless. Privatized Central Bank (Reichsbank) supported this operation. But after a while the German Central Bank has become the market meet the needs of the banknote. However, the powers given to private banks to protect the stability of the system is improved. Non-banks to trade currencies and interest rates began to give money in return. Lived in Germany during the Weimar hyper-inflation, according to these data, not only because of the emergence of Germany would be wrong to think about.

the Nazis came to power in 1933 spending, hyper-inflation in the rest of the period came. The collapsing economy, the heavy war reparations, foreign investors' indifference and lack of financial resources, provoked desperation. Gave birth to despair provoked anger. Quest for full employment and a rematch frenzy, changed the course of world history. The Nazis of Europe's most powerful economy, Germany has made every four years. The secret was hidden in the increase of public investments. -Weimar Germany during the Nazi era

Contrary to the right took a step. Inflation in the marketplace, "money", "goods and services" with the increase in speed occurs. Money during the Nazi period in Germany, used to finance production. Thus, "money" and "goods and services" with the balance continued to increase.

the Weimar period, "money" was published to make the speculators pay. Thus, the market "money", while "goods and services" did not increase.

As for now, the U.S. economy with a new rescue package and process their applications lives. This process can move towards healing the economy with the right measures. As shown in the case of Germany to ensure improvement in the U.S. market, "money" and "goods and services" to provide with the increase of "money" above all "the financing of production" would have to use.

Obama in the program of infrastructure investments to start the process of supply and demand rise together. But the United States, Britain and Japan, "money", speculators and investors, account books and accounting records, "the way" to keep the press and given the market-that is the case currently in the deep-bottom point, and may be longer than previously thought. First of all, producing

economy, does not stimulate production, the economy of countries, the bottom point of the paper markets and carrying out the "worst possible" experience. Besides, those seen in the case of motion, "the Nazi era in Germany as" looking for way out of crisis, "the Weimar period Almanya gibi” ülkelerde benzer spekülatif yatırımlar yaparak hareket edebilirler.

Bir örnek vermek gerekirse; ABD AIG adlı sigorta şirketinin Goldman Sachs adlı finans kuruluşuna olan borcunu ödemesi için 12,9 milyar USD verdi. Bu para üretim için değil, spekülatif yatırımlar için harcandı. Bu sayede hesap defterleri ve muhasebe kayıtları düzeltildi. Bu paranın karşılığı da yok. Emisyon 12,9 milyar USD arttı ve bütçe açığı hanesindeki rakamı yükseltti. ABD’den de dünyanın başka ülkelerinden de bu konuda çok sayıda örnek vermek mümkün. These losses individuals, companies and states-just as in nature-in selection itself less robust, less protected and less strong to balance work with what. Of our age in a strange and hollow-slightly disgusting-aesthetic market with an understanding of and respect for "money" to collect their own market "goods and services" of course, an effort to balance "the law of the wolf" bite-by-part in the walking path "aid package" and "global solidarity" and injection of foreign capital such as "pleasant names and will be attractive.

global crisis may cause a sudden and unexpectedly, hyper-inflation. Strong economies to ease the crisis, "money" and select spending, this "goods and services" with the production of hyper-inflation can live for dengeleyemedikleri. To avoid this protectionist act is entitled to carry out relief operations and speculative for the weaker economies. In such a case, a strong economy away from their own markets while balancing the danger of hyper-inflation, a weaker economy in wake up one morning with hyper-inflation.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

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Ilisu 'balancing' Do you?

Germany, Switzerland and the Ilisu Dam Project çekiliyormuş Avustruya ...

the German government announced that the Ilisu Dam Project, to attract them. Alman yetkililer bu kararın İsviçre ve Avusturya tarafından da benimsendiği ve üç ülkenin ortak ve koordineli bir tavır içinde olduğunu belirtiyorlar.

Başta Almanya olmak üzere, Ilısu projesi için verilen devlet kredi garantisi birtakım koşullara bağlanmış ve bu koşulların yerine egtirilmesi için Türkiye'ye bir 'yol haritası' dayatılmıştı. Kredi koşullarını denetleyen komitenin Türkiye'ye yaptığı son ziyaret sonunda Türkiye'nin 153 paragraftan oluşan 'ön koşullar kataloğu' üzerinde hala ciddi bir çalışmaya girmediği ve Türk yetkililerin they are very reluctant in this regard was the conclusion. Michael Cernea The World Bank experts working in Germany under the chairmanship of the committee report, after the "cut hope for the Ilisu Project," said.

'problems brought about by Kalkınma'nın

Credit Guarantee conditions for the proposed Ilisu project on the agenda of various sizes from the socio-economic, ecological and cultural problems related to the.

Ilisu dam, especially with historic-archaeological significance of Hasankeyf total of 198 residential units, including wholly or partly under water, leave. the German magazine Focus sociologist and specialist in the World Bank forced the evacuation of settlements according to the information transported Ayse Kudat'dan affected 78,000 people. However, the Turkish authorities officially announced that 43,000 people, including change of placement, project officials, but to mention people who 12-15000. The Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper the people of the region affected by the change of placement "up to 65,000," informs the readers. In addition, changes in national and international observers by the settlement

new jobs and livelihood for the people of the region, including areas dominated by the uncertainty in the provision of a full drawn attention to.

to the public in 2002, described the project, the World Bank tarafınca "great and irreparable damage to the natural environment and society will bring on the grounds that were not given financial support. The Turkish government in 2003, the German, Swiss, and Turkish companies in Avustruyalı re-negotiations began in early 2007 with a consortium of Germany, Switzerland and the Austrian export credit agencies, project Andritz involved, construction companies, loan guarantees and Alstom had Züblin. Then, 450 million euros to the project to a consortium of banks reported that a credit would. Only Germany, Switzerland and the Austrian export credit guarantees given to credit acentalarınca cultural, ecological and human rights of some sort of 'pre-tied Conditions.

World Bank and the international 'balancing'

known, especially the World Bank's opposition to the project for reasons that attract attention.

'3. World countries and developing for the States in a very similar 'development, the Ilisu Dam Project in World Bank Projects that support a' confessional fetish 'gives the impression brought into. For example, roof-

Cameroon (West Africa) Oil Pipeline Project, the same criticism for the Ilisu Dam Project, having been brought to this project, the World Bank 'full support' gave. However, as the Ilisu Dam Project, the first stage, 'environmentalists and human rights activists who care more environmentally friendly and human hakklarını' as a result of a recent World Bank project attitude 'green' lighting lit '. After criticism from the project's first international environmental and human rights organizations' round the World Bank masa'larda together, contrary to the sound of the last eventually no 'wearing' and capitalist finance and energy sector and announced that 'the work has cooked'.

Michael Cernea The World Bank officials, such as the Ilisu Dam Project vuruken from place to place, Asia, Africa and dozens of Latinamerika'da why they support similar projects must have been quite a contradictory attitude.

Cernea, credit conditions in relation to the road map of the Turkish authorities (State Hydraulic Works) While complaints and attempts to mislead the Ilisu Project "Ecological and social aspects in the government of the three gorges Dam Project in China is a big disaster, and also worse than the planned project as" defining the experts attended the incident inevitably brings a political perspective. As is known,

- a materialist world view consisting of tekamülcülükten-evrimcilikten - West, countries like China and Iran - even though basically the same with the head - 'against kalkınmaları'na.

supposedly read Ilusu'yu a 'humanist point of view' with - the Ilisu Dam Project, which brought the balance of nature-can bring to local people and share hakklılık have a huge negative! - It 'boils' wonder of the West never really had a 'political art, the intention' You do not have? Focus magazine two-page article on the subject

'political dimension' vulgar 'es passed', but 'political boyuta'la us about the following two sentences, even' tell lots of things': "Dam in the politically explosive harbors a great deal: Turkey dam Tigris with neighboring countries such as Syria and Iraq stop the flow for several months. Thus, the conflict is concentrated into the hands of the Turkish government in the region (Middle East) is a potential for blackmail would be in the past. "

West Southeast Anatolia Project" blackmail potential "to see, a docile ally like Turkey, bringing to mind many güvenmemesini.

Oil, gas water ... 'World Order' to return to the full extent of the wheel after that 'the elixir of life' factors, strategic factors. whether these elements are the most rapid and efficient utilization of these elements as 'safe hands' to remain vital.

'Developing Countries in the current general crisis' according to stumble upon their own heads '- which operated the West looked the model' Model and how far civilization crisis 'does not need to be a soothsayer to predict gelişeceği'ni - everyone's' life ends 'The most obvious evidence of the fallen.

'Old efendiler'in for dear life' balancing 'appear again, just as the contradictions of trying to tutturmaya kaçmamalı eyes.


information about the Ilisu Dam Project (German, English) ve resmi dokümanlar (Türkçe)